Plane Merchant

Chapter 332 The Elf's Hidden Worry

Chapter 332 The Elf's Hidden Worry

Mia didn't care about the boss's words. In fact, he had been here for a few days. From observation, he didn't have any good stuff. He couldn't even beat him, let alone fight Hegel. If he went, he would die. Mia suddenly understood why the queen smiled so happily when she escaped with the princess. It turned out that it was not because she came out to ask for help, but because she finally sent her daughter out.

The Moon Elf Clan finally has a seed left behind. As for myself, I am afraid that I am still a guard. If my life is good, it is very likely to be a seed, the seed that spreads the branches and leaves for the Moon Clan. From the very beginning, the Queen They knew that the two of them would not be able to ask for help, and asking for help was just an excuse, although there was a glimmer of hope that they could get the best, and they would not be disappointed if they couldn't get it, they were already ready to die for their country.

Mia downed a glass of wine fiercely, with a ferocious and painful expression on her face. You didn't know what the bar owner said, but Princess Taylor was very interested, and before Mia refused, she said: "Okay, okay ! Boss, please tell me, is there any good candidate?"

Mia froze for a moment, then smiled wryly, forget it and let her mess around, anyway, they can't afford to hire powerful mercenaries, so just take it for fun.

"What kind of mercenaries do you two need? I know a lot of powerful mercenaries. Any difficult tasks are easy for them. Of course, the fees are also very expensive. You have to understand this. After all, there are no cheap ones. You guys understand!" Before the boss started to introduce, he first put the issue of price on the bright side.

"Ah, this is us." Taylor hesitated. Although she is still young, she is not out of touch with the world. She also found that her family has no money, and she doesn't want to cheat. The pride of elves has always been like this. Will go to explain let alone to deceive others.

"Although our money is not much, it is still enough to hire powerful mercenaries, but with all due respect, we have not seen the powerful mercenaries you mentioned here." Mia interrupted Taylor, bluntly saying that although she Not much money, but the ability to pay for an action is still there.

"In this case, it will be much easier to handle! You know that this is the territory of the Viscount Evernight, and there are actually many powerful forces guarding the Nightless City, but the Nightless City is too safe, and there is not even a single opponent around, and the strong will soon die. Rusted, so as long as you can afford the price, they don’t mind fighting for you! One person is an army! Do you understand what I mean?” the bar owner said meaningfully.

"You mean those holy steps guarding the city that never sleeps. How is this possible? Couldn't the Viscount Never Stop it?" Mia said in shock. You must know that those are holy steps, except those who cannot be restrained. It is hidden and used as the last trump card, and there are very few people like Li Youran who just ignore it.

"You don't know this. My lord's lord's holy servants have grabbed a lot, not only Viscount Field, but also the half-elf patriarch Morton, the undead armor man Heywood, including my lord himself. One holy rank, and the rest are not bad. With the method of the alchemist Professor Jin, who dares to attack? Don't die! And the father-in-law of the lord, that is the old holy rank strong Griffin Duke! There are a lot of people who can't afford the Lord Lord's current power, whoever dares to stroke the tiger's beard will kill him directly!"

The fanaticism of the bar owner left Mia speechless. It seemed that he had met a staunch lord fanatic. Wherever they play the role of the lord to subdue his subordinates, people like to watch it, and they are very proud of it, because they are from the city that never sleeps, they don't belong to that country, they only belong to the city that never sleeps and only belongs to Viscount Li Youran who never sleeps.

"Inexplicable sense of pride!" Miya sighed in a low voice, but the owner of the bar heard it, and her expression changed instantly. Ya, he wiped the residue of the wine glass on his hands with a sackcloth.

"Let's go. For the sake of you being a temporary resident, I forgive your disrespect. Next time I will send you directly to the security team to be punished! Get out and leave my tavern." Regarding the bar owner's sudden change of face, Obviously both Taylor and Mia were caught off guard. Taylor blushed and was about to question him, but was stopped by Mia.

"I'm sorry, my behavior has caused you trouble, we're leaving now." Mia formally bowed to the bar owner, and then dragged Taylor away who still had an aggrieved face, and if she didn't leave, she alarmed the surrounding The security team is not good, although it can be considered to be able to fight, but here, it is really not enough, let alone those holy masters, even the captain of the security team of any country, he is not an opponent, so it is better not to cause trouble.

