Plane Merchant

Chapter 318 Press Conference

Chapter 318 Press Conference

"Since you want to know, I'll tell you! They arrested Murphy, Iron Man, for the armor technology and energy spar source of our Plane Chamber of Commerce. You must know that we have a sincere heart The heart is helping this world, doing business with this relatively backward world, not plundering, our Chamber of Commerce upholds the principle of fair trade, and is helping this barren and backward plane, but our sincerity In exchange for what? Betrayal?
Mr. Murphy is a person from the earth, just like me, I am also a person from the earth. As an agent, we all know some secrets that others do not know, but we cannot reveal it. This is the most important thing as an agent. The simplest professional ethics, the barbaric regime that wants to know something from Murphy, I tell you, you are dreaming, you never know what kind of existence you are provoking, and you will soon have to pay for it cost! "

Li Youran was impassioned on the stage, and the people below were worried. After all, this country is still where they live. Even for the news, they don't want the world to be destroyed by this seemingly mysterious organization. Have this strength!

"Then Mr. Li, may I ask, will there be a war? Will it be a war of aggression?" The person who spoke was a young man who seemed to be passionate. A reporter couldn't help being worried, and asked Li Youran, who was already faintly berserk.

Li Youran looked at the person who asked the question, and looked back at him until he was about to cry, and said, "Although I don't want to answer the question you asked, I know that all of you, even All the people want to know, so this question is still for you. My answer is that it will not be an invasion war, but it does not rule out the use of war to protect my rights! Especially when my members are threatened Sometimes, this is a dangerous signal, if I don't show my attitude, it will probably be me next time!"

"But, there should be other ways to solve it, right? Why do we have to use war? It's not good for anyone! Look at World War II and you should know that war is too cruel! The most innocent people are civilians, who are hurt The biggest ones are civilians, can't we calm down and talk about it?" The little reporter who still had a sense of justice spoke again, his face was flushed, and he seemed to be under a lot of pressure, but after this time he It's time to become popular. For the sake of people all over the world, it takes courage to question an agent of a force that is so powerful in every plane. It is very likely that this will be his last interview.

"That's right, but it doesn't depend on what I do, it depends on how your government chooses. Look at what they have done. While cooperating with the Dimension Chamber of Commerce, they kidnapped the employees of the Dimension Chamber of Commerce. They are too despicable. Alright, if I still haven't received their reply by this time tomorrow, then I can only take my own action!" Li Youran left bluntly after speaking, leaving behind a whole lot of people in a daze!

Yuan Wancong came up and patted the microphone, and then said: "Okay, this is why I am angry, I think you should understand, after all, I am also a member of this group, the press conference is over! Let's leave!"

After Yuan Wancong finished speaking, he was also about to leave, but he was immediately surrounded by the reporters below, and then dozens of microphones and cameras were handed directly in front of him, the flashlight flashed wildly, and then dozens of recording pens followed. Coming here, the reporter said to Yuan Wancong: "Mr. Yuan, what big action will this time be? What big action will the Plane Group have? Can you reveal something?"

"Sorry, no comment! Sorry! Let me go!" Yuan Wancong didn't say anything in the end, but entered the building with the help of the security guards, but even so, the reporters were still excited and got the news.

Only a very few reporters looked worried. They paid more attention to the fact that other planes might invade, and the possible retaliation by the Chamber of Commerce. In fact, the last military base incident has gradually become popular I know, obviously no one will question the strength of the Plane Chamber of Commerce.

More people directed their anger to the government!For example, those who were organized by Clark and Ariel, those who were helped after being injured in the last serial car accident, and Wilder's personal connections, more celebrities were also organized together, the power of Hollywood has been used by Li Youran up.

I saw a strange scene on the street. A group of stars were leading the way. Although there were no superstars, even the second- and third-rate stars were still stars. They still had fans. The banners and the stars led It attracted a lot of people, and walking in the front was a man in a black priest uniform.

