Plane Merchant

Chapter 306

Chapter 306
Li Youran did not expect the reaction of the half-elves. It seems that the elves have left a great shadow on them. Although the younger generation of half-elves have not experienced it, the older half-elves have given them the experience since childhood. I was instilled with the horror of elves, so even if I haven't seen it, I still feel a little scared in my heart.

The half-elves have left, and the orcs seem to have tasted it at this time. It seems that they have brought back a trouble. They originally wanted to bring good things to the master, but ended up doing something bad with good intentions, which made him somewhat embarrassed. He was so choked that he couldn't get off the stage, and now that the half-elf had left, he felt a little embarrassed.

Looking at Li Youran, he didn't say a word, and finally said with a flushed face, "Master, or else I'd better throw them back. It's not that I'm afraid of their elves, it's just that one more thing is worse than one less thing. My Evernight City is very prosperous, or It's better not to cause trouble."

In the end, I have to emphasize that I am not afraid of the elves, but just for the sake of the territory.

Li Youran shook her head and smiled, pointing to the leader of the orcs and said, "You! You brought everyone back, saying this now will ruin my reputation in Nightless City. If people find out later, they will think that Nightless City is afraid of his elves. If you pick it up, just pick it up, let them live in the city, if they want to leave, let them leave by themselves, and if they want to live, just find a job by themselves.”

After finishing speaking, he said to the two people who were placed by the table: "How long is the little girl going to pretend to be asleep? When your adult wakes up, let him take you outside the city. Okay, the rest of you will sleep." There's nothing to see if it's gone!"

It turned out that Princess Taylor had woken up a long time ago and just pretended to be asleep. The situation of Mia made her dare not move. God knows if those vicious-looking orcs really eat children?She is so beautiful, but the queen mother often said that she wished she could eat her in one bite, and it would be safer to pretend to sleep.

After that, I came to the castle, and what I saw was a half-elf who had disappeared for many years, and there were many people, but that old guy was too cruel, and he wanted to throw himself out?How could she survive as a child with a comatose guard?

Just when I was excited, my body trembled unnaturally. It's over, I kept one movement for too long, my legs cramped, and I tried hard to control it, but unfortunately I still couldn't control it. If everyone was not discussing their fate, no People noticed that they were arrested at that time.

Others didn't notice it, but Li Youran's keen senses naturally noticed it, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. It's a very interesting little girl. You can tell by her ears that she must be trying to eavesdrop. In the end, Li Youran did the same. It was only after the half-elf left that she was called out, because I was afraid that the half-elf would do something because of the hatred back then, and that would be troublesome.

The little girl who was called out did not get up immediately, but dawdled for a long time, then got up with a confused face, then rubbed her eyes, pretended to be cute, then imitated her teacher and brushed her hair, facing Li Youran She blinked her eyes and asked Li Youran, "Uncle, hello, where is this place! Why am I here?"

Taylor was about to vomit in her heart. She never realized that being a baby girl is really not an easy job. Every time she sees the teacher like this, the men around her will be in a state of sluggishness, but why after she did this, the people around her But can't help laughing?
How did Taylor know that what her teacher did was called charming, which naturally made the male creatures around him dull, didn't she!It can only be said that she has not opened the stupid and cute, and everyone was amused by her.

"Okay little girl, I still have a lot of ghost thoughts, but forget it, don't worry about it with a little girl like you, it happens that Karl is here too, you take the two of them down, apply for a temporary residence permit for them, you should all leave too, Just do what you need to do." Li Youran smiled and explained to Carl beside her, and then left.

The result was that the orcs saw that there was nothing wrong with them, so they left. Karl led the team and waited for Mia to wake up. Finally, the weak Mia really woke up, but he was woken up by starvation. As for why he knew, the reason was When she just woke up, Mia's stomach actually made a "cuckling" sound.

This voice made the originally handsome him feel embarrassed, after all, he is an elf known for his elegance!How could it be so embarrassing, and it looks like the princess is there too! !Now there is nothing wise and powerful, and Mia can't imagine that if Her Royal Highness misses something by accident after they return safely, then his image will be completely ruined.

"Hey, uncle, you are hungry too, get up quickly! We have arrived in the human world, and we can finally eat good food! I heard that human food is very delicate, is it true?" Taylor obviously didn't notice His embarrassment, um, or she is more concerned about what to eat tonight. After being in the mountains for so long, she can eat some hot food at first, but then she is busy fleeing for her life. Every day, she is cold and dry food, or something from the mountains. It's right not to have a good meal.

