Plane Merchant

Chapter 169 Interception of the Fleet

Chapter 169 Interception of the Fleet

"I am Mabel, Director of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. I am now ordering the Seventh Fleet to go to the Maldives to arrest several terrorists who may be engaged in terrorist activities. Note that these people are equipped with a lot of advanced technology. I suspect they stole it from our technology zone. With strategic weapons, the combat power is extremely strong, the country needs you, arrest them, if you can't capture them alive, you can kill them, but the armor must be taken back."

"But, Mr. Minister, that's the Maldives. How do we get there? Maybe when we went, they had already left." The fleet commander was obviously not such a foolish person, and rejected Mabel on the grounds that the distance was too far away. The command.

"No! There are only a few of them. You don't need a lot of troops. You only need one member of the patrol fleet to capture him. I believe in the strength of the navy. In addition, I can give you some subsidies for this mission."

After hearing that there was a subsidy, the fleet commander was silent. Who wouldn't want money?Floating on the sea every day is not fun. Although he is relatively relaxed, the soldiers under him don't think so. He needs to find some benefits for his soldiers, such as some extra money. As for whether it is reasonable or not!Anything could happen in the Pacific, who knows?
Mabel's words are extremely unreliable, but some people believe them, or they have such a temperament, just find a reason, no matter whether others believe it or not, anyway, it is fine if he believes it, and then the Seventh Pacific Fleet immediately dispatched to patrol the sea A heavy-duty aircraft carrier with 3000 people changed its patrol direction halfway and headed for the very close Maldives.

The ghosts wandering in the Maldives are always looking for the person their master told them to look for. Near a small church, the two ghosts suddenly saw a person they had seen in many materials, a priest.

I saw vigilantly approaching a small church, and two ghosts floated towards the priest. Just as he was about to approach, the priest suddenly sensed something, turned around suddenly, and what he saw surprised him to the extreme.

The priest just came out of the small supermarket. He bought food and water. He was also very vigilant when he came back, because he had already seen the people from the organization, so he had to be careful. Just when he was about to enter the church, he suddenly felt a chill With a cold breath behind him, he turned around and looked, but he saw something he had never seen before.

Two ghosts floating in mid-air?The tattered clothes, no feet, floating in the air, the dull and hideous face, everything looks so weird, the ghosts are not sure if they have been discovered, no matter how many human bodies they pass through along the way, It was never discovered, but the reaction of the person in front of him clearly felt something.

The priest swallowed hard, then turned around and entered the church as if he didn't see it. He hoped that this sacred place could shelter him.

Just like that, the priest entered the church and closed the heavy door. The two ghosts looked at each other, and then floated inside at the same time.

The priest finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the ghosts did not follow. It was too thrilling just now. He didn’t expect that there were ghosts. He didn’t think it was an illusion at all. With faith in his heart, he believed more and more that there are gods in this world. Yes, now the appearance of the ghost confirms it.

"Fortunately, there is a church where ghosts don't dare to appear here. It seems that there will be a price to be paid after killing too many people. No, I can't wait to die here. I must leave immediately." Thinking of this, the priest felt that he should leave immediately. So I was about to slip away through the back door, but I thought that the old couple was still there. After all, since I brought them, I couldn't leave them. Didn't I have another crime!

Thinking that the priest entered the confession room again, he hid Li Youran's parents here. Because this church is very remote, few people come to it. He rented it and used it as a normal place of residence. He never expected that today It saved my life.

"Follow me! It's dangerous here!" The first thing the priest said when he saw the two of them was to leave quickly.

It's just that Li Youran's parents don't understand very well, and they don't want to hide anymore, and they haven't committed a crime, why are they hiding? They are saying that even if someone wants to kidnap them, at worst they just go back to China, so they don't want to go with the priest. , Just as the two sides were in a stalemate, two ghosts appeared from the walls of the church.

The priest, who was still pulling the two of them, immediately made a defensive gesture. Li's father and Li mother looked at him because they didn't know, but they couldn't catch the ghost. They only knew that this person was like a madman, and suddenly put on a weird posture .

Now the ghosts can be sure that this person can see them, although it is strange, but they don't care, because seeing is nothing, attacks are ineffective for them, but they can attack people's souls.

