Plane Merchant

Chapter 304 The Faint Elf

Chapter 304 The Faint Elf
The male elf still had to stop from time to time to clean up the traces, or lead the traces aside suspiciously. He had been doing this work for half a month. From the very beginning, there were many mistakes and omissions, which led to his being killed. Only the two of them were left in the massacre, and now no one can find their traces, so he has to sigh, "The teacher is right, only practice is the best practice, but the price is too high Alright."

Thinking of a group of elite sword dancers who died because of him, as an officer of the elf guards, he had infinite remorse on his face. He blamed himself for being too proud. Otherwise, so many things would not have happened. Now he has just one wish, I just want to send the princess away. The three main cities of the elves, the City of the Moon, can’t go there. It’s already been captured. Where can I escape from? How can I go back?
The city of stars is in the wasteland, where the wasteland is dominated by gray elves and orcs, and I don't know if we can call in reinforcements, and the largest city of the sun fell apart because of the half-elf rangers back then, and the last sun elves actually closed the city of the sun, If they can't go to Star City, then they can only find the human beings they are least willing to find.

Leaning on a branch of a big tree, Mia Moon Lanxing, the princess guard who escaped from the Moon City, thought about the next steps in his heart. Now he has grown from a small guard to a thoughtful Meticulous forest ranger, the teacher said his bodyguard was just a joke before, he was still unconvinced and asked which profession was the strongest, but the teacher's answer was ranger, which is an ordinary profession, of course he still There is a name called Elven Ranger.

A profession that is well known to all elves, and it is also the most common profession that almost all elves with a little family background will not discover this profession. The teacher's words were just taken by him as a mocking remark at the time, meaning that he even The ranger is not as good as the ranger. Now it seems that what the teacher said is true. His previous performance was really not as good as the ranger.

Thinking about it, just when he was about to fall asleep, the little guy in his arms suddenly moved, and Mi Ya immediately untied the belt wrapped around his arms. Her Royal Highness is still too young to keep up with his speed. Fairy There was also no one to carry the princess on his back. It was too bumpy on the back when running, and it was easy to be attacked, so Mia tied the princess in her arms.

"Sorry Mia, I fell asleep, did we run away, will those villains chase after me? Will the sword dancer uncles die!" A pair of white and tender hands were half clenched into fists, Then she rubbed her eyes vigorously, and Her Royal Highness the sleepy-eyed Princess woke up, and she couldn't feel the bumps in Mia's arms, and then she fell asleep naturally.

The princess' question made Mia feel that everything she had done was worthwhile, with such a master, what more could she ask for.

"Your Highness, it's good that you can fall asleep. We still have a long way to go, and we need to rest more to be energetic. As for those sword dancers, they are all loyal to the princess, so don't worry about it." Mia said When I was there, there were tears in my eyes.

A team of twelve sword dancers, the strongest being the Sky Rank, turned out to cover themselves and leave, and the twelve had to face enemies a hundred times their number. Even so, the last sword dancer was killed at the last moment This gave him time to escape, and finally picked up the methods of the rangers taught by the teacher. At this time, he realized that these seemingly inconspicuous methods are so easy to use. Useless means, only useless people.

"Uncle Mia, you said you would call me Taylor. I like this name. It is as beautiful as the teacher in the east. When I go back, I will definitely let my mother reward them, and I will definitely not let them die in vain." Although the little princess is still young, she lives in the royal family and already knows how to win people's hearts. She won't be like those dandies who don't treat formalities as human beings. You must know that the one who is willing to work hard for you in the end will always be Those who are grateful can only get their loyalty to the death if they make them feel respected.

"His Royal Highness, okay! Princess Taylor, we need to find backup first, otherwise, the Queen will not last long in the barrier of the Tree of Life!" Mia was very nervous about the form of the Moon City, so she hurried to go Go to the gray elves in the city of stars in the wasteland.

"Why do you want to add a princess! Well, forget it now, and don't call me that when you are in a place with people! Otherwise, my identity will be revealed, so I will call me Taylor from now on, understand?" Following the princess' reminder, Mia found that it really couldn't be called that way, and then followed the princess' wishes.

"Understood! Miss Taylor." Hearing Mi Ya's address, the princess looked at him with wide eyes again, making him change her address.

