Plane Merchant

Chapter 316 The Great Operation to Save Murphy

Chapter 316 The Great Operation to Save Murphy

"The boss is like this. I contacted Murphy yesterday, but I couldn't get through to his phone. Then I called his responsible unit, but they didn't give me an answer. Finally, I got a message through my relationship! "Yuan Wancong didn't say anything when he said this.

"What news?" Since he wanted to play tricks, Li Youran naturally would not be unwilling, and asked in a very sensible way.

"I heard that he is very likely to be controlled by the US government." Yuan Wancong said in a low voice.

"It's impossible. He's an American secret agent! Why did he detain him, and his uniform and strength make it absolutely impossible for him to be arrested. Who did you listen to? Contact Murphy to see!" Li Youran resolutely retorted.

As a result, Yuan Wancong called again, but this time he was not in the service area!

Li Youran heard it too. When Yuan Wancong just reported, Li Youran waved his hand to stop him and said, "I already know, it seems that there is indeed a problem. It is impossible for American cities to be out of service area, so there are only two situations." , was either blocked, or kidnapped to a desolate area!"

"Did you really find out, it's controlled by the government! Isn't it some other organization? How could they have such means? Or did they develop some new type of weapon?" Li Youran asked again.

"I swear, I found out very clearly that it was indeed an order from the president, but I don't know if he was arrested in this way. I only know that he lost contact with the inside on 51. According to my speculation, it should be related to the steel suit. , because my insider told me that Congress intends to reach a cooperation intention with Electric General to order steel robots, but the president resisted on the grounds that he has the production method of steel suits.

If I'm not wrong, Murphy has been stripped naked at this time, and the armor is likely to be dismantled by them, and they have studied it thoroughly. "Yuan Wancong said pessimistically.

"I don't think so. Murphy is not as fragile as you think. That's fine. I want you to do one thing now. You just need to do it well, and leave the rest to me." Li Youran Instead, he calmed down, and quickly drew up a plan. Although this matter was outside his plan, it made Li Youran chuckle inwardly. He really did whatever he wanted, isn't this a good excuse?
"Boss, please tell me!" Yuan Wancong felt relieved when he heard that Li Youran had a solution.

"You go to your friend and tell him that you are going to hold a press conference and ask him to produce a copy of the information about those things. It doesn't take much, as long as it proves that Murphy was arrested, the rest is up to you How to play, when it comes to the press conference, you just understand!" Li Youran confessed a few words in his ear, and Yuan Wancong suddenly realized.

"Is this going to take back my own exclusive business? Great, I've thought about it a long time ago, but the boss didn't say anything, but I didn't dare to make my own decisions! I understand, and I promise to make things beautiful."

Yuan Wancong happily went down to do some work, and seeing his happy face, he knew that Li Youran's method was absolutely in line with his wishes.

Standing on the sidelines, Clark was also emotional at this time, because Li Youran did not shy away from them, which proved that he treated them as confidantes. It is an unimaginable honor to be able to do things for God, and his mind is full of loyalty to God. Thoughtful Clark spoke.

"My God, please give me an order, I am willing to fight for your cause to the death!" Clark was about to kneel down again, but was stopped by Li Youran with a wave of his hand. In the end, Clark found that Li Youran was just waving his hand out of thin air, and he didn't even resist Standing stiffly in place, he couldn't even kneel down.

"You two, after Yuan Wancong's press conference is over, you organize people to parade in the street! We need to put a little pressure on the government and let him know that although I am kind, I am not easy to bully. About this, Ariel, you ask Ask your father, I believe he has more experience than you!" Li Youran looked at Clark with an excited face and Ariel with a determined face, and knew that it would be impossible not to find something for them, so she thought about it. things.

In fact, as soon as Yuan Wancong's press conference goes out, the rest will be Li Youran's strong attack and unilateral termination of the contract. At that time, it will not be Li Youran's strong suppression with the strength of the Plane Chamber of Commerce. Let's see who dares to express dissatisfaction. Admit it, but Li Youran's Dimensional Chamber of Commerce has obviously become a big rock in the hearts of all countries. As long as you are an individual, you are not willing to be controlled by others, let alone the leader of a country.

"We understand, my God, let's go get ready!" Seeing that Li Youran had sent out the task, and it seemed to be a massive action, Clark immediately went out with Ariel, and they were going to find Ariel His father, yes, is the great director Wilder and his best partner Borg.

