Plane Merchant

Chapter 344 Trapped

Chapter 344 Trapped
In this way, Heywood led Morton and Field into the legendary holy land of elves, which is also the resting place of the God of Life, where the main root of the Tree of Life is located!
Heywood went in and found exactly where the fountain of life sat, but saw only a well that had run dry.

Heywood reached out and touched the bottom of the well, but there was no sense of dampness at all. Looking at the surrounding walls, some moss that should have been on it had dried up.

"Sure enough, as I expected, the elves are in big trouble! We must leave here immediately." Heywood said to himself.

"Wait a minute! Heywood, do you know something? Say it, we can't help others like a fool, and then get nothing, just be kicked out like a beggar!" Field The anger in my stomach, especially when I saw that the fountain of life had dried up, the anger reached its peak.

And Heywood obviously saw something from it!But he didn't say anything, which made Field very depressed, and now he couldn't help it, he had to ask clearly.

"You don't understand what I said. What we need now is to leave here as soon as possible. Something will happen soon. Let's go!" After speaking, he turned and left. Field had no choice but to follow Morton out.

After seeing the three coming out, the elves immediately looked at the three with hatred.

"How about I said that the fountain of life has dried up, and now you believe it?" The remaining three intact elf kings surrounded Heywood and the others and said.

"It's really exhausted. I didn't expect the tree of life to reach this point! It's a pity, I thought he could be the next God of life, and now I'm leaving. Does anyone have any objections?" Heywood saw the three people The position frowned, the lack of a position cannot form the Four Seasons Killing Formation!Is it because I think too much?
"If you want to leave, of course you can. Seeing that you have seen it, you can return the Hydra when you come down! There is still this evil species, you must stay!" The Elf King with two knives pointed at Morton.

"Are you sure you know what you're talking about?" Heywood said, looking at him like an idiot.

"Of course I know, even if I can't beat you, I still have to say, unless you want to try the power of the Four Seasons Killing Formation, I may not be your opponent by myself, but the four of us are enough to keep you!" They each stood in their positions, and they were obviously ready to draw their swords to face each other if they disagreed.

"Four? Where's that tuberculosis ghost? Where did he go?" Good Invincible looked at the Four Seasons Killing Formation with a corner missing and said with a smile, if it was such a formation, it wouldn't be able to kill him!
"It seems that you don't plan to keep him! If that's the case, we won't be polite! Come on!" The man in the robe came in and said, and then launched his own attack. Like Heywood rushed over.

Seeing that the boss had already made a move, the other two immediately did the same. The archer's arrow immediately appeared in the air, but was directly intercepted by Morton. His sword technique is obviously the same as that of Hegel. If there is any difference, it is faster and fiercer. The sword is deadly and never flinches. If it is someone else, it is likely to be forced back by his fierce style Unfortunately, what he met was the more brave Field, the madman who dared to charge against the thousand-man team alone.

Holding a long sword, no matter how fast the two swords are, he just slashes with one sword, and the armor on his body gives him enough protection, even if he is injured, cutting on it has no effect at all, on the contrary, he is hurt by the flames from above, and nothing is inflammable The Nether Flame deserved its reputation, the knife in his hand was actually burned like this!
Looking at the pair of knives that still had the hilts left, the elf felt distressed for a while. This is the pair of knives that have been with him since he became famous. He didn't even give it to his most valued apprentice. Here it is!

Throwing down the handle of the knife fiercely, he looked at Field who was waiting for him to change his weapon. The chivalry gave Field a belief in fairness, as Knight Bade said in it!You can't shoot people from behind, let alone kill unarmed people. Obviously, this elf is now unarmed and has no counterattack power.

"You can change your weapon, I'll wait for you!" Field said proudly, Juege made the elf angry.

"It's just you? It's just a weird body. Even if you don't use weapons, you will be killed! Hegel, what are you waiting for, fill me up immediately and activate the Four Seasons Killing Formation! Destroy them!" The two-knife elf shouted , Hegel, who had been waiting for a long time, rushed out of the group of elves.

