Plane Merchant

Chapter 177 The Missing Missile

Chapter 177 The Missing Missile

When he came to the command room, he saw the colonel who was urging the soldiers to open fire. Li Youran immediately let go of him, and he rushed over and kicked the colonel several times. Turned around, got up and saw that it was a major general, and immediately obediently stopped moving!
"You were the one who called someone to attack you just now? Are you trying to kill me!"

"No! I never meant to harm you! It's just an order from the Ministry of National Defense! I can't do anything about it! Now that you're back, everything is fine!" The colonel looked at the major general respectfully, and there was nothing he could do about it. Dead man, this military rank is the same, not to mention that he is the person in charge of the base!
"Go away! I'll clean you up later! This gentleman, please come with me. If you have any questions, please communicate with the Ministry of Defense! Actually, I don't know if there is any misunderstanding here, and I am also following orders."

The major general dialed the number of the Ministry of National Defense and handed it to Li Youran. He has nothing to do now. He needs to think about whether he should give his life to this ruthless country.

"Hello, this is the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. I'm Mabel. What's the matter?" Mabel saw the caller ID on the phone. It was a call from the base. After thinking about it, he still answered it.

"I am the owner of the armor you are looking for. I heard that you are interested in my armor? I think we need to talk!" Li Youran said.

Mabel was so frightened that he almost dropped the phone. If he didn't change his method, it was obvious that he was planning the armor. If he wanted to kill himself, there would be nowhere to hide.

When Mabel answered, the surveillance of the Ministry of National Defense monitored his conversation and immediately reported it to the president. The president hurried over with a group of people. He was about to salute when he saw it. She nodded to signal him to answer the phone.

Mabel nodded, picked up the phone and said: "Sir, I'm sorry, I think maybe my subordinates didn't make it clear. In fact, we want Mr. to come here to discuss whether the armor can be sold. We were actually trying to make a deal with you and it was screwed up! I'm sorry, that was never what I wanted!"

He didn't believe a word of Mabel's words, but Li Youran suddenly had a very weird idea in his heart, maybe this is a good opportunity for him to appear in front of the world, and his energy company still needs a big advertisement !There's nowhere better than live streaming around the world!

"So it's like this? Well, I'll give you a chance, how about setting the location in New York? I need a lot of reporters, and I want the whole world to see my invention! What do you think?" Li Youran immediately asked .

It’s just that this request made Mabel stunned for a moment, and then he glanced at His Excellency the President who asked for instructions, and saw His Excellency nodded, indicating to agree to him, and then Mabel said: “Of course! In order to show our sincerity, your request will definitely be satisfied. Do it truthfully, when will you come?"

Seeing the president's appreciative look, Mabel was relieved, it seemed that he was not in danger.

"Of course the time is now. I'll be there soon. You'd better hold a press conference. How about the place in the Pentagon? At least the place is bigger, so I'll hang up first."

Li Youran hung up the phone, Mabel breathed a sigh of relief, His Excellency the President nodded to the people behind to indicate that they could make arrangements, the person behind also nodded, and then disappeared.

Then the president said: "Mabel, go and arrange a press conference. Since you agreed, you will do it, not to mention the time to show the United States. Soon people will see the news of the destruction of a terrorist."

Mabel stared stupidly at the leaving president, a little confused, the terrorists came down and said those armored men, but why hold a press conference since they are all going to die?But the things arranged by the leader must be done, so even if you don't understand Mabel, you should still contact the reporters. This is a good opportunity for the Ministry of Defense to show your face. Do you want to go up and be a spokesperson?

Mabel thought about it in her heart, Li Youran had left the base at this time, and flew towards the United States.

"Master, why are we going back to the United States?" Professor Jin asked curiously. He didn't know what happened inside. He only knew that Li Youran and the others had another fight, but it subsided quickly. what to do.

"We are going to the United States to discuss a business now. Of course, it may be a trap, so everyone should be vigilant at all times. There may be ambushes on the road. Everyone should be careful."

Li Youran reminded, but soon he knew that his reminder was unnecessary!Morton found something interesting aloft.

