Plane Merchant

Chapter 330

Chapter 330

"Excuse me, borrow? I think it's a robbery!" Li Youran interrupted Clark, but Clark held back his breath, his face was so red that he was about to bleed, and then a strange scene appeared, a young man People sprayed a middle-aged man with scolding blood, and the middle-aged man continued to nod in agreement, with a look of shame on his face.

"What do you think of me? Could it be that I will let my believers spend all their property, and even let them take risks to build a town for me? It's ridiculous. Tell you about funds, this company can provide them at any time, or You can apply to the U.S. government, and they will give it to you! You just need to control the quality, and then the town will be built. By the way, it can be used as the welfare of our Time and Space God Sect. As long as you are a believer who has made contributions, you can You can live in it, work in it, get married and have children, and have all kinds of civil facilities inside, understand?"

Li Youran got the word out, Clark was already blushing so much that he was getting used to it, he thought about it for a long time, but he was completely wrong, the god master had already arranged everything, and there was no shortage of funds, and in the end he After thinking about it for a long time, if the god master didn't ask it out, he would have foolishly gone to rob it, not to mention ruining the reputation of the god religion, and he might not be able to sustain such a huge consumption, so all he would do After talking about it for three years, now that I think about it, it's really stupid!

"Understood the Lord, look at me, I will definitely make the town the same as the Vatican!" Now that the resources on the left and right are ready, of course he will not lose confidence, and he vows in his heart that he must keep improving, not only to do Alright, we need to speed up, and we must not disappoint the Almighty.

"It's good to have confidence. Here is a copy of the drawing. You can start contacting me tomorrow. I will tell Yuan Wancong to fully cooperate with you. In addition, you are directly under my management. You have an equal relationship with Murphy and Yuan Wancong, so There is no question of who is in charge, and you don't have to pay attention to their finger pointing, as long as you do the right thing, I will naturally support you, go!"

Li Youran's words gave him a reassurance. What people are most afraid of is fear of being restrained by others. Now that Li Youran has made it clear that he will not be restrained by others, it is naturally good, and he walked out with excitement , went to find Ariel and Wilder.

Looking at the night scene outside alone in the room, Li Youran's heart suddenly stretched a lot, her own power has taken shape, the two largest countries in the world have obviously acquiesced to their existence, and the United States has decided to go with her. Way to go, I am willing to be my backing in this world, not to mention the credibility of this matter, but this attitude is already commendable. Of course Li Youran knows why, because they are afraid, their abilities are too strong, and It can be said that there is nothing to worry about, they and I can't afford it, and it is also good for them to win me over, that's why it is like this.

It's just a relatively simple exchange of benefits, but isn't that the case with most things in the world?If there is no benefit, and they are not your real parents, why should they help you!
After arranging everything here, Li Youran went straight back to her home in Huaxia. It was daytime here, and she wanted to enjoy the family relationship with her family, but the family members were busier than herself.

What made Li Youran very regretful was that she told Bai Binger to let him make his father a successful person, the kind who is famous all over the country, but Bai Binger's ability was too strong, not only did he succeed in making it, but he was also the most famous one. That kind, a well-known philanthropist across the country, with many properties under his name, and now he actually has the old-fashioned title of Li Bancheng in Shashi, but Li's father never tires of it.

When Li Youran came back, they were on their way to conduct a charity tour across the country, and there was no one at home. It was a miracle that even He Meili, who was most reluctant to go out, followed, leaving only Bai Xiongqi to look after the house Of course, Li Youran knew why He Meili went, and naturally he didn't want girls from other institutions to be prettier, but why his mother insisted on following him made him very puzzled.

In the past, my mother used to go out like a war. If she could not go, she would not go. Now she is so active?

In fact, Li Youran doesn't know that since Li's father became a celebrity on TV, his life has been completely changed, and with his backing as a great god, anyone with any strength knows the energy behind this philanthropist, so in order to With his support, overt and covert benefits are naturally indispensable. Li's father is naturally dismissive of money and so on, and his son is the richest one.

As for other antique calligraphy and paintings, it is not his preference, so some people send beauties, this gift can break the sky, and Li's mother has a female power, that is trembling in the world. Under Hu's execution, the force that gave away Li's father's beauties was directly thrown into hell for [-] times.

