Plane Merchant

Chapter 391 The Importance of Morton

Chapter 391 The Importance of Morton

Li Youran happened to see Murphy's failed experiment, so he didn't let the informant disturb him, but went up to him, patted Murphy on the shoulder and said, "What's wrong! The experiment failed?"

The result is of course obvious where it is placed, even though Murphy wanted to pull out a smile and say, "It's okay, it's just a small problem."

But it's impossible, Li Youran saw it himself!After seeing Li Youran, Murphy didn't quibble, but just lowered his head and answered in a muffled voice: "Yes."

"Tell me what the problem is, you three experts can't figure it out!" Li Youran walked to the thick bulletproof glass, more than ten layers of bulletproof glass, and the defense was naturally that the robots inside were afraid that they would suddenly riot and be killed by Murphy. The robot designed by Barden is more like a human weapon.

There are various types of weapons, and they come in endless patterns, ranging from the simplest alloy sword to the most powerful laser cannon. The eight metal brackets behind them look the same as the eight legs of a spider, but these eight legs are not used to What walks is a weapon. After improvement, Gatling's submission has been reduced to the limit, and the ammunition has also become full of power.

If artificial intelligence is not so difficult to achieve, they may have succeeded!In fact, what Li Youran just saw was the intelligent AI that they thought was mature, but unfortunately it still seemed incompetent!

"Sorry master I messed up everything! I thought I could, I made the best material, their design concept is also very good, and the shape of the design is also very dynamic! Just smart system There are some problems on the Internet, I can’t understand the commands very well, and there are often logical errors, such things must not be manufactured, otherwise it will be a catastrophe!” Murphy talked about his predicament, and then sulked went.

"Is this the reason? If it's anything else, I might not be able to help! But if it's about this intelligent system, I think I can help! See what I brought!" Li Youran took out a box, Murphy was used to it, but it was the first time for Baden and the others to see Li Youran actually using it in front of them, and they were particularly surprised.

Li Youran put the box on the table, and when he opened it, he saw a small crystal-like chip. Murphy looked at Li Youran incomprehensibly.

"This is a kind of chip, which is also owned by the robot, but its technology is dozens of times that of the earth. The robot army is very mature. I think these should be enough." Li Youran's box naturally attracted them when he threw it out. When the box was opened, the chip inside made them sigh, this and that looked like a chip, more like a work of art.

"Master, you mean." Murphy said excitedly, looking at the chip.

"That's right, this is for you guys. Study it and install it after thorough research. Our robot army depends on you!" Li Youran patted Murphy on the shoulder and said.

Murphy and the other two quickly fell into a research frenzy. Li Youran felt bored after watching it for a while, so he left again!Unlike Li Youran who was doing nothing, Professor Jin from another world was too busy to touch the ground. The blood stone brought back from the elf city posed a big problem for him. This kