Plane Merchant

Chapter 346 Morton's Crisis

Chapter 346 Morton's Crisis
The fragile phantom formation obviously couldn't stop Heywood from attacking all of them. Heywood opened his eyes in an instant, and what he saw was the expressions of the four elves vomiting blood, because Heywood's struggle directly broke the phantom formation, and hurt the phantom formation. A few people, the result naturally produced a backlash.

Turning around and looking at Morton, he found that it was not very good!When I reached out to shake him, a voice sounded beside me: "If you touch him like this, he won't be able to come out in the future. He is really the most concentrated moment right now. He must have something most important in his heart. Don't touch him now!"

This voice is obviously a female voice, and the only one present who has this ability to transmit sound is probably the Elf Queen. She tilted her head and glanced at the Elf Queen who was standing on the edge of the formation with a worried face, but she took her hand back. After all, he didn't know this. The result is that not being able to do bad things with good intentions hurts Morton.

"What should I do!" Heywood sent a voice transmission to the Queen and waited for his answer.

"I don't know, he can only rely on himself now. The characteristic of the Four Seasons Fantasy Killing Array is to pull people into the illusion, and then use the loopholes in the mind to attack. Although there is no direct attack power, it can keep people inside through the illusion. , and then he will sink directly, although it is not death, but it is no different from death, now he has entered his deepest illusion and wants to come out, everything depends on himself!" The queen can only say regretfully, if you can If it was saved, she would have been saved long ago.

At this time, Field beside Morton also woke up. Field, who was tired of killing in the phantom killing array, came out directly through the ability of nightmare. The phantom killing array was similar to his own home in the eyes of nightmare. Heywood, who woke up with his eyes closed, wasn't surprised at all. After all, Heywood is so powerful, he should show up. What shocked him was Morton, who didn't come out.

It's fine if you don't come out, but now you're already stuck in it, isn't it the worst of you?
Thinking like this, Field wanted to shake him up like Heywood, but Heywood stopped him. After hearing Heywood's words, Field immediately withdrew his hand. Not only that, he also took two steps back, looking at Heywood. Wood said, "What now?"

"We have to wait, or can we stop the phantom formation by killing them first?" Heywood thought of this without accident, but the queen told him, "It's useless. At this time, the operation of the formation has become automatic absorption." Energy is gone, unless the four magic formations are broken at the same time, there is no way to break through the magic formations, once the power of the magic formations cannot be broken, it will instantly increase tenfold, destroying one will increase tenfold, and destroying two will increase twenty times!"

"How about three? Is it thirty times?" Heywood received it and has already tried it. It's better than waiting here!
"Don't jump directly to [-] times, and once it encounters an external force, it will immediately explode with [-] times the power! Four Seasons Illusory Killing Formation has absorbed natural energy for many years here. Once it explodes, the entire Magic Night Forest will disappear Yes!" The queen immediately stopped Heywood's thoughts.

"Damn you elves are all bomb madmen, there are traps and mines everywhere, what's the use! If someone invades, other than killing yourself first, there is no other point!" Heywood already felt powerless to complain, these elves My brain is broken, such an identity is placed here, I don't cherish life at all!

"There is no way this is the resting place of the Lord of Life, and it cannot be desecrated, because if we are invaded, we would rather perish with the enemy than let the enemy get anything." The queen easily explained the origin of the formation, but unfortunately this should Reasons cannot help Morton escape the deepest pain in his heart.

Attached to my father, I felt his heartache at that time, the powerless protection, the helplessness of being attacked, and the sadness of the city being destroyed. Many negative emotions are catalyzing Morton's current mood.

"So you weren't that strong at that time? So you were too tired! In the end, you still couldn't let go of me and chose to blow yourself up? It really is like this! Then let me go with you! We will be together forever , You don’t want to leave me this time!” It turned out that Morton had already seen his appearance, it turned out to be the man who hugged and played with him when he was a child, and it turned out that what the little guy had been looking for was always by his side.

Morton turned around and saw the little guy hiding under the ruins. Could it be him?How many years have passed, and I have already forgotten who I was at that time, and now I actually recall it here!

