Plane Merchant

Chapter 378 The Unexpectedly Opened Space

Chapter 378 The Unexpectedly Opened Space
I heard the interviewees excitedly talk about the benefits they had received, and even an elderly man who had stood up from his wheelchair even ran a 9-meter sprint time of 99 seconds in front of the camera!This has to surprise them, but also regret that they didn't get such an opportunity!

You must know that this old man was in a wheelchair before!What a miracle!Thinking about the miracle of being reborn from a severed limb in Beverly Hills, everyone is becoming more and more interested in Time and Space God Sect

"How do you feel?" Li Youran said looking at Morton, who was half kneeling on the ground, but his momentum was obviously different.

At this time, the green stars in the nebula were extraordinarily excited, beating vigorously as if they had been reborn, like a heart that had been revived and had a powerful pacemaker installed.

Morton finally stood up, and a green bud pattern appeared between his brows. The aura of god rank on his body was undoubtedly revealed, and it seemed that he had successfully integrated the godhead!
"Master, I have successfully integrated into the godhead, not only that, but also the godhead." Just when Morton was about to say something, there was a sudden vibration in the temple, like an earthquake, but how could an earthquake happen in the temple? Woolen cloth?The first thing Li Youran thought of was that the temple was going to be upgraded again?

It's been a long time since I saw the temple upgrade, but it's no wonder!As for leveling up, naturally, the further you go, the harder it is to level up!
"I'll go and see what's going on!" Li Youran immediately ran to the other side. Morton and Field looked at each other and followed in unison.

The place where Li Youran ran up was exactly where those rooms were, but when Li Youran ran up, he didn't see the newly opened door, it seemed that it wasn't an upgrade!At this time Alice's voice rang in his ears.

"Congratulations, you have harvested two lower-level gods. I didn't expect you to have servant gods so soon!" Alice's voice was a little surprised, she didn't expect Li Youran to cultivate two so soon, one Wang Hu was enough She was surprised, but Wang Hu was lucky, with the help of the ancient holy beast, this Morton was so lucky, a godhead that can be fused directly without refining!
This chance is equivalent to being struck by lightning ten times on the main road of the earth!

"Don't be too surprised, I didn't expect this to happen myself! Did you know what happened just now?" Li Youran asked casually, and he didn't expect Alice to answer.

"Don't be too surprised, it's just another space-time opening! This is because your power has increased, and you have two lower gods, which proves that you have stabilized at least one base camp world! You can start the space-time adventure, but I've already seen the first one that appeared, how should I put it, it has something to do with your power.

So chances are that even if you don't go, something will find you!So you can take it easy!Let's get rid of the deformed biochemical world first. The strong man who travels through time and space has already arrived in Chang'an City. If you don't go, he will probably go mad. Your subordinates are loyal and didn't say anything. What is your contact information with him! "

The reason why Alice said so much is to make Li Youran not to escape. Although Li Youran didn't want to admit it, there is a strong man who can travel through time and space in that world, which puts a lot of pressure on him. Although he didn't say it, but Subconsciously, I don't go to that world, and I seldom care about it!
However, it doesn't mean that if he doesn't go, people will let him go!If he doesn't look for others, they will come!

"You know? You've already gone to see it? Then why didn't you get rid of that guy?" Li Youran asked. In fact, he knew that it was impossible for Alice to get rid of the enemies from outside, even if the enemies rushed in. She wouldn't help herself defend herself against the enemy, at most the Temple of Revenge would not be damaged, he just asked as if venting.

"I have no obligation to help you! You are only the heir and not the master of this place. Even if you are, I have the right to refuse you! I am not your slave! Well, you should do your own thing, right! Maybe you are right You are a good thing!" Alice's voice completely disappeared after she finished speaking!

Field and Morton who followed didn't feel anything at all!The difference in strength is too great. If Alice is unwilling, it is impossible for the two prices to feel her presence.

"Is something wrong, Master?" The two asked Li Youran, who was standing at the door.

"It's nothing! It's just a new space! Alright! Let's go out!" Li Youran brought Morton, who had successfully integrated the godhead, to the castle. Such a fast efficiency made Zhenhai Hou look at Li Youran with admiration once again. up.

Integration is difficult or easy, but it may not be easy!It's really not easy to get ready so quickly, it seems that he still underestimated Li Youran's ability!

On the second day, when Mia from Moon City came again, he saw Morton who was completely different from another world. After learning that he had merged with the godhead, he immediately said happily: "Your Highness , can you help us cure the tree of life now?"

"Don't call me a prince! I haven't figured it out yet! Healing is certainly possible! But I need time to get familiar with it, but I have a condition, that is, I hope that the city of the moon will become a branch of the city that never sleeps!"

Morton's conditions made Mi Ya very embarrassed, not because he didn't want to agree, but because he had no right!Anyone can see the development potential of the city that never sleeps!Of course it's good to post it at this time!It's a pity that Mia has no right to agree, and there are so many old and stubborn people in the clan, Mia doesn't have the confidence to persuade them.

"I'm afraid I don't have the right to promise you this! But if you can persuade the queen, or if you sit on the throne yourself, then you will have the final say! Your Highness!" Mia once again mentioned the title of His Highness , but this time Morton obviously did not refuse. This is a good sign and proves that his words were successful!
Morton nodded in agreement, and then stopped talking!The problem of the moon elves has been solved, and the problem of the orcs is not a problem at all!It's just increasing the trading volume, it's really nothing to Li Youran!As for the gray elves, they really sincerely want to join the city that never sleeps. If it weren't for the large number of people, they might have given up their original city and came to live in the city that never sleeps, especially when they saw the half-elves here. life after.

Because the moon elves have a relationship with Morton, they will definitely be taken care of in the future. This is what the gray elves are worried about, because the relationship between the two is really bad!

(End of this chapter)

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