Li Youran never thought that it was just a whim, but in the end, they were abruptly transformed into a ceremony for the rise of the Time and Space God Sect in the United States, which brought him far more surprises than he expected. Of course, he has no way of knowing now. .

Everyone left, Li Youran sat quietly on the chair, and began to search for the space-time coordinates that he had hit on Murphy in his mind. Li Youran can already travel independently in a time and space without relying on the temple. Of course, he wants to locate , or rely on the coordinates, at this moment he is sensing Murphy's position.

Although it was vague, he could feel that Murphy was in Area 51, and the position was relatively deep, and there was an intermittent feeling, as if he was disturbed by something.

In the end, the helpless Li Youran decided that it would be better to contact Murphy through the temple!After entering the temple, Li Youran immediately ran to the first room and looked at the map of the earth. Sure enough, Murphy's red dot flashed inside Area 51. Li Youran tapped with his fingers to maximize this place. As a result, It turned out to be the place he had seen before, the place where Alice said there was a great terror, and the alien spaceship was the location.

Li Youran stared at him with wide-eyed eyes, and his mind was full of disbelief, "How could it be this place? Murphy, you are really not afraid of death!" Li Youran sighed in his heart, and the movements of his hands were not slow. He returned to the hall and looked at Murphy. The line of faith, holding it up.

Li Youran, who closed her eyes, began to use her thoughts to communicate with Murphy's mind through the line of belief, traveling like a train, and then Li Youran entered a metal world full of steel. "It seems that this is Murphy's mind." The world is over, how could it be all steel? No wonder this guy's talent is a manufacturing ability, and there is a reason for it!

In the depths of Murphy's heart, there is a silver-white throne, which is his most important place. Li Youran walked over, looked at the throne, and smiled. It seems that his subordinate's thoughts are not small!He is also a capable person, and I don't mind making him more honorable.

When he touched the throne with his hand, Li Youran didn't feel very good about the cold touch, but Murphy, who had been visiting the outside world, felt as if he had been struck by lightning. His whole body trembled, and his armor almost collapsed. Fortunately, With the same heterogeneous metal as companion around him, seeing Murphy's appearance, he actively attached himself to it, gradually stabilizing Murphy's body.

Murphy, who was stabilized, wondered why he suddenly felt this way. Since he was transformed, he almost never felt weak.

Murphy didn't know, but Li Youran knew it very well, because Murphy's inner world had completely changed. Since Li Youran touched the throne, the steel in Murphy's heart began to change of its own!Airplanes, tanks, warships, aircraft carriers, military forces that have never been seen before, are all made of scattered steel, while others have turned into living beasts, roaring silently, and there are even comic creatures like Transformers, huge Mecha!And the same huge silicon-based life form was perfectly copied in Murphy's body.

Just looking at them, they seem to be attacking themselves!Li Youran finally thought, sure enough those things moved, they wanted to kill the intruder, Li Youran stood there motionless, and with his thoughts, a barrier appeared in front of Li Youran, directly blocking all attacks .

Then, in front of these things, the big thorns sat on the throne. As a result, the originally ferocious steel monsters lost their voices collectively. Whoever sits on the throne is the master!This is a rule that has existed since the creation of this field, and they have been working hard for it, but what is it now?It is clear that this person is not an aborigine in the domain.

Li Youran didn't care about what they thought, and directly connected Murphy's thoughts from the throne.

"Murphy! Are you there, are you okay now?" Li Youran transmitted her words.

Murphy was outside but heard Li Youran's voice appearing in his mind!There was a look of shock on his face, of course, no one here would look at his face, and no one would ask him about his voice.

Just when he was about to answer, another idea came from the active metals around him, that is to ask him to hide quickly, the bottom demon king has awakened, and will soon carry out a sweep of spiritual thoughts, if he is found , will be killed!

Murphy believed these little guys without hesitation. He knew that these simple-minded little guys regarded him as his own family, but they were from the outside world, and they were just afraid that he would be hurt. But where should he hide?
Seeing that even though he was hiding under the bed, Murphy would still be scanned by divine thoughts, he opened his eyes on the wall speechlessly, thinking to himself: "Master, if you still don't come to save me, I probably can only say goodbye to you What I want to say is that I have made a big discovery here, if the owner has time that day, he can come and see for himself, it will definitely be a big surprise.”

(End of this chapter)

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