Plane Merchant

Chapter 371 The war is over

Chapter 371 The war is over

They will never know that what the king paid was all the economic authority of their country, which was unconditionally opened to Li Youran, and finally got Li Youran's support, yes support, a country ruled by Lich, Li Youran agreed to help him Cover up and support him as emperor, provided that he is obedient!
In order to continue to be king, Lich had to agree that unless he wanted to change his body and leave Huanyue forever, he would definitely be found by Li Youran.

Subaru and others appeared in the ruins of the palace, and dozens of nobles looked at the ruins speechlessly. How long?Was it attacked by a forbidden spell just now?Meteor shower?Or is the earth surging?

After seeing the king and Li Youran appearing at the same time, everyone was surprised, but what surprised them even more was after seeing Li Youran patted the king's shoulder and sent him into the palace.Their faces became very exciting, because what they thought was, did this Subaru's reinforcements get mixed up with the king?If this is the case, then it is time for them to think about their own way out.

Subaru thought the same way, so he didn't know how to speak for a long time. After all, he had just saved himself, and what he said now seemed to be a bit of a question, and they had no position to question now.

Li Youran said it generously after seeing him: "I have already discussed with your king, don't worry, he won't make things difficult for you, you can just be your own nobles with peace of mind, as long as he is still The king will do, he doesn't care about the rest! How would you like it?"

It doesn't matter if you don't want to!Li Youran has already discussed with Huanyue, the Lich King will continue to rule Huanyue, and guarantee that Li Youran's economic interests and missionary rights in Huanyue will not be infringed, and Li Youran will provide Huanyue with protection and the construction of all civilian facilities. The pardon of the nobles such as Subaru is nothing more than an extension.

Knowing that they would not be killed by the king, the nobles were relieved, and immediately thanked Li Youran, and then left in a hurry. They haven't been home for a long time, and now they can just go home and see if there is anything else Valuable things were kept, but this time I lost a lot, so I can't say it yet.

"Have you reached any consensus with him? You must know that he is a lich!" Subaru thought further.

"It's nothing but to find an agent in Illusory Moon City. Who else do you think is better than the king?" Li Youran said with a smile.

"Agent? I can do it too!" This sentence almost blurted out. It was obviously Subaru's idea after seeing Li Youran's strength, but before he could say it, Li Youran had already settled the matter.

"You? I haven't forgotten you, but your business is more important than this! Then, Mr. Subaru, I solemnly invite you to join the city that never sleeps. Are you waiting for your willingness?" Li Youran said suddenly and formally.

Subaru tidied up his clothes subconsciously, and then replied formally: "Of course I am willing, my lord. I am happy to serve you."

"Very well, you will be in charge of supervising the business in the Magic Moon Dynasty. The business of the Nightless City will spread to every corner of the mainland in the future. This is an extremely large plan and will require a lot of people. I am very glad that you can join us !" Li Youran was easily given a position by Subaru, a very important position, he can decide whether people's life in a country is good or bad, it can make people live a fulfilling and prosperous life, but also can make people have nothing in an instant.

Of course, there is no such awareness yet. Subaru thought that he was on the same level as a steward or a caravan manager. At most, the organization was a little bigger. He was arrogant and later became the economic power in charge of the Phantom Moon Dynasty. More perverted.

Li Youran went back without disturbing anyone. Originally, Subaru was going to hold a grand reception for him, but he refused. There are still a lot of things waiting at home. In his heart, after all, he was at the door of the house, and it would be bad if something happened.

Li Youran, who was returning home, happened to bump into Zig who had returned to the court victoriously, and came back with a large number of prisoners. Behind him were three hundred mecha fighters who were guarding the prisoners. None of the prisoners wanted to escape, and they couldn't escape. , Too many people have died along the way, didn't you see that even the Duke has no intention of escaping?

Osman didn't want to run?Chigurh whispered a word in his ear, so he didn’t dare to run at all.

"If you dare to run, I will kill all my own people, and then go to the Phantom Moon Dynasty! Try to see if you want to be a sinner of the dynasty!" Zig really scared Osman, he is an upright soldier, but Obey the order and act, and you must not bring such serious consequences to the country because of your own failure.

It was safe to return to the city that never sleeps, and then came the team from the wasteland, relatively few captives raised their eyebrows, and nearly 10 people in the team of 7 people were buried in the wasteland. Except for those who escaped and disappeared, only those close to More than 1 captives were captured by the Orc Empire as slaves and sent to the city that never sleeps together. Zhenhai Hou came in person. Ten large ships and an airship were definitely a surprise.

