Plane Merchant

Chapter 309 Human Heart

Chapter 309 Human Heart
Li Youran's sudden visit made Li Shimin very uncomfortable. He is no longer the former small officer. As the city lord sealed by Tianducheng himself, his power has skyrocketed overnight, and he has Lincoln's material support again. The support was very humble at the beginning, and she would come to talk to Lincoln almost every day.

After he gained power and enjoyed the convenience and authority brought by it, his inner desires grew, but Lincoln's restrictions severely suppressed his ambitions. After all, as an enclave far away from the Federation, Surrounded by two camps of cyborgs and robots, without Lincoln's support, they would fall apart immediately.

Fortunately, Lincoln does not have any desire to covet power. It is the same as Li Youran's order. It is just to spread the teachings of this space-time god while developing the chamber of commerce. It is indeed accepted by the common people. Of course there is moisture in it, and they all come for Lincoln's rescue, but most of them are still grateful for their kindness and believe in this space-time god religion in their hearts.

It was nothing at first, but after a long time, Li Shimin immediately felt something different. The direction of people's hearts sounds illusory, but as long as he does things, he will see some traces.

The decree coming out of his city lord's mansion is definitely not as effective as Lincoln's words. Li Shimin felt the threat of the time and space gods. The reason for the disturbance is that Lincoln controls all the supplies, and the second is that Li Youran begged for the Tianducheng order. He is not sure what Li Youran will do if he targets Lincoln. Judging from the battle situation that day , the people in my own city are obviously not enough to be killed by others, not to mention the attitude of Tiandu City is really weird, since it has been sealed off, why is there no guardian of the city, but let him develop on his own, let alone how many offerings, All this made him feel hesitant.

Until recently, Li Youran hadn't appeared for a while, and because of the continuous preferential policies, he had recruited a lot of talents, and his voice among ordinary people was even higher. Gradually, he wanted to use useful resources Lincoln is under the banner, and if Lincoln is willing, he will naturally be his right-hand man. If he is not willing, Li Shimin will never allow his economic lifeline to be controlled by others.

The tone was set, but when he was about to act, he was notified by Lincoln that his master, Li Youran, had arrived and wanted to summon him. His panicked first reaction was that his actions had been discovered?Now Li Youran is here to destroy him, but after thinking about it, this is impossible!I only have an idea, how could it be discovered?

After calming down the panic caused by guilty conscience, Li Shimin tidied up his clothes, and then strutted in front of Li Youran, he wanted to make it clear to Li Youran today!He doesn't want to be a puppet, he wants to be a real master.

Imagination is beautiful, but performance is cruel. He thought that after going through this period of precipitation and tempering, he could already compete with those people, but he still failed. When he stood in front of Li Youran, it was like Li Gui is the same as seeing Li Kui, the false aura is false, and once he meets someone more powerful, he will immediately fall apart.

Li Shimin was in such a situation. After meeting Li You, he was immediately overwhelmed by his aura, and felt his chest getting tighter and tighter. Li Shimin wanted to vomit blood, but he couldn't move a single finger. Only I can feel my own weakness, and I can only endure such torture alone, but the strange thing is that Lincoln, who is also together, doesn't feel the slightest.

"It seems that you don't want me to come here?" Li Youran said such a sentence after looking at Li Shimin strangely for a long time, because just now, there was a better voice in her mind reminding herself that this person is not pregnant. Good intentions, rebellious, ask yourself do you want to solve it?

It was only later that Li Youran remembered that the voice was obviously that of the white tiger. How could he transmit the voice to himself like Alice?
"Boy, don't think about it. These methods are trivial. Don't you know it too? But mine is in your mind, and yours is at least in your ears. With so many words, how can this person do it? Die?" Bai Hu calmly chatted with Li Youran about whether he wanted to kill Li Shimin, as if he was talking about what to eat in the afternoon.

"No need, by the way, you know that he is rebellious?" Li Youran wondered how Baihu knew?
"Haha, boy, do you know what it means to be a tiger's minion?" Baihu didn't answer but asked a question.

"Being a minion for a tiger? A ghost? There are ghosts around you? But what does this mean?" Li Youran frowned.

