Plane Merchant

Chapter 348 Wake up!

Chapter 348 Wake up!

Nightmare is obviously very satisfied with Field's answer, yes!He, who was already dead, was resurrected through Field's time regression. It is incredible to think about it. It is precisely because of this that Nightmare and Field merge into one. This is the real reason why these illusions cannot deceive Field at all in the fantasy space. !Nightmare is part of him, but he is definitely all of Nightmare!
"It's very simple. This person's current memory has been tampered with, so he is addicted to fantasy! As long as we modify his memory back!" Nightmare is obviously familiar with this, at least he often compiles memories and implants other people's memories. This is one of his few pleasures in the netherworld!

"Okay, but how do we know where his memory has been tampered with?" Field thought about it and was about to do it, but he found another problem, where did the memory go wrong?How do I change it myself?
"Didn't you find out? He doesn't know you!" Meng Meng rolled his eyes. Was this person listening to someone else?

"Yes! You said he was blinded by an illusion, but what does that mean?" Field still didn't understand, and Nightmare felt that he should be happy because his IQ was definitely better than the person in front of him!Just thinking that he is his master, he suddenly felt very sad!

"Idiot, there should have been you in his memory, but now it's gone, that is to say, this memory has either been blocked, or it has been cleaned and tampered with, no matter which one it is, we just need to input this memory into it! "Nightmare finally said what to do, otherwise Field would definitely continue to ask.

"Then what are you waiting for! Enter it now!" Field urged.

"I'm copying your memory, wait! What's the rush!" Nightmare said and continued her actions.

"My memory? Wait, that's my memory. Is it really okay for you to input it? It won't become another me!" Field suddenly thought of a very serious thing, and the memory of the thing Morton became My own, if he marries his younger sister by then, will he be very entangled?It must be very tangled!
"It only needs a guiding role, let him remember you with your existence, and then arouse his own doubts, and finally break through the usual shackles. This formation has no ability to cleanse when no one is in charge! So there is no need at all. Worried." Nightmare explained, and then prepared to touch Morton's forehead with his unicorn, and then input the memory he had compiled.

This small action stimulated Morton, and Morton jumped to the other side vigilantly, then Zhang Gong looked at them and said, "Don't come over! Who are you? I have other things now, get out of the way!"

"Morton stop messing around! Let me transfer the memory quickly, and then we leave this damned illusion!" Field persuaded, but unfortunately it didn't work, because Morton looked at Field like he was looking at a fool.

The fierce battle on the battlefield over there was in full swing. The Fury that was about to explode did not explode, but fought bravely inside. This did not match Morton's memory, but Morton did not respond. Perhaps this is why illusions can confuse His real reason, subconsciously, he didn't want his father to blew himself up and died. It was after receiving such information that he decisively changed the development of the illusion and successfully kept Morton inside.

As for the subsequent memory, it has obviously been blocked. Field chased after Morton who left quickly. Unexpectedly, in the illusion, Morton's speed was so fast that Nightmare could not catch up with him.

"Is there any mistake! Running so fast, didn't you say that the illusion is your territory? Hurry up and find a way!" Seeing Morton rushing into the crowd to fight again!Field said a little anxiously. It can be seen that Morton's current situation is not good. The continuous fighting consumes not physical energy, but soul. Once the soul is exhausted, it is true that Morton is only a shell. 's dead.

"Get him right away!" Nightmare was also very unconvinced. Although this is the home court, he can cheat!

Nightmare took a step forward, and this step went directly to Morton's side!With a flick of the long horns on his head, it was about to touch Morton's forehead!
"Go away! This monster! Why do you keep pestering me! Can't you see that I am saving people! Or do you want to die! In this case, I will fulfill you!"

Morton also became angry, and directly opened his bow to shoot an arrow. When he shot it, it turned out to be a unique move like Chaotic Arrow Rain, which clearly wanted to kill him. Unfortunately, this is an illusion, and everything is fake. Although Morton's attack It's bluffing, but unfortunately for Nightmare, it's nothing!

The arrows all passed through Nightmare's body, and all the elf soldiers behind were shot and disappeared, and then appeared out of nowhere from the other side, but Morton didn't realize it!

"Crazy! I always control him, you come up and transfer his memory!" Field sees that this is not the way to go!So he jumped down, hugged Morton and said.