Zhen Haihou felt that his gift was definitely the heaviest!After all, a large fleet is not something that can be done with money. After all, it is a sea-going ship, especially an airship, which cannot be bought with money. Only this one, Zhenhaihou, if not for his strength, is at sea , the airship might even be reluctant for him to give it away.

Li Youran was waiting for their arrival in the hall. The first one to enter was Zieg, with a smile on his face and the prisoners behind him, entered the hall.

"Master, I'm back! I've fulfilled my mission, I've won!"

"Of course my steward, you make me very happy. You have done it. You are entitled to enjoy your present glory. I will crown you in front of the townspeople! My Mr. Baron!" Li Youran's words made Zieg very sad I'm happy, is he finally a nobleman again, this time it's really his own glory.

"Master, please allow me to introduce you. This is the commander-in-chief of the Phantom Moon Dynasty Expeditionary Army, Grand Duke Osman. I lost a mech to catch him!" Introduction of portrait Li Youran.

"You are the Grand Duke of Osman! Very good, I have met the king of your country! Do you know what he did to you?" Li Youran looked at this Osman and said.

"Have you seen it? Could it be that you have already negotiated with the king?" Osman still doesn't know what happened in Illusion Moon City. Now he is just a prisoner, but no one has come to tell him this!

"That's right! We talked well, so you are my captive now. Of course, you can redeem yourself. The amount of ransom should be paid according to the usual practice. I hope you can afford the ransom!" Li Youran finished speaking. Then he looked at Osman with a smile.

"What does this mean?" Osman frowned, and he could hear something in the young lord's words.

"It's nothing. I had a good conversation with your king, but he didn't seem to have a good conversation with the nobles in the country. When I went, he was carrying out cleaning activities. Many families were cleaned up. My friend Subaru also Among them, I helped him a bit, there are many people hidden in his home, I hope your family can also be in it, you are probably going to work with me to earn money to redeem yourself!"

What Li Youran said was like a bolt from the blue. Osman didn't expect this to be the case. The first thought in his mind was that this was a lie to him. Unfortunately, Li Youran told him with a very serious expression that he didn't lie to him.

"Why is this happening! Why?" Osman looked at Li Youran in disbelief and said.

"I'm sorry, I don't know, but I think you need to rest very much now. Zieg takes him down, gives him a room, and lets him rest." Osman went out.

A person who devoted himself to his country ended up in such an end, Li Youran also felt that God was really unfair to him.

Gude brought the captives to the city that never sleeps, but he didn't go to see Li You first, but he took the gray elves and other orcs to visit the city that never sleeps. First, he handed over the captives to John, and saw the huge mecha outside the city and the captives being imprisoned , Gude secretly sighed, it seems that his is absolutely right, the power of the city that never sleeps really cannot be underestimated.

Don't Gude think those huge mechs are just a decoration, and wouldn't he dare to run away without seeing those captives!

"The war is over? It seems that you have won, congratulations!" Goode said to John.

"Hmm, actually, I knew it would end a long time ago, but I didn't expect it to be so soon. I'm all thankful to you all. I heard that Chigurh has made great contributions, and I heard that he is about to be crowned a knight. Marquis Zhenhai also stopped all the troops. The lobstermen and the swamp murlocs went to accept it. To be honest, there are not enough manpower. I really miss the days when Field and the others are here! The celebration party will start soon. You are here just in time. You can take a look. A very grand banquet! Take a good look around! By the way, who are they?" John patted Goode on the shoulder and said!
"They? The elves! They are from Star City! They are very good allies. Thanks to them this time, we can defeat these people so quickly. They are here to pay a visit!" Gude seemed to remember at this time, and quickly Introduced to.

In fact, Gude didn't want to introduce the elves to Li Youran, because one overlord in the wasteland is enough. If the elves get Li Youran's help, the position of the orc empire may be in jeopardy. Unfortunately, Gude has already reminded the emperor, It's a pity that people don't listen to him!There was nothing he could do.

"Elves! I've seen them before, but this one is different. The one who came last time is said to be an elf princess! But I've already gone back, take your time, I have to go to work, there are too many captives, I need to make arrangements , you can go to Chief Sieg first, he will arrange for you to see the lord!"

(End of this chapter)

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