Plane Merchant

Chapter 302 Join

Chapter 302 Join
Li Youran didn't see the cunning flashing in the eyes of Elena who was in her arms. At this time, Elena thought proudly in her heart: "It seems that Dad's trick works. What do you mean when a girl acts like a baby, if she acts like a baby She is a boy who likes her, even if this girl makes a big mistake, she will be forgiven, it seems that this is really the case!"

Elena didn't keep pestering Li Youran either. It's not that she didn't want him to hug her like this. It's just that a large group of people in the back were too shy. They finally broke free from Li Youran's arms and ran away quickly. See The direction to go is obviously my mother's place.

"You still have a conscience, so I won't spank your little ass!" Li Youran said silently in his heart, why couldn't he see Elena's careful thinking, it was just to cooperate, anyway, he didn't intend to Punish her for something.

I am very satisfied with Elena's behavior of going to see her mother first after she came. As for the fact that she secretly brought her own men to rescue, it is not a big deal. This is filial piety, so naturally there is nothing to blame. this way.

Zig and the others watched Li Youran and Elena's movements with a smile, and didn't bother them. Of course, laughter is inevitable. Although they didn't dare to laugh, the shoulders that turned around and shook rapidly were obviously It clearly showed his mood, which is also the reason why Elena ran away immediately after realizing it, there must have been too many people laughing.

Li Youran looked at the group of people in front of her with black lines: "Why are you laughing! You are laughing until tomorrow, and you can't eat if you don't laugh!"

"Ahem, master, I came back to pay the order. I have brought the captives back. Now the open space outside the city has been guarded by the orcs. In addition, I have brought a few people in charge. Do you think there is anything you need? I asked." Chigurh coughed twice, and came out to smooth things over, of course it was a matter of business, although the twitching at the corner of his mouth proved that he was actually quite emotional.

"Oh! That is the person in charge? Is it you? You are so young! Hahaha, come and sit, everyone, don't be restrained." After hearing this, Li Youran looked back and saw Lord Maple Leaf, and at the same time I also saw a few unfamiliar faces, all of whom were young people. It seemed that these were the so-called principals.

After calling a few people to sit down, Li Youran didn't care about those noble boys, but looked at Lord Feng Yezi and said, "I didn't expect you to come too, what's the purpose of coming this time? If there's anything I can help, just say, After all, you were my benefactor before.”

Regarding Li Youran's question, he had already thought of an excuse, so he wanted to vote for him anyway, so he just voted thoroughly.

"Master Viscount, please don't say that. I can't afford it. In fact, I am here this time to hope that Lord Viscount can accept my allegiance. I am willing to dedicate all my territories to you. As long as you can help me Just bring back my son in the imperial capital." Unexpectedly, the small businessman who drank with him back then is now a viscount of the dynasty, and he is much more noble than himself, a viscount of the empire. Now in the empire, who can get him?The holy rank is fine, but his subordinates are not vegetarians either.

"That's it! I will help you get your son back, but this matter of joining must never be mentioned again. I don't want to be misunderstood by others, saying that I took the opportunity to annex your territory. If I say it, I will have no glory on my face." " Li Youran promised him to save people, but he really doesn't have any desire for the territory, the current territory is enough for him to have a headache, and his main strength is not these things.

But Li Youran's refusal made Feng Zijue very sad. He hoped that he would have nothing else to impress Li Youran. He also wanted to donate the land and find a place in the city that never sleeps. Let's not talk about his life here. It is a viscount, even if it is a duke, poor people can't afford it, but here is the most basic civilian treatment, as long as you are not lazy, you can basically enjoy it. If you are diligent enough, you can even live a life that even a nobleman can afford. He wanted to join the life he wanted to envy, but he never had the chance.

"No! Lord Viscount, please accept my territory. I am very grateful to you for getting my child back, but if you don't take the land away, the empire will definitely come back and take it back. This is now Lord Duke. Even if the emperor does not take it back, if the duke grants another reward, I will definitely lose it, so you can accept it, as long as you let me live here, otherwise I will be regarded as a traitor by the royal family if I go out Yes, the whole family will lose their lives by then!"