Although Li's father withstood the temptation, he was still scolded by Li's mother, saying that he loves vanity. In fact, this was originally to create momentum for her so that Li's father could bring her back to the scholarly family. Why did he choose a philanthropist? It is because of this that his father-in-law's family has always looked down on business. The family is all scholars, and everyone is a university professor. You are a businessman who smells like copper. If you go, you will be blinded, and you will not be a philanthropist. same.

What's more, most of his donations are for education, and he is finally a match. Everything was fine and safe, but he was sent a beautiful woman to spoil the situation. After that, Mother Li never dared to let him alone again. When people go out, they follow wherever they go.

Father Li was so happy. It's a good thing that someone is nervous. He has loved her all his life, but it's hard to see her getting nervous about him like this, so he didn't stop her.

Her mother-in-law is not at home anymore, and she runs outside every day, Bai Binger can be regarded as taking advantage of the right time and place, busy every day to show her hospitality, after this situation, can other people sit still?The first one who went to offer her courtesy was Concubine Yuan Li, who would never have thought of it. She made up her mind to have a place, and she was not weaker than others in offering her courtesy, but it surprised them.

Following the other two women couldn't sit still, He Meili and Tang Mingling came together, and they were about to fight for favor to the end, Mother Li was even happier, her own daughter-in-law had come, just a few more pairs of eyes staring at the old man, lest he When you are old enough to enter the flowers, it will be bad if you don't keep it in the evening.

As a result, the whole family started to act together. When Li Youran came back, there was no one left behind, only to see Bai Xiongqi, a little boy, gnawing an apple, watching TV at home with Erlang legs crossed, and then saw his own Brother-in-law came down from upstairs.

After asking about the situation, Li Youran could only ask the sky speechlessly, then patted Bai Xiong's head and went straight upstairs!Only Bai Xiongqi was left below shouting frantically, "Don't touch my head, I'm a man!"

The corner of Li Youran's mouth curled up, she smiled slightly, and then went back to her room, since there is no one at home, then go to another world, since there is nothing to do anyway.

And at this time when the foreign world was turbulent, on the day Li Youran left, a few people who claimed to be the envoys of the Huanyue Dynasty came and walked into Li Youran's castle arrogantly.

Zig received several people, but they looked at Zig very dissatisfied, thinking that a housekeeper came out to meet them was an insult to them, but after losing their temper, they found that no one paid attention to them, so they could only grit their teeth secretly and waited. With the opportunity to retaliate in the future, they actually came with a purpose.

Regarding the rumors about the wealth of the city that never sleeps, although it is very desirable, but as nobles, especially dynastic nobles, you can't come to ask for it just because of a rumor, you still want the face you want, so they are Those who came to fight the front station, by the way, also investigated the wealth situation here, the city defense force and defense layout, etc.

After looking at it, they realized that the rumors from the outside world were not enough to express the wealth here. Even a commoner family could live the life of a small noble outside. It is a luxury at all, not to mention the fish and meat. The gorgeous clothes on everyone's body make them unable to look away.

Look at the clothes of the common people, and look at the linen bags with three holes on them, they can't be called clothes at all, which makes them lose face in front of these common people with bright smiles, even if they don't laugh at them, But they still feel that there is a mockery in other people's eyes.

If you can see the living conditions from here, then you can see the other side of this territory from the other side, that is the bustling business, and the real prosperity can be seen from here. There are as many as several streets, and the rooms are full every day, not to mention the tavern. The property of the lord occupies a full half of the street, and it is full of enthusiasm every day. Mercenaries, adventurers, and merchants People from all walks of life, prostitutes, etc. are looking for their own business opportunities in it.

And on the street, they saw alien races living in peace, yes, alien races, not humanoid races like dwarves and barbarians, but half-elfs and orcs and half-orcs. You must know that these races are hostile to the human race , once the two sides meet, it will be an endless situation.

But what is in front of their eyes?They actually saw a half-elf beauty kissing a human boy excitedly on the street. This kind of behavior is regarded as immoral in the outside world. Except for prostitutes and sluts, almost no one would be so bold, but then What came down fell through their glasses again.

(End of this chapter)

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