When Morton finally thought about it, his body suddenly moved, and he jumped out of the attached state directly. Seeing that he had used his last energy and gathered his last thoughts, he jumped off the city wall suddenly. The Nightsaber of the Nightsaber did the same, in the tradition of animal companions, to live and die together!
"No! Don't do this, no!" Morton saw this scene again. How many years has this scene settled in his heart?He thought he had let go, but when he saw it again, his heart was even more painful than when he saw it for the first time, thinking that he had no ability to help at that time, but now he has the ability to help!

At this time, Morton didn't hesitate, and jumped off the city wall. He was going to save him. He couldn't distinguish between reality and illusion!

Looking at Morton's increasingly red body, the outside world knows that Morton inside is getting more and more critical, but Field can only act in a hurry.

"What should I do? Can you go in and rescue him? It's an easy formation, but why is it so difficult to get to him!" Field yelled, and Heywood frowned.

"It's impossible to get in. He needs to rely on himself at this time, but we have to do something! Get rid of those guys, anyway, this formation is now operating independently! Go!" Heywood felt that he should kill them first. These few are trying to figure out a way, otherwise they are making trouble when I am thinking of a way, how can I save people like this!

"Okay, what you say is right!" Field readily agreed, and he has long disliked these guys. If his brother-in-law has any troubles, he will be buried with the elves. As for his mother!A woman who abandoned her son to become an elf queen herself really doesn't get Feld's favor!If you die, you will die, just to be with Morton!
The few elves who had exhausted their energy watched Field rushing over but couldn't resist, because they were exhausted, and even if they didn't want to die, they couldn't stop Field's sharp sword at this time.

At the moment of crisis, Hegel made a move that no one could have imagined. He kicked his master, the elf ranger who also used two knives, towards Field, and then fled in the opposite direction by virtue of the reciprocity of force. From a distance, everyone heard his words: "Old guy, you are all dying anyway, just wait for me for a while, maybe the elves can still be saved, otherwise I will be here today, I will go first!"

Field withdrew his sword blade when the elf approached, and knocked the hilt on the elf's head. The elf, who was wide-eyed, fainted immediately, and the other two elves could only look helplessly and angrily at the fleeing Haig. Er, I didn't expect him to hide so deeply. They were all deceived. Seeing him alive and well, he knew that he must have done nothing. No wonder the Four Seasons Fantasy Killing Formation failed to trap these two people!
In fact, this is wronging Hegel. He has indeed tried his best, but the ring on his hand helped him again, restored his physical strength, and allowed him to have the energy to escape from the sky and continue his plan !
"Now it seems that the elves are nothing more than that! Everyone is old and foolish. We are here to help you, but how did you treat us? Not only did you refuse to pay us, but you also intended to surround and kill us! Now it's all right, let us help you!" The released criminals got what they wanted and ran away! I can only vent my anger on you, Field, cut them all off!" Heywood said angrily.

"But Heywood, they have no resistance now, I can't kill an unarmed old man!" After hesitating for a while, he just rushed out just because he was dazzled by anger, and now that he was asked to kill, he really couldn't do it!

"Think about it! What did they do to us just now? I was looking at Morton. I don't know if they killed me. Don't I deserve to die? If they can release Morton at this time, of course I can spare them, but will it work?" You are all brought out by me, if you don’t go back with me completely! How can I explain to the master! You don’t come, right? Okay, I’ll come!” Heywood said fiercely, and then walked up to prepare to do it himself .

At this time, the elf in the robe said: "Wait a minute! If I can help you rescue him, can you let us go! No, just let those ordinary elves go, I know it's our fault this time, However, the resting place of the God of Life cannot be desecrated, although I am sorry, but this is our duty!"

Heywood laughed secretly in his heart, he really owed it, the bitch is just hypocritical, if you don't fight, you won't explain it! : "Well, if you can get Morton out, I can spare you! And you think that Hegel is really at least as simple as running away. I think he has only one purpose from the beginning to the end, and that is to enter the resting place you said Land, I don't know what the purpose is, but I think everyone will know soon!"

What Heywood said aroused the suspicion of the elves. Thinking about it now, it seems to be true. Whether it was because of the rebellion of the emperor or joining the battle group, Hegel's goal seemed to be the resting place, because only the emperor could enter there.

"It's not good to stop him quickly, he wants to steal the godhead!" The elf king finally became alert, and with a cry he was about to stand up and run in.

"I think there is only one thing you have to do now, get him out, otherwise the entire Elf City will be wiped out today without Hegel stealing it! Try it if you don't believe it!"

(End of this chapter)

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