But the strange thing is that it is not the same as the Christian clothing. It seems to have been modified. The golden textured background has a faint shape of a portal behind it. This is the clothing Clark designed for himself. Since he wants to establish a church, naturally To get the clothes up, at least there must be a battle. He doesn't know what the oriental clothes look like, but he hopes that his style can be approved by God.

The banner has been pulled away, and it is impressively written that hand over the mastermind behind the scenes, Iron Man is not a criminal.

Some people have already made the pattern of Murphy's armor, and then put it on by themselves. They look like steel powder, holding a small flag and shouting hoarsely, wanting the government to release Murphy, and saying: "It's all because of greed. The Chinese government not only arrested the heroes, but also conspired to seize other people's technology. Now that it is well known by others, it is about to start a fight. The government should come out at this time to give an explanation to the taxpayers, instead of shrinking in the office building and not coming out. If you can get this, people will forgive you?"

There are more and more crowds on the street. The United States has a tradition of street parades. It is possible to gather for a parade for any trivial matter to express their dissatisfaction with the society. Large parades are extremely rare. Wilder silently estimated that there were at least 300 more people just now, but it did not exceed his expectations. Moreover, there were people like Clark at the outermost edge. With them, Wilder was not afraid. Whatever happened, Clark could actually handle all emergencies, and he wasn't afraid that someone would take advantage of the parade.

In the White House, His Excellency the President looked at the figures of the people parading, as well as the huge banners behind him and those obviously organized black priest robes. At the press conference, I was thinking about how Li Youran would retaliate!Before Li Youran's came, his own citizens came first, and the momentum and cohesion really surprised the president.

Picking up the phone in his hand, he wanted to call the police station and ask them to dispatch the special police force, but after thinking about it, he gave up. Some people inside were really difficult to deal with. Look at the leader, it turned out to be a member of Hollywood. Guys, they're not as easy to deal with as ordinary people.

Before the phone was put down, it rang by itself. This is a dedicated line. It is impossible for someone to call in and harass the phone. The president answered it without thinking.

"Listen, Your Excellency, the trouble you caused, you can solve it yourself. If it doesn't work, we can only impeach you, and you can only take the blame and resign yourself. The United States can't afford such a blow! What do you think? ? For that little bit of poor technology, you actually offended the largest energy supplier in the United States. Now that it’s better, people want to cut off our electricity. What do you want to do? Go back to the days of burning kerosene? You sinner, you let the United States Civilization has regressed for at least 50 years!" A phone call from a congressman made the president a little surprised, even a congressman would not talk to the president of a country in such a rude manner.

"What happened? How did I set America back 50 years?" the president asked wrinkly.

"You still don't know? The plan of the Chamber of Commerce has already come down. If you don't hear your reply and action tomorrow, then he will completely cut off the supply of energy spars, and he will not sell them in the United States in the future. Any Companies and individuals related to the United States will be prohibited from purchasing, and this is the consequence you have brought! You sinner!"

"What? How do you know? They can't do this, otherwise the United States will be paralyzed!" The president yelled.

"You still don't know? There are instructions on their official website. Go and see for yourself. Now you should think about how to answer other people's questions? Solve this matter well, otherwise, in order to calm his anger, we will not Mind sacrificing you!" The people in Congress are just puppets, but they dare to say this now, which shows the attitude of the financial groups behind them. Although they have support, they are still no match for the big financial groups behind those people. At that time, it is estimated that the consortium behind him will also be affected, and it seems certain that he will be abandoned in the end.

The president hung up the phone with a gloomy face, and then opened the official website of Li Youran's company. There was a notice on it, which clearly stated the whole story, and there was a photo of Murphy when he was arrested. Who took the picture, but it is very clear that after the identification of the technical nerds, it is definitely not PS. There are hundreds of thousands of comments below, and it has only been released for less than 3 minutes.

Most of the people who leave a message are thinking about whether to move to live abroad. God knows what New York will be like without electricity. It will not be easy.

(End of this chapter)

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