"Master, I think we are in trouble. Some fast delivery guys are coming towards us. What are those long things?" Morton said looking into the distance.

Li Youran took a look, but found nothing, and asked Morton, "How far can you see?"

Morton thought for a while and said, "I haven't tried it specifically, but if there are no obstacles, I think I can see through our territory."

"You just said some long strips, isn't it like this?" Li Youran gestured to the shape of a missile, feeling some bad premonition in his heart.

"That's right, that's it. Master, you saw it too? What is this?" Morton asked curiously.

"Damn it, I didn't expect to be deceived! But it's okay, let them see our strength, everyone prepares to defend, Morton, can you see where those missiles are fired?"

"Of course it's easy, it's some ships, but they're huge!"

Hearing Morton's answer, Li Youran nodded suddenly. It seems that he has been waiting for a long time, and he can attack only when he leaves the base. The reason why he didn't attack before was probably because he was afraid that the base would be destroyed.

The speed of the missile is definitely much faster than imagined. It took only a while to speak, and it was so close at hand.

"Don't let him approach! Stop them immediately, be careful with the powerful ones." Li Youran reminded aloud.

Professor Jin and Wang Hu were taken to fly by Li Youran. The Tiger King has not fully recovered, so Wang Hu has also become a land creature. With the master's permission, he hid behind the master.

Morton's intercepting arrows had a miraculous effect. Looking at a small ray of light, it was able to detonate the missile and prevent it from approaching. However, Field had no good way. He just released the dragon souls around him and let them attack. Missiles, although very slow, are somewhat effective.

Even so, when the number of missiles had reached several hundred, it was finally unable to hold on. Although Morton was trying to support it, as the explosions became more and more frequent, the Dragon Soul, which was immune to physical attacks, finally It was still blasted a lot by the energy generated by the missile explosion.

Field made a mistake, and then Morton also made a mistake. After all, it was the first time the missile was fired. It also received the signal of the attack, and also launched its own missiles.

Seeing more and more missiles getting closer and closer, Li Youran called everyone together, and said: "Next, you go to the temple first, and I will leave the rest to you."

"But master, in this case, you will be in danger! Let me help you!" Morton thought for a while and said, this situation is very tricky.

"No, if I can't solve it, it's useless for you to be here. I still have a temple to use. At worst, hide in the space, and nothing will happen!"

After listening to Li Youran's explanation, everyone still entered the temple. Morton also felt his own inadequacy through today's incident. If he is strong enough, he doesn't have to be afraid of these so-called missiles and holy steps. ocean?Area missiles are nothing to be afraid of.

Li Youran took a few people away with a wave of his hand, then looked at the flying missile, laughed, and used Dimensional Slash.He cut all the space around him to form a series of black holes, and he himself was safe and sound under the protection of the temple.

Many missiles collided with the black hole and disappeared without a sound. However, the president, who was watching everything on the satellite, was shocked. What kind of method was this?

Where did Li Youran go?Of course it was the United States. In Yuan Wancong's office, Li Youran flashed over directly. He wanted to see what expressions the old beauties would have when they found out that the person they planned to kill was still alive and well.

Without talking too much to Yuan Wancong, Li Youran led his men out.

The satellites searched hard, but finally found no trace of Li Youran, and what is even more strange is that the missiles did not explode, but disappeared. No one knew how to explain it. The last researcher said: "Could it be Was it sucked away by a space wormhole? You must know that anything can happen in this world!"

The president did not accept this absurd reason, but he would not be at peace if he could not find Li Youran, but there was no better explanation, so the president could just let it go. Thinking of the press conference, the president still felt that he should do it Some arrangements, God knows if that person will suddenly appear, and then kill for revenge, then it's over.

Mabel has already prepared everything for the press conference, and many reporters arrived at the scene immediately. As long as the president's news is sent, he can start to speak immediately! , this will be a great victory for the terrorists.

Just when he was full of ambition, Li Youran and his men appeared above the Pentagon. A reporter unexpectedly looked up and found him, opened his mouth in surprise, and immediately picked up the camera to take ten consecutive shots.

(End of this chapter)

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