Plane Merchant

Chapter 340

Chapter 340
Hegel's arrogance obviously angered Morton, who has always been peaceful, or he has been restless since he entered the elf city, and he has been suppressing his desire for revenge, and Hegel's evil voice, Like the match that ignited the explosives, it directly ignited his anger.

"Looking for death? Let you! Piercing arrow!" Morton aimed at Hegel who was shouting, and then released a blue arrow. In the blink of an eye, it penetrated through many obstacles and shot Hegel in the chest. Hegel looked at the cyan arrow in disbelief, and seemed to reach out to grab it, but found that there was no way to catch it. The cyan arrow had dissipated, but the wound still appeared, and the blood flowing out of Bobo told him that if he did not If you treat it, you will die immediately!

Just when he was panicking, when the blood flowed through his finger that touched the wound, the ring on his finger was stained with his blood, and then a black light flashed, and Hegel's wound healed directly, Hegel He froze for a moment, then smiled evilly and stroked his original wound.

"Hey! I knew he wouldn't lie to me. It turned out to be true. If this is the case, what am I afraid of you doing? Go! Go for me!" Hegel laughed. Since he is already invincible, why? If you want to be timid, Hegel jumped down first, and drew out his dual knives in the air with a sensitive jump. He wants to deal with this little guy here!

Hegel rushed towards Morton. In his opinion, since he is an archer, close combat is also his weakness. With his powerful strength that is infinitely close to the holy rank, he can definitely kill this archer who has lost his greatest advantage. kill!What about the holy rank, what is the difference from the holy rank by relying on an immortal body other than yourself!
When Hegel rushed towards Morton, the one-sided battle on Field's side was clearly coming to an end. To Heywood, it was just a trick for children, and it was a disaster for these miscellaneous soldiers, even if this was the famous heavy armor in the mainland. The elf legion, but when the skeleton warriors transformed into sound waves appeared, the heavy armored elves still collapsed. This was not only a physical attack but also a soul attack. Being taken advantage of by those skeletons directly invaded their hearts!

Then I saw heavy-armored elves attacking their former companions frantically with red eyes. The whole team of 3000 people dared to become a mess!After being cut by the sound wave, there are countless limbs and limbs, and the rest have been or confused, and turned into guys who only know how to kill. This is a skill that Nightmare learned from hell. Never underestimate the devil Seducing human souls is definitely the devil's strong point.

After solving these people, Field undoes the transformation of the magic dragon and restores the shape of a knight. Turning around to look, he finds that Morton is in danger. There is a group of elf bows and arrows outside, and there is a black elf with two swords inside. I am chasing Morton and hacking, although Morton is now in a state of ease!
But when did Field see his own people being besieged!Whenever people on his own side besieged others, in turn, Field was furious!Don't die!How dare they fight in groups!When is it your turn to dare to bully the people in the city that never sleeps outside!
Field regards his master as a lifelong idol, and every word he said is worshiped as an oracle. "The master once said that it is okay to beat others outside! But if others dare to come and beat me, it will not work! Everything Damn it!"

Field put away his long sword, and he wanted to use the most primitive way to let them know what knight's anger is!
"For the glory of the city that never sleeps! Charge!" Field, who was full of blood, charged as expected.

In the distance, Heywood watched the two of them finally. He could only support his forehead, looking very helpless. He had no choice. If he hadn't been convinced that they were not in danger, he would have gone down a long time ago.

"It seems that they don't need us, let's go see your mother first!" Heywood said to Taylor who was sitting on his shoulder.

"Well! Okay! My mother must be by the tree of life, let's go there! I want to tell her that I invited the rescuers, I am also an adult, and I will not be allowed to drink in the future!" Obviously Taylor was optimistic. Didn't see any difference in the city.

"Okay, let's go there now." After Heywood finished speaking, he flew in the direction of the Tree of Life. Heywood had obviously been here before, and he actually knew where the Tree of Life was. This is the secret of the elves. Even ordinary elves may not know it, but Heywood does, and Taylor obviously doesn't know what this means!
From the moment of the siege, one person disappeared. Mia sneaked along the small road alone. This was the way back to the family. He needed to know whether the family was safe. As for Field and the others, the three Holy rank, if something goes wrong, there will be ghosts!
It was safe for the princess to follow them, but when Mia walked to the door of the house alone, what she saw was ruins.

