Plane Merchant

Chapter 1119 Entering the World of Destiny

Chapter 1119 Entering the World of Destiny

"Understood, then the Mechanic Emperor, what about the other ten?" Li Youran temporarily gave up the plan to send troops after listening to Shen Gunde's suggestion, and asked the Mechanic Emperor instead.

"The other ten are the real good news. The people here are similar to ours. They belong to the magical plane. Although their physical fitness is also high, they don't have much high-end military power, and they belong to the plane to be developed. Many resources have not been utilized. , the social structure is very similar to that of the Evernight Continent.”

"Is it all like this?" Li Youran heard the good news, this kind of plane is the best, as long as the ship is strong and the guns are strong, there will be no danger at all, and they are not going to fight, but gradually invaded by using business The pattern is going to change slowly.

"It's all like that." The Mechanic Emperor replied affirmatively.

"Very good, Archimonde is entrusted to you. I will empty out those planes, and then fill them with the flags of the Time and Space God Cult. Do you understand?" Li Youran nodded slightly, Then he said to Archimonde on the side.

"Yes master, your glory and brilliance will spread throughout the universe." Archimonde said after saluting very reservedly, but the level of flattery in his words made others feel inferior.

"Okay, I've finished talking. Next, let me introduce you. This is my queen and the mistress of the space-time gods, Alice, the goddess of all things!"

After talking about the political affairs, Li Youran walked out holding Alice's hand. Compared with Alice in the Valkyrie period, the current Alice looks more graceful and luxurious. The whole person seemed even more unattainable.

All the people lowered their heads to show their respect. Such a woman who can sacrifice everything for the king of God deserves such respect, let alone a powerful person.

Li Youran looked at Alice with a smile on her face, and Alice raised her chin proudly, giving Li Youran a proud expression. Of course, the interaction between the two won't make people wait too long.

"Everyone get up! I hope that everyone can manage the whole world for the God King in the future, and I will watch you from the heavens!" This sentence was both an encouragement and a warning, and everyone was shocked. It seemed that the days to come should not be too casual.

After everyone left, Alice looked at Li Youran and said: "The three thousand worlds in the temple can resist fate. I can feel the will of the temple when I am asleep. It has been helping you. You can wait until After collecting the [-] worlds, if you go to attack Destiny, if you invade rashly now, I'm afraid it will cause a bigger war."

Li Youran shook her head and said: "There is enough water now. If you are going to regain the belief in the Three Thousand Worlds, I am afraid that this book will not be finished for a while. The protagonist of the next book can't wait, so don't give up." , I'm afraid that he will cause trouble in the future, he is an extremely terrifying guy, let's leave the task of conquering the world to my subordinates, I am going to push my fate into a corner right now, don't worry, it doesn't dare to fight me, at least for now I dare not, I will take advantage of this time to not allow him to recover from his injuries, otherwise it will be even more difficult to deal with in the future."

Seeing Li Youran's confident expression, Alice looked at him with admiration. Since Li Youran said so many love words to her, she found that she has become less and less resistant to Li Youran.

"You can do whatever you say! I will support you!" Alice said blindly.

After warming up with Alice, Li Youran finally found his goal again. Going to the world where Destiny resides, of course, he can't make a big fuss. If his strength is too low, he will be detected and killed by Fate, and if his strength is too high, Destiny will hide again.

So Li Youran decided to take a trip by himself and join the merchant's army. On the one hand, he would protect them from harm, and on the other hand, he would let his beliefs spread faster. He did the kill.

"Do we have to dress up like this? It feels so weird!" Li Youran complained to Archimonde while sitting in the cabin.

"Master, just bear with it. We will be on the shore soon. If we land too close to the port, our excuse will not work. We will be seen by them as falling from the sky. We are now another continent." The merchants of the fleet, the people over there are all dressed like this!"

Archimonde coaxed his master, there was no way that Li Youran had to wear more comfortable clothes when he came, but how comfortable are the clothes for walking on the sea in this world?In order not to look weird, I can only wear these fancy clothes.

"I'm really impressed with you. It's just a pretense. I don't know how to change the lining. Forget it!" Li Youran finally put on this weird rag-like clothes. Fortunately, his physical defense is strong enough, otherwise he would I don't know if this dishcloth can keep out the cold on my body, but the delicate skin is definitely broken.

"Hey!! Listen to the fleet on the opposite side, this is the inspection ship of the Temple of Fate, stop immediately for inspection!"

When Li Youran's fleet was sailing, they suddenly heard a voice shouting. A ship was coming from the opposite side, with a huge bed crossbow on it. The big gun is about the same thickness, and if it is fired, it can definitely penetrate the body of the wooden boat.

"What should the master do? It's the supervisor!" Archimonde immediately asked cautiously.

Li Youran rolled his eyes at him and said, "What are you afraid of? We are businessmen and not pirates or smugglers. Let them stop and accept surveillance."

Archimonde patted his head, he was nervous just now, and he forgot that he came prepared this time and prepared legal documents. As for how it is legal, the city lords of the harbor are extremely greedy. If it can be sold to you, what do you give me a small certificate, which adds up to less than 20 gold coins.

After wearing church clothes and stepping on Li Youran's merchant ship, several inspectors pretended to search, but they were actually secretly observing the value of the ship, so as to see how much they could blackmail.

"Who is your captain? Tell him to come out and meet me!" A guy with a little gold star on his collar said proudly.

"I tell you to get out quickly and take care of everything!" After hearing about the captain, Li Youran kicked Archimonde out without hesitation.

Archimonde smiled wryly, then walked out and said, "I am the owner of this ship. May I ask what you want from me?"

"You are the owner of the ship, so it's easy to handle. Now I suspect that your ship contains contraband. Come with me. When you are found to be innocent, we will return it to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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