Although Mia really wanted to agree to her, but it seems that there are still things to do now. God knows what the big man around him is going to do?
"Since you're awake, go and register with me, and then get a temporary residence permit. Then you can stay in the city that never sleeps." Carl saw that he was awake, so he said something, then stood up and left.

Mia had no choice but to follow Karl with the princess, and soon came to the door of a house with a large photo on it, with the words "Public Security Office" written on it.

Carl went straight to the desk, then picked up a pen and paper and said, "Do it, make a record and it will be done soon!"

After hearing this, Mia felt that the words were very polite, and it didn't look that bad. In fact, his mind was still confused, and he didn't know what happened at all. After sitting down, he looked at Karl in a daze, not knowing what to say.

"Name! Age! Occupation! Gender! Race! Do you have any criminal record! Answer, please be careful, this identity information will be recorded in the city that never sleeps, and you won't be investigating next time you come, otherwise, you will still It would be very troublesome to investigate like this.”

"Um, please wait a moment, what is this? Why do you want to investigate? I mean, what is this for?" Mia doesn't trust these humans. In fact, in the eyes of most alien races, humans are synonymous with robbers and deceit .

Carl put down the pen and scratched his head with his hands. He knew he was not suitable for this job, but he couldn't ignore the master's order. What did he say to sharpen him? What's the matter with sharpening with a pen?He is a barbarian, a barbarian with awakened blood, a barbarian who was born to be on the battlefield.

"Enough! You asked me, or I investigated you! This is for identity registration, everyone must, there are too many people spying on the city that never sleeps, we must ensure that those who come are not malicious or dangerous, we must Responsible for those poor people! Do you understand? Either answer or go away." Carl's rude answer frightened the little guy on the side.

I only saw that Taylor was about to cry with tears in his eyes, but he just bit his lip and tried not to let himself cry out. Seeing this, Mi Ya rolled his eyes. He has experienced this situation many times. I won't be fooled by her outside.

"Okay! It's my fault. I didn't explain it clearly to you. This is something that allows you to officially live here. A thin card! It has all your information on it, and if you work here, your salary also I will need to use my temporary residence permit, now I understand." Carl finally explained the matter clearly, at least he thought so.

"Okay, I see." Mia gave Taylor a consoling look, and then said.

"My name is Mia. Changfeng. Li. I'm from the Elf Empire. I'm a male elf. You should be able to tell from that!" Mia said with a blank expression, half-truth and half-fake.

Carl looked up at him, and then smiled disdainfully, but he didn't refute Mia's words, and said one less surname. It seems that this surname is very important to him, and it may remind others of something. Everyone likes to hide A little bit, he himself is not wrong.

"Continue below! By the way, there is also this little guy, who also needs to register!" Carl pointed to Taylor and said.

"I understand that I am a ranger by profession and also the head of the palace guard of the Elf Empire, who is dedicated to guarding Her Royal Highness. I think there should be no criminal record now, but I won't know about it later." Regarding her occupation, Mia did not intend to hide it. Just as the half-elf said that the elves' pride comes from their bones, they look down on any non-elf creatures, and they don't bother to hide themselves from other creatures.

"Okay, yours has been recorded, what about this one? Don't tell me this is an elf princess, that's not funny at all!" Carl stared at Mia and said.

Mia raised her brows and said, "This is indeed the princess of the elves, the youngest daughter of the Queen, Taylor, Morning Dew, and Elizabeth. There is no need to doubt the identity of the royal family. I think you should know how to distinguish an elf royal family." Standing up proudly, since he has already explained his identity, there is no need to hide it. In his opinion, human beings are not brave enough to hurt an elf royal family.

"Cut! The royal family is amazing! Didn't you just faint on the side of the road with hunger! Then, here is your temporary residence permit! Get it, and don't be sent back when there is no result of the inspection on the street. If you reissue it at that time, But there is a fee! You can see from your appearance that you have no money, this is my personal sponsorship, take it, well, I should get off work, see you two!"

Carl entered the information into the computer beside the table, then took out two cards with the identities of Mia and Taylor engraved on them from the laser engraving machine on the side, and gave them a sum of money before leaving. In fact, it was all secretly instigated by Li Youran. Karl didn't have any extra money to give to the proud elf. As for why the master helped the elf, it was obviously out of his consideration. (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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