He could see clearly that he was afraid that he would be liquidated by the royal family. After all, he helped Li Youran develop. Without him, Li Youran would not be able to develop so fast.

Li Youran stared at him and looked at Bantang. All he saw in his eyes was praying. Li Youran closed her eyes and nodded and said, "Since this is the case, I understand. You can stay here for a while, and wait until I get you back." After your child is coming back, just take a look and see where you want to go, I will let someone escort you there, if there is no place to go, stay in the city that never sleeps, this is the best place for those who are prepared, as long as you work hard enough It will always let you get what you want, if you are capable enough, the title may not be impossible to recover, do you understand?"

After hearing that Li Youran was willing to let him stay, Lord Maple Leaf was already very happy. When he heard that not only could he stay, but he could even have a title, his mood was even more agitated. He knew his own strength, so he must not be qualified Yes, but his son, who was also called a genius when he was in the imperial capital, must be able to let his family develop here. At this moment, he regained his confidence, and the family will not fall in his generation. That's the best news.

"Understood, my lord, then I will go down first." In the attitude of a courtier, after saluting, he walked backwards to the door before turning and leaving.

Ziggy looked at his actions and stared at his back, his heart was overwhelmed, this Lord Maple Leaf is so brave, he even used the territory as his promotion capital, and now he has recommended himself to the eyes of the master , The plan is very big, he has to be on guard, if he can't become a member of the chief group, but be stepped down by a newcomer, it would be embarrassing.

After Jue Feng Yezi withdrew, Li Youran looked at the noble boys and said, "What's the matter with you? Why did you come here as captives?"

"I'm afraid I have to ask your people, Your Excellency, if it weren't for your people, we have returned to the imperial capital now, and without your help, it is possible to gather an army to attack Griffin City under the leadership of the saint. "Lance stood up, and what he couldn't lose was the arrogance overflowing from his heart.

"So that means, now you are my prisoner, can I understand it this way?" Li Youran was not angry at his rebuttal, but looked at him with a smile and said.

This question choked the arrogant Lance for an instant. No matter how proud he was or how he raised his head, these words were like the sharpest knife that cut off his head and his arrogance "This..., you are right, we are prisoners now."

After a long time, nothing happened. In the end, Lance admitted that it was true that he was captured. He could only answer with a blushing face, and then walked back to his team. The other nobles also pressed the depressed cards. This Lance, after all, if he offends the lord, they will all die here.

"Hahaha, it's good to admit it, so let's figure out how to blame the ransom now to make it worthwhile? Let's start with the family background, rich and poor, big family and small family, these are two concepts.

About this nobleman who has been taught since he was a child, he is naturally very clear. This is based on his social status and the treatment during his captivity. This time is definitely not a time to hide. It is going to suffer.

Looking at the group of people in front of him, he said his information like beans pouring out of a bamboo tube.Li Youran looked at this scene amusedly, fearing that others would underestimate her worth, she repeatedly asked to add a pure gold portrait of her own weight to her ransom, the young master who said this was a fat man, look The weight is two hundred catties, and I don't know if their parents will kill their relatives righteously after they know their son's state here.

In the end, the matter was finally resolved. There were thirteen other nobles who died, and if the ransom was involved, it must have pushed the development of this place further!This is the case when you have nowhere to buy.

"Now that we've finished talking, let Zieg take you to rest. You can walk around the castle, but it's best not to go to places with guards. He won't be responsible for anything.

Zig took these noble children down, and before leaving, Lance stared at Li Youran tightly without relaxing, and then followed out after his companion called out several times.

Li Youran looked at the young man named Lance playfully, and thought to himself: "Interesting little guy, there is something in his blood that makes me feel close. It's really strange. I didn't come down the mountain with my back on my back."

Little did he know that Lance also felt strange, usually only able to predict danger, but now he felt a fierce excitement, as if he was going to rush out. If he hadn't held back, he didn't know what would happen.

Li Youran looked at Field and Morton fully armed and stood beside him and said: "Let's get together tonight, I have some good news for you, but it may be a little troublesome, well, that's it for now, go down, I want to go home too Already!" (It’s a great event for the pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize , now immediately follow the qdread WeChat public account!)

(End of this chapter)

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