Seeing the polite apology of the elf, the owner of the bar was obviously a little bit surprised. It was very different from what he heard. Originally, he planned to provoke the elf and then draw out the two, but seeing this situation, he didn't know What should I do, after all, he has already apologized, and it is my fault to be entangled.

After watching the two leave, the boss took something that looked like a mobile phone from under the counter, dialed a number, and watched the satellite pictures displayed around him in the castle. It rang, that's right, the phone bag that was once super popular, and now it's popular again in another world!
Chigurh answered the phone and said, "What's the matter?"

"My lord, I'm No. 2. The bar's anger plan failed, and the elves didn't take the bait. What should I do? Should I continue to implement it? In fact, I don't think I need to provoke them, just show them their muscles. They seem to need strong help now. We You don't have to worry about it at all!"

"Tell me what you think! Why do you say that." Zieg is not an arbitrary person. After establishing this organization that controls all the underground forces near the castle, he dare not monopolize power. With the wisdom and strength of the lord He knew that if he dared to monopolize the displeasure of the lord, the lord did not need to take action. It is estimated that his No. [-] general, John, would rebel first and cut off his head to make a wine glass for the lord.

John's ambition to replace him has never been concealed, but the lord obviously does not need an existence without checks and balances, so Chigurh, who was born as a nobleman, can allow a country mud leg to climb step by step to a place that is only one step away from him. distance.

"Yes, sir, the thing is like this..." The owner of the bar called No. 2 told Zig the content of the conversation he heard, and Zig said after listening: "Okay, I understand, the plan will continue, You watch them closely, don't let anyone near them, go!"

Chigurh hung up the phone and made another call.

Field is drinking at the castle's home, and the object is Morton, as for the purpose!There are too many women in the family, especially women of marriageable age. For the sake of the family's welcome, Field has been scratching his head. Basically, any young talent he likes will be praised, Then introduce it to the women at home.

Not to mention a few couples were brought about, all of them were elites from the Guards Camp, but there was one big problem, that was his own biological sister, who was also of marriageable age, but she didn't like the guards from the Guards Camp. Brothers, well, in fact, Field is not very satisfied. Is my sister here? Can I just find someone to marry like this!
In fact, my younger sister has someone she likes, but her status is too high, and she sticks to it now. No matter how you look at it, my younger sister is inferior to her opponent. Of course, in terms of appearance, there is a big gap. The only comfort Field could find.

But as a man, Field knew that his appearance was nothing in front of his interests, not to mention his master's appearance, he really liked Elena very much, so what qualifications did he have to recommend his sister!It seemed that she also knew from her elder brother that she had no hope of becoming the wife of a lord. Nina was sad for a long time, but she was not sad today because her elder brother returned home with another potential stock.

After Morton followed Field to his house, he was very uncomfortable. Why did his sister keep staring at him!I just watched it, and from time to time I made two silly laughs!It is really enough!If it wasn't for Field's face, he would have left a long time ago. He could only hold up his teacup to hide his embarrassment. After the cup of tea was finished, he immediately came up to pour the water. What can Morton do?drink it!

Morton, who has already been filled with three pots of tea, swore that he will only drink coffee and not tea in the future. Although he likes the fresh and natural aroma of tea, after today's experience, it is estimated that he will have a shadow on tea. The most important thing is Field That guy said he had something to do with him, but he stopped talking after he came, and kept communicating with his sister with his eyes! "You guys are really enough! Can you talk! I'm embarrassed now, okay?"

Of course no one knew about the roar in Morton's heart. At this time, the phone call from Professor Jin suddenly vibrated around his waist, and Morton was overjoyed!Immediately took out his mobile phone and connected the phone. He said that he had never learned how to answer the phone, but at this time he miraculously taught himself without a teacher!

The call was successfully connected. Morton said with uncontrollable joy: "Mr. Zieg, what's the matter? Is there such a thing? Well, I'll come right away and bring Field with me? I understand." ,almost there."

(End of this chapter)

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