"I'm a white tiger holy beast. How could a ghost dare to get close? But ghosts are a gifted means of the tiger clan. I don't have this means because I became a holy beast, but the king character on my forehead has another function. That is to identify people's hearts and release coercion, so that those with malicious intentions will be in constant fear, do you want to try it?" Bai Hu said temptingly.

Li Youran was very moved, but she rejected Bai Hu and said: "That is to say, this is the result of your own inference? If you don't have evidence, I will not do what you said."

"Evidence? Are you sure what you want is evidence?" Baihu's voice was very proud, as if it really had evidence.

"That's right!"

"Okay, you can go in and see your belief line! Only those who have betrayed you in their hearts will have a red belief line. This is a dangerous signal, but you have so many preferential treatment! It seems that you The seniors really did their best to pave the way for you, I am afraid that you will not know the mystery of it, and you will use colors to distinguish it! And even the power of resentment against you can be absorbed, what a big hand, what a strong method! It's amazing! Ah!" The white tiger looked at the center of the temple square with the line of faith hanging in admiration, and the power of faith was continuously absorbed, and then turned into the purest energy and scattered on the sky of the temple. Every minute, the starry sky will be more agile, and the energy in the temple will become more pure, and it will be replenished on Li Youran's statue, like a virtuous circle that goes round and round.

"Well, you can teach him a lesson, but you don't have to beat him to death, it's still useful." Li Youran didn't know what to say, in fact, he already knew it when he saw the introduction of the line of faith at the beginning Belief line has the function of distinguishing people's hearts. Whether it is a believer or not has a big difference in the flash of faith. It's just that he has never encountered such a thing, so he gradually forgot about it. He didn't expect to encounter it here. I bought one, and I gave him the country, but he actually betrayed himself?

"Okay! Look at it! Hahaha." Baihu laughed, and then disappeared. After that, Li Shimin was almost scared to death. Fortunately, Baihu's actions were measured and he didn't hit hard, otherwise he would be Li Shimin. Undead and crippled.

Li Shimin, who was scared to death by the white tiger's aura, suddenly felt his whole body lighten when asked by Li Youran. Li Shimin, who had resisted strongly with his own will just now, confiscated him and bit his tongue until it bled. Si Pain made him wake up completely, now is not the time to fight, or he might die in hell.

"Mr. Li, please calm down! I'm just a little proud. I definitely don't mean to be against you. You once said that I am the king and the only king. All you want is faith. I feel that I have done a good job. You You can ask your subordinates, this city is definitely mostly your believers, if you don’t believe me, you can ask Mr. Lincoln!"

Li Shimin's words made Lincoln very surprised. It turned out that this guy really had unrealistic ideas. He didn't notice it, and his forehead was sweating when he thought about it, but he stood up and said very fairly: "Master, City Lord Li has already He has done a good job, not only cultivated fertile land to develop armaments, but also set up a lot of excellent policies and attracted a lot of talents, so I think he should just think about it, and he has already come to his senses and said the mastermind behind the scenes I beg the master to be merciful and let him go, there is no one in Chang'an who is more suitable than him."

"Forget it, since the sufferer doesn't care, I don't want to be a villain in vain. Remember, I got your name, and I gave you your status. Since I gave it to you, I won't take it back, so you can rest assured. , I said that as long as I have faith, this will not change no matter what, and then it is up to you! You go!" After Li Youran finished speaking, she waved her hand to signal Li Shimin to go out.

Seeing that you were dark, Li Shimin didn't blame him, with a look of luck on his face, and then he was going to take his subordinates to the mountains and forests. Anyway, they are here by robbing. According to those people's thinking, it is the same wherever they rob.

"Lincoln, increase the price tenfold! In addition, try to reduce the sale of weapons in the future, and you have to preside over a faction. I'm afraid he will attack you after I leave. Find more guards!"
"It's the master, these are all my negligence, I accept the punishment." Lincoln ran to find someone who could save him in a panic, but Li Youran didn't take it seriously. What he wanted was not to admit his mistakes, but to correct his mistakes.

"Okay, it's just the two of us now. This is the blueprint. Don't let others get it. Let me know when it's built. Use the teleportation array, understand?" There is no material either.

Lincoln took the blueprint. He knew that at least he would not die, because he still had to do something for Li Youran, but he just didn't know what kind of punishment there would be. (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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