Plane Merchant

Chapter 368 Change of Magic Moon City

Chapter 368 Change of Magic Moon City
The fall of Ottoman means that the attack plan of the Phantom Moon Dynasty is completely aborted. It is ridiculous that two of the three armies were captured without even seeing the territory and soldiers of the city that never sleeps. The emperor of the Orc Empire is being captured After killing everyone, he handed over the people to Gude, and asked him to take the prisoners to send his friendship to the lord of the city that never sleeps.

And the gray elves also sent envoys. They learned about the situation of the city that never sleeps from the merchants, a city that does not discriminate against any aliens, a city that can trade freely, as a nation struggling in the wasteland, they need it very much. Such a city came to trade to obtain what they needed, so they agreed to the request of the orc emperor to help attack the human army. Outstanding women travel with them. In order to better develop friendship, the gray elves don't mind having a few gray elf girls around the human lord!Even if they give birth to half-elves in the future, they are willing to admit the legal status of half-elves. They live too poorly.

The sun elves are natural spellcasters who control natural magic. They don’t need to work hard to survive. The forest allows them to get whatever they want. The moon elves are natural night walkers and rangers who wander in the forest. Nature has given them richness. Not only druids, but also powerful professions such as elf ranger and stalker, plus the shelter of the tree of life, there is no need to worry about food and drink in the phantom forest, and there is no danger of being invaded.

In contrast, the gray elves in Star City are more miserable!There's only one phantom shooter you can take, and they have nothing but shooters!Even the powerful profession of the Star Priest has not been passed on for a long time, otherwise, the gray elves under the leadership of the Star Priest may not be weaker than the other two cities.

For this mission, the elves of Star City attach great importance to it. Food in the wasteland is an eternal theme. There is nothing harder than food as a currency. The purpose of this time is food and other daily necessities. Poverty in the wasteland cannot It is believable, but the resources are also coveted. Every day, there are unscrupulous traders here to search for treasures, gold!gem!Magic Crystal!Warcraft fur!There are also some other magic materials and minerals, which are all their targets. Of course, most of them died of greed, but there are still people who come here, expecting to get rich overnight.

And the other army was lost in the hands of Zhenhai Hou, who dared to bombard the blood of the gods with magic crystals, this is no one!It is rare kindness for Zhenhaihou not to kill him. Of course, he wants to use him to make friends with Li Youran. superior!It would take at most three days to reach the watershed of the city that never sleeps, where the mermaid and lobster people would accept them, and he, Marquis Zhenhai, would definitely receive great courtesy as a distinguished guest, after all, he had solved a big problem for them.

Compared with the losses of the other two teams, the Duke of Ottoman's loss can be said to be the biggest. When fighting against the nobles of the Griffin Empire, he had already lost nearly 1 people. As a result, under Li Youran's surprise attack, he lost another nearly 3 people. Ten thousand people, plus those who broke up and escaped, the team of 10 people lost half of it.

The rest were all taken away by the people of the House of Nobles. Duke Ottoman was captured. When the news came out, it could be said that it shocked the world. The strength of the city that never sleeps is eye-catching. After the publicity, it has also entered the sight of various lords, and ordinary people can use it!Easy to operate, low consumption, powerful attack power, these are all the lords dream of.

For a while, all the lords sent envoys, as for excuses!Does celebrating the success of the city that never sleeps count?Magic Moon Dynasty?At this time, who would care about the place where the rebellion broke out in the imperial capital of his own country?

Archimonde created the miracle of Earl Subaru. Subaru gathered all the people and told them about being monitored by the king and possibly being wiped out. Some believed it and some did not believe it, but they were all without exception. Everything has been coerced into it, even if it seems like an excuse at this time, it can't be justified.

After the king was silent for three days, he immediately started to act. The nobles who did not attend the banquet were caught off guard and were slaughtered completely. This made Subaru, who was always paying attention to the outside situation, secretly click his tongue. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, otherwise they would be stupid He worked his life for the king, but in the end there was no one to collect the corpse!The whole family is dead!

When the outside army and spies broke through the gate of the Earl's Mansion, the excited soldiers thought that it would be the same as the noble houses they broke through before, with countless gold coins and beautiful women waiting for them, but when they broke through Then they realized they were wrong!

There are seven or eight machine gun ports on the round bunker, and the earl's servants inside have long been able to handle firearms proficiently under Archimonde's training. Let's talk!The dozens of people who rushed in ahead of the dozen were all dead.