"But Miya, I don't think we can go to the city of stars in the wasteland first." Princess Taylor said, blinking her big eyes at her chief guard.

"Why! We must arrive as soon as possible, and then ask for reinforcements. It is dangerous to be with Her Ladyship!" The loyal Mi Ya has always been worried about Her Lady Queen's safety. Of course, he firmly denied that he fell in love with Her Ladyship. There is no one in Moon City who doesn't like Her Majesty the Queen. Of course, there are many ways to like her. He chose to protect everything the Queen loves, while the rebel Geer chose Qiangba.

"You said that since you know it, it will be too late if you don't ask for reinforcements, so Geer, who didn't catch up to us, wouldn't think of it?" The princess asked back, and then looked innocently at the shocked secret Ya, the main reason is that Taylor is too young in his eyes, only 20 years old, just a baby, how can he have such wisdom.

If she knew that Miya was shocked because of this, she would probably disdain and say: "These are all taught by a beautiful teacher from the East, plus she is talented and the queen's daughter, so she will naturally know gone."

"Then where can we go? Outside of the gray elves, we can't find anything else. The snow elves have already turned into beasts, and the sun elves are hidden from the world. Should we go to the dungeon to find the black elves? That's terrible. .” He was just a small head of guards, he really didn’t have the ability to maneuver, so he could only ask questions without thinking.

"Don't worry, since they guessed it, we have to go directly to the human world. I heard that there is something called a mercenary group. If we can invite a few back to join the battle, we want to come to the City of the Moon Isn't the siege solved?" The princess said with a look of course.

"No, if humans are allowed to enter, the peace of Moon City will be disrupted. You don't know how terrifying humans are. Their strong corrosiveness and endless greed can devour anything they see. If the City of the Moon is cut off, then they will flock to them, and the simple elves are by no means the opponents of these human merchants."

Mia seems to have suffered a lot, and she has lingering fears on her face, especially when she mentioned the two merchants, she just gritted her teeth, but what he said aroused Princess Taylor's interest. businessman?Then let's see who is stronger.

"Well, since this is the case, I decided to go to the human world. Don't worry, we all have transfiguration techniques. Humans can't recognize us, and this place is not far from Moon City. It's even closer in a straight line." Miya said. No more arguments, after all, he is a small soldier, responsible for those so-called targets.

Mia carried Princess Taylor on her back, and the two walked towards Li Youran's territory in such a deep and shallow manner. Not long after they left, a group of people wearing leaves came out and came to their position. The leader digged a few times with his hands, and sure enough, he saw the branches used for lighting the fire. He touched it with his right hand and found that it was already a bit cold. It seemed that the walking time was not too short.

The leader stood up and said: "It seems that they must have gone to the Great Wasteland. There is another main city of elves, the site of Star City. We must stop him before he finds it, and he will separate. Launch an attack, surround it first, and take it down when there are too many people, understand?"

After getting the order from the leader, everyone got out of the way, and went out in groups of two to hunt down. These guys who got special beliefs fought like ordinary people.

The elf couldn't believe that he would be deceived by a yellow-haired girl and a pseudo-middle-aged man who didn't care about world affairs, so he hesitated so hard that the door was surrounded by Iron Man.

Mia is getting heavier and heavier with the princess on her back. He hasn't rested for several days, and he didn't even have a bite to eat when he was chased. He relied on what he found in the forest. It's a pity that most of the plants in this world are blooming when spring comes. , There was no result at all, and in the end he could only find some tubers and the like to feed his hunger.

After wandering around inside for nearly three days, they finally found the exit, a big one.

"Mia, are you there yet? I'm so hungry." Taylor held his stomach with his hands, looked at Miya pitifully and said.

"Taylor hold on, we'll be there soon, as soon as I get outside, I'll buy you delicious food." Mia coaxed the little princess in her arms, and then looked at these almost identical woods with a frowning expression, thinking I can't help but curse secretly, who did the evil, why can't I get out, the forest is too big, it's not good!
Just when he was about to faint, he finally saw that the woods were becoming more and more transparent, and it looked like he was about to reach the end. Was he about to see the road!
Dragging her body that was about to faint, Mia exerted her last strength and rushed out, and then her whole body became ill, because the half-orcs who built the road dug this road very deep, and many people would get stuck here of. (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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