The ghosts floated slowly, and after approaching the priest, they saw Li Youran's parents on the other side. When they saw it, they immediately paused, and then resolutely gave up the siege of the priest, because they saw the highest order People inside need protection.

Seeing that the ghost left him, the priest breathed a sigh of relief, and then brought it up with his heart, because the ghost was surrounded by those two people, and it turned out to be an expression of infinite joy. Why are these ghosts happy?In the eyes of the priest, ghosts can only harm people, and they are happy only because they have found someone they can harm, which makes them feel satisfied.

At this time, his heart was complicated and he wanted to leave, but he was worried that he would harm innocent people. He had already decided to abandon evil and do good. Now that he had made a decision, he could not let innocent people be implicated.

Thinking of this, the priest immediately rushed in front of the two ghosts, opened his hands to stop the two ghosts, and shouted: "Damn evil spirits, I am the person you are looking for. You can't hurt innocent people. They are just ordinary people!"

The ghosts couldn't understand what he was saying, but it was obvious from his appearance that he was trying to prevent them from protecting the person the master had confessed to. If this was the case, they couldn't blame them.

Opened his ghost claws, and tore the priest's clothes with a single grab, and blood gushed out of his entire chest.

They can actually hurt people's flesh. Father Li didn't know why when he looked at the crazy priest blocking him, but now he knows, it seems that there is an invisible monster attacking them. And this man was clearly trying to save them.

He remembered that he had to drag them away as soon as he came in. Obviously he saw a monster, so he asked them to run away. Thinking about the previous things, it seems that they just wanted to save people, but he just didn't want to. I understand people, and the result is what it is now.

Just when the ghost was about to attack again, Lao Li suddenly stood in front of the priest. He couldn't see the ghost, but he couldn't let the priest get hurt again, so he chose to block it, but the block with his eyes closed made him The ghosts stopped. The order they received was protection, not attack. If the priest hadn't stopped them just now, the priest might have run away by now, and Father Li and Mother Li have safely returned to Li Youran's side up.

Father Li, who had his eyes closed, didn't feel the attack. He opened his eyes and felt that he was fine and unharmed, so he turned around and said, "How are you? Is there anything wrong?"

Although he didn't quite understand, the priest saw Father Li's anxious look, his mouth shape, and the way he pointed at his wound, so he probably guessed what he meant, smiled and shook his head to indicate that he was fine.

Looking at the two ghosts standing beside him, he was once again sure that the target of the ghosts was him. The reason why he didn't attack now was entirely because these two innocent people, or kind people, blocked them, but now instead It was saved by others.

"Unexpectedly, I killed people all my life, and when I finally wanted to save two people, I was saved by the person I saved. Sure enough, God said that karma has retribution, but it is inevitable. Thank you!"

The priest thanked him sincerely, but of course Father Li still didn't understand.

Seeing that the person he was looking for was incapacitated and the person he was protecting was around, the ghost naturally sent back a message, but now Professor Jin and the others are very busy, so naturally they don't have time to read this.

After flying in the sky for a while, Professor Jin and the others finally found the ship that heard many ships, but they were very alert. After the police on the island started to move, they were alert and they had already driven the ship to sea. , did not stop at the pier at all, so Li Youran and the others chased to the sea again.

This pursuit happened to hit the muzzle of the Seventh Fleet's patrol team. The four targets flying in the sky, the human-shaped armor, when the aircraft carrier's radar scanned them, the carrier fleet had already dispatched. When they were about to board the ship, a fleet of aircraft appeared in the sky.

Sixty planes descended from the sky, forming an encirclement circle that surrounded Li Youran and others. A pilot shouted: "Thugs on the other side, you have been arrested, please stop your violent behavior immediately, otherwise we will take action gone."

Li Youran was getting more and more anxious. He was afraid, afraid that if his parents were on board, they would be hurt. If it was because of his ineffective actions, he would never forgive himself in this life.

So he went berserk, absolutely can't let the only thing happen!
"Why are you still so wordy until now, let's kill them, regardless of life or death!"

Of course they followed Li Youran's words. Morton took out his bow without hesitation, Field took out his dragon gun, and Wang Hu had no weapons, so he drove Tiger Dynasty to rush over with a fighter jet. My own fist blows up these mortal planes, and Professor Jin behind him is also preparing his own necromancy, trying to see if the bone spear can penetrate these steel monsters!
(End of this chapter)

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