Plane Merchant

Chapter 389 Pete's Helper

Chapter 389 Pete's Helper

In exchange!Pete got the right to live safely in Copenhagen, of course only in Copenhagen.

In the old castle, Pete flipped through the dilapidated photo album with red eyes. It contained photos of him and his parents when he was a child. After arriving in Copenhagen, he received a last-word call from his father!Then in his crying, he got the news that his father had been dead for a long time!

At the same time he also knew that in exchange he was safe!And with half of Franken's research materials in his hand, how could he be willing to give up his hatred like this!Since the world doesn't sympathize with me, what use is it for me to have the world?

Pete flicked the photo album in his hand, and then remembered, this is his last relic!Can't just throw it away!
When he ran over to pick it up, he accidentally saw something in the cardboard cover of the photo album. Pete was stunned. He touched it with his hand and found that it should be a key, so he quickly found paper cutters and scissors After waiting for the tools, he carefully opened the cover, and sure enough, an extremely delicate key was glued to it, and on the other side was a letter.

Pete was glad that he didn't use violent means to tear or cut it blindly, otherwise the letter would have been ruined.

Looking at the words "Peter's personal letter" written on the cover, he suddenly trembled a little, took a deep breath, and Pete opened the envelope.

"My son, when you read this letter, I feel very happy and worried. The happy thing is that you still care about me. As your father, I should be happy. Of course, as your father, I actually hope that You didn't find this letter because it represents that you are about to go down a completely different path, which is difficult and dangerous, and I don't want you to spend the rest of your life in danger.

Now there are two options, one is to ignore this letter and be a rich man who can live in peace of mind. The property I leave you is enough for you to spend, and I have already negotiated with them. As long as they don’t leave Copenhagen, they won’t How about you, as long as you accumulate your own strength, you will rise one day. Morgan's declaration is that as long as there is one person in the family, the family will never wither. This is also my expectation. "

"Then let's talk about another way. As an ancient family, we have an unknown hole card. Although the development of modern technology makes the demise of the family extremely easy, there are still necessary means, so I There is something left for you in the depths of this old castle, if, I mean, if, you must go this way, then take the key and go to the deepest part of the old castle, there is what you need everything."

After reading old Morgan's last letter, Pete looked at the key in a daze. It turned out that his father had already arranged everything, but why didn't he arrange a way out for himself? Why did he die!
What Pete didn't know was that under such circumstances, it was necessary to tempt people to give an explanation to those who were eyeing tigers, and the people in the family also needed an explanation. Only the life of old Morgan could make them forgive Pete's recklessness and let them Help Pete get through the initial difficulties.

Holding the key in his hand, Pete walked to the deepest part of the castle in his memory. It was after he accidentally broke into it when he was a child. Old Morgan said that the deepest part of the castle, the core point of the family, is also a place that only the patriarch can enter. Like the senior VIP service of Swiss Bank, even the patriarch can enter up to three times in his lifetime.

Seeing that special gate, it is hard to imagine that this gate actually existed hundreds of years ago. How the craftsmen at that time made a copper gate with a thickness of more than one meter, and it was amazing that one person could drag it .

He took out the key. Fortunately, this one has no iris scanning or voice control device, let alone a fingerprint test, otherwise Pete will wonder if his family has acquired black technology or something!
When I opened the door, what I saw in front of me was not the super weapons I imagined, or some killer mace, but it was much more useful than those things. Gold, countless gold, what I saw was a piece of gold. Yellow, and in front of another row of cabinets, there are a pair of picture scrolls, all of which are expensive calligraphy and paintings, and the table is full of documents. Pete opened one, and it is impressive that it is the shares of Coca-Cola Company, although it is only [-]%. However, it is an original stock that will never be diluted. This is a priceless good, and God knows how it is here.

The most important thing is that these things are obviously new, not old things. I remember that old Morgan had always lived in Copenhagen. If it wasn't for Pete, he would not have left here. It seems that he has already After calculating the ending, when Pete finished reading everything, a door caught his attention, which read: "Peter, this is what you need most."

When Pete opened the door, he saw a huge biological laboratory with all kinds of difficult experimental equipment. What's more rare is the energy booster and a box full of crystals, so that he can use it without using energy. Things are worrying.

There is also a letter on the table in the laboratory: "My child, when you read this letter, I am no longer there. You have chosen another path that is very difficult to walk. In order to give you the greatest help, I will help you." Choose to let the family collapse, promise me that when you are able, you must rebuild the family, and I have found a good helper for you, I hope you will like him."

"Ha, look who this is! A shareholder of Electric General? How did it become so embarrassing?" A mocking voice appeared in the laboratory, startling Pete.

"It's you, why are you here!" Pete turned to look, it turned out to be Frank, of course it was Frank with eight tentacles, he was wearing a white coat, and the eight tentacles were skillfully manipulating the beaker and the tentacles. Other experimental equipment, while he himself was reading newspapers leisurely.

"Of course I have a reason. Your father spent a lot of money generating waves on the seabed in order to let me help you. Although you can be regarded as my enemy, but for the sake of money, I can help you." You once, of course only this time, we may still be competitors in the future!" Franken's sponsor is Old Morgan.

Old Morgan spent a lot of money to put enough sound wave transmitters on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. There was only one sentence in it, that is, he hoped Franken would help Pete. As for the price, it was naturally to subsidize him so that he could complete his In order to be able to complete his own experiment, Franken agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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