Finally, the four positions were lined up, and the three of Heywood were surrounded in the middle, but no one noticed Heywood's leisurely performance. He didn't try his best in the competition just now, and suddenly didn't want to leave, because it was obvious that there The most common situation is that someone wants to subvert the elves, and it is okay to ignore it.

But it can't work now, because Morton's mother is here, and she is the queen. To be honest, if you save her, Morton will be grateful, and it will be very helpful to the master's career. The difficulty is over, but before the plan starts, the impurities inside need to be removed, so Heywood deliberately went to the Four Seasons Killing Formation.

The four of them occupied a position respectively, and at the same time output their own energy into the stone pier under their feet. This stone is engraved with the map of the lost Four Seasons Killing Formation. As long as it is charged, it can run. Those who came to besiege powerful enemies, but now they can only be used to trap them. It is a pity that the Druid Elf King, who is an important combat power, was beaten into a cripple by Heywood.

The power of the Four Seasons Killing Formation was lowered several levels because Hegel's energy did not enter the holy rank. As a result, although the three of Heywood were trapped, they would not be forcibly killed!Unless they can't get out of the illusion of the four seasons, and the illusion of the four seasons has become the last barrier of the elves.

However, the three of Heywood each fell into the world deep in their hearts. Heywood is okay, he has always known the situation of this formation and he has been in the underworld for so many years, his whole heart has long been firm. Like a rock, killing formations in four seasons in spring, summer, autumn and winter is just like a joke to him. With his strength that is infinitely close to the god level, breaking the formation is the same as playing, but what he needs to do now is to guard and wait. Guy needs practice.

Morton also fell into the illusion of four seasons. The first thing he came to was a forest. The lush forest exuded a breath of spring. Morton looked at this extremely familiar environment and felt insane. This was when he was a child. Where he lived, he was still an ignorant and ignorant child at that time, and there was a woman with him at that time!
Morton walked aimlessly along the path. After passing through a row of woods, he saw a house surrounded by a fence covered with ivy. His eyes suddenly lit up. This is where he stayed when he was a child. But why did you come here? What were you doing just now?It's a strange feeling.

While Morton was thinking, he saw a handsome child running out of the house, playing in the yard, followed by a woman, who looked like the elf queen!It's just that she was less noble and more virtuous in her coarse linen clothes. At this time, a man leaned on a monster and walked past Morton, and entered the yard directly as if he hadn't seen Morton.

The child rushed up excitedly when he saw the person coming, and hugged him, acting like a spoiled child but not letting go, the man laughed and threw away the prey, then played games with the child in his arms, laughing at the family of three Noisily playing, Morton looked at all this enviously, is this all I have experienced?But why didn't I have the slightest impression?Morton suddenly had a headache.

The scene changed suddenly, the house was still a house, but the day turned into night, the man who was cheerful during the day sat by the bed with a frown, looked at his child, sighed softly, and picked up a Zhang Gong left the house, the queen who was sleeping next to the child also woke up after the man left, she watched the man's back and shed tears silently, but did not dare to make a sound, for fear of disturbing her own child or being afraid of the man Hear and come back.

Morton found himself in the house, standing in a corner, no matter how he made noises and actions, people outside seemed to be unable to see or hear him!

The female elf blew out the lamp, but it seemed that there was a different sound coming from the outside world. Morton stood up, looked outside from the window, and found that the place was actually surrounded by elves!They surrounded the house with bows and long knives, and then lit torches, lighting up the whole sky!
The woman got up, and she obviously noticed the situation outside. After covering the child with a quilt, she left alone and walked outside the house. Before leaving, she looked in Morton's direction, with her lips parted slightly, as if to As if asking himself to protect the child, Morton couldn't help but nodded, as if he had received Morton's response, the woman smiled and walked out.

After this walk, he never came back. There was no danger in the night, but the child woke up but did not find his parents. He put on his clothes obediently, and sat on the stool waiting for the parents to appear. However, it was doomed to be in vain. The child is probably hungry!He stroked his stomach, then jumped off the bench and climbed up a cabinet. He knew that there was food left in it. It was a large pancake, and he took it out with great effort. After thinking for a while, he took out three more bowls. Then I found a knife in the corner of the kitchen, and tried very hard to cut the pie, but found that I couldn't hold it!
(End of this chapter)

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