"It's impossible! Impossible! They must be hiding! I want to find them!" Mia couldn't imagine what kind of disaster it would be if they were all gone.

Mia thought of something, his eyes lit up immediately, he knew where his family had gone!There is no blood here!Something might happen to his family, it must have taken refuge somewhere for the empress, he thought of the barrier of the tree of life, split open and ran towards that location.

Heywood, who came first, brought Taylor to the Tree of Life. The vastness and majesty he had seen before, but now he had a trace of unspeakable fatigue. Although it was still lush and lush, it lacked the agility of the past. The city's rebellion was not without reason!

"Mom! I'm back. Look, I brought someone to rescue you!" Taylor yelled as soon as he landed.

The queen in the enchantment also smiled happily when she heard it, but immediately changed her color. Afraid that she would be deceived, she looked at her daughter but dared not open the enchantment. Who knows if it was from Hegel? What about tricks.

"Mom, what's wrong with you! Why are you ignoring me?" Taylor was still a child, how could he be happy seeing his mother ignoring him, so he said something in a crying voice.Just as the Queen was about to say something, Heywood appeared.

The queen looked at Heywood vigilantly, and took two steps back. She could feel the threat from Heywood.

"Don't be nervous, Your Majesty, we were hired by Princess Taylor to rescue you, so don't be afraid. Of course, you don't have to believe me. When my two companions bring Hegel's people, you will believe it. Now let's just wait quietly!" Heywood realized that the Elf Queen would not trust anyone at this time, so he was ready to speak with facts!
"My daughter went out with Mia's guards. Why did my daughter come alone, and others?" The queen asked, but it was Mia who asked. Because Taylor is a child, it's hard to say whether he was deceived or not. Only Mia can give her the answer!It's a pity that Mia is still on the road at this time, walking is no better than flying, and the speed must not be able to keep up.

"Of course, it's just that he is probably fighting at this good time! Who knows, if he is with my partner, he will come soon. If he acts alone, I can only say sorry."

When Heywood was negotiating with the Elf Queen, the battle between Morton and Hegel finally reached its deadliest point. With the rise of Field Kill, the elf archers were chasing and killing them alone. These elf archers didn't know why As long as the arrows are used up, they will draw out their daggers to die with Field. Unfortunately, the gap in rank is too huge, and they can't even get close, and they are directly blown away by the surging anger around Field. Overturned, Field stabbed one by one, and Morton fought with Hegel. He did not allow Field's help, otherwise Hegel would have been a dead man at this time.

Depressed Field will use these elf archers to vent his anger. In the end, Field, who was almost angry, directly summoned the Destroyer Dragon Wave. All the archers lost their resistance under this attack. In short, what I saw at this time was definitely a scorched land.

Hegel's double knives are extremely fast, one knife after another, continuous chain, the blade is shining with light, Morton, who is proficient in elements, knows that it is the condensation of dark elements, once the knife is hit, it will definitely corrode his body. His armor is very strong, but he doesn't want to be attacked, armor is very precious!

"I originally hoped to save your life, but since you are so ignorant, then I can only send you to hell!" Hegel couldn't attack for a long time, feeling anxious, after cursing, he decided to activate the demon spirit in the ring , although it is not under his control, but with the protection of immortality, he has to try it!

Screaming wildly, Hegel's body changed, something like snake scales grew out of his body, his hands gradually turned into claws, his face became ferocious, his tongue became longer, and he opened his mouth. The mouth roared in pain, only to see the forked part of the tongue sticking out, and then a ball of flames spewed out!

"I want you to die!" After shouting this sentence, Hegel rushed forward.

"I won't play with you anymore! Who did I say, it turned out to be my father's defeated opponent!" Morton has been wondering who this person is?Now I finally remembered, it turned out that the person who was let go because of his father's mercy for a while, how dare to be so arrogant now.

"What are you talking about! Don't even think about leaving!" Hegel pounced on Morton before he could turn around, but Morton turned around and kicked him sideways, and kicked him flying!
"Don't be shameless! I didn't kill you! It's because you're useful! In my opinion, elves deserve to die! Field, tie him up and let's go find Heywood!" Morton looked unhappy.

The highest officer was arrested, the two major legions were disabled, and the elf city was actually breached by two people!
(End of this chapter)

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