Morton, who was controlled, wanted to break free, but Field was not an ordinary person. He was completely unaffected by hallucinations, and he still had the strength of a holy rank, but Morton had forgotten his own holy rank power!
Finally, Nightmare's long horn touched Morton's forehead. Nightmare's eyes emitted a long green light, and a ray of light was transmitted directly into Morton's eyes.

Morton seemed to be half-clicked, and some memories appeared in his mind in an extremely chaotic manner, which was himself!Rush out from the forest and defeat the enemy with one arrow!Be loyal to Li Youran and become his bodyguard!Participated in the battle for Field's survival!Everything came to mind one by one.

The transmission of the nightmare still continued, and all the memories about Morton in their minds were transmitted, even including the fact that they obtained the Seed of Time and Space because of their loyalty to Li You, broke through the holy rank in one fell swoop, and even obtained the armor and their own weapon soul His own mount, which made Morton more and more clear, yes, this is everything about him, Morton Scott.

"I remember, I'm Morton, this is not my world! I'm here to get the Fountain of Life! Kill me!" Morton forcibly cut off the transmission of Nightmare, and then roared, the land around him All fell apart.All the elf army disappeared, only the phantom of Stormrage Scott was left!

Morton looked at him, a trace of nostalgia flashed in his eyes, and then he pointed to him and said, now that this time has come, you should disappear too, thank you for reminding me of these dusty memories, but people always have to ask for help. We've seen it before, we can't go back!
Just after Morton finished speaking, Stormrage, who was still dancing wildly, slowed down, looked at Morton and said, "Are you sure you want to leave me? You know that if you are here, you can get everything you want , your mother, my father, and your friends, look, they are all waiting for you in the city! You have completed this defense, and you can inherit the city, a half-elf The city! Isn’t that enough! Stay here, child, everything you need is here, and this is where you belong!”

Field raised his eyebrows from the side and thought to himself, "This is the troublemaker! It's too late for Wu to write!"

Morton shook his head, "Disappear, fantasies are fantasies, the master is still waiting for me to go home, and there are only my master and companions outside, just disappear completely!" After speaking, he shot through his image with an arrow.

Morton frowned and looked around, wondering why it still hadn't disappeared?

"Hey, why is it still like this? There has been no change. I remember that I killed all the bastards in the Black Iron Fortress and those ghosts who pretended to be my family and came out immediately. Why is this place still like this?" Field didn't know why. ask.

"With your brain, it's pretty good to be able to think of these things! Didn't you realize that! The phantom array has a hole, unless you break the hole, you can't get out, and you are furious inside , The whole world has collapsed, so what's the point! It's no wonder if you don't go out!" Nightmare said with extreme contempt, he still doesn't appreciate such a huge profit, and it is obvious that Morton is more suitable in comparison. His taste, but obviously Morton with Silver Pegasus wouldn't accept being a Prince Charming!
"Is that so? Then Morton, hurry up and smash yourself! We have to hurry out! There is going to be a fight outside!" Field didn't care about Nightmare's ridicule, and he came up with a good idea, and Nightmare turned over. A white eye did not speak.

While they were discussing, new changes took place in the space of the phantom array. The land that had been cracked had returned to its original state, and the elf soldiers who had disappeared appeared again!Stormrage came with him, of course it was a fake one!

"How could this happen! Who can give me an explanation?" Field looked at the changes around him and said inexplicably.

"It seems that the difficulty of the formation has increased. It is impossible to destroy the space of the formation and go out. Unless you find the eye of the formation, you can only stay inside and wait to die!" Meng Meng closed her eyes and felt it, and found the outer wall of the formation. It even added three layers of protective film. Although he can go out, Morton can't!Unless the eyes of the formation are destroyed and the Four Seasons Illusory Killing Formation is directly destroyed, the energy supporting the Four Seasons Illusory Killing Formation supports a formation, which is absolutely unbreakable!Knowing that without Heywood's strength, it is impossible to break through!

In fact, it was all due to Heywood and Field's merciless shots. Originally, it was enough to just break out of the formation, but in the end, both of them destroyed the entire phantom formation space. Now Morton's space has become more difficult!
"Do you know where the eyes of the array are!" Morton looked at the elves approaching in front of him, he didn't know if these were lethal!

(End of this chapter)

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