The nobles who were waiting for the news in the hall at the back immediately stood up when they heard the sound of the guns. They walked to the door and wanted to wait and see. It's powerful, it's really amazing, and they have more or less confidence in their own safety.

After a few groups of people died in the army outside, they finally learned how to behave. Instead of sending people to die, they turned to look for loopholes in the defense. Unfortunately, what they encountered was the Earl's Mansion, which was armed like a tortoise shell. The existence of the bunker Let their long-range strikes become a joke. Who has seen an arrow shoot through a concrete wall tens of centimeters thick?It is as hard as a stone. Although there are occasional sky-level masters who use their own eyesight to shoot a few arrows from the muzzle of the machine gun, it only adds one or two casualties. There are not many other things in the Earl's Mansion, and there are thousands of servants!In the words of Subaru it is! "It's okay! Kill slowly!"

The Earl's Mansion, which is as big as an iron bucket, has no choice but to force Subaru to come out by cutting off food and water sources. There is Archimonde from the city that never sleeps. He is the most shrewd in business. He saw the business opportunity. Subaru has nothing but money, and the nobles who came here also have a lot of valuables in their hands. Provide credit service, charge a little interest at most, you can enjoy any kind of enjoyment you want!
There is absolutely nothing to say about this kind of service attitude. Not only that, Archimonde also took the opportunity to promote his own banking concept, which achieved extraordinary results. Subaru was the first to deposit all its money in the bank in the city that never sleeps. In his words Said, even if he needs to escape in the future, there is no place more suitable than the city that never sleeps!Where the money is stored, it can run more easily.

Li Youran is very happy that Archimonde got the bank out so quickly, not only that, but also has customers. Fortunately, Professor Jin created the soft girl, otherwise Li Youran might not be able to run a bank at this time, thanks to the soft With the help of my sister's intellectual brain, a banking system was developed to facilitate a series of businesses such as storage and settlement.

Li Youran also made a few bank cards, on which Professor Jin engraved a unique alchemy formation and engraved a communication magic net, and then it can be used for consumption in any store in the city that never sleeps, just like the credit card on the earth.

A series of convenient measures moved the hearts of the nobles present. What they disliked the most was that they had to carry a money box when they went shopping, and they needed to hire a carriage. There is no need to worry about Zhang Ka, as Archimonde has already said very clearly.

They only need to pay a small fee, and they can use this card to withdraw money in stores in Everbright City in different places. They don’t have to worry about their ability to pay. The business of the stores in Everbright City is good. Just look at the people outside. Since the supermarket closed, Regarding the skyrocketing price of commodities in the city that never sleeps, even lollipops have risen to five silver coins each. You must know that they were only sold for two copper coins before!
Of course, these are things to come later. Before that, Archimonde needs to defeat all the enemies that come, including the holy ranks. When the holy ranks attacked, it was a big loss not to know the power of the guns at first. , mainly because it was too dense, and there were holy-rank bodyguards brought by other nobles in the Earl's Mansion, so it was able to withstand the attack.

But this also made other people worry, afraid of being breached, and then being massacred. So what if I just give you a special treatment?So he readily agreed to send a powerful holy order to rescue!
At this time, Heywood, Field, and Morton didn't know what they were dawdling in the elves, and they hadn't come back for so long. As a last resort, Li Youran had to go there in person, after all, no one was stronger than him.

According to what he said, "I'm going to see far away."

When I was leaving, I saw Prometheus with a statue on the square. After asking Professor Jin, I learned that this has changed the energy system and turned into a real Gundam!If equipped with a smart brain, it can be used as a Transformer!Li Youran didn't understand a lot of technical terms.

To sum up, this is a tall and almost perfect work. It not only has powerful physical attack ability, but also has super strong defense power. The most important energy system can be magic crystal energy or fighting spirit in the human body. energy!

Of course, if you don’t have a cultivation level above the holy rank, you can’t even start it. It will drain the vindictiveness below the holy rank in an instant. In order to make Prometheus more powerful, Professor Jin even added a magic circle on his arm to release attack magic!

Just install the magic crystal and it will work!Every other part has been strengthened with the manufacturing method of the thunder giant recorded in alchemy. It is born with lightning ability and is a perfect attack weapon. Bring it on.

 Originally, I wanted to write 4000 words per day according to the number of full-time words, but after thinking about it, I still couldn’t be sorry to the book friends who supported me, so it was [-] words a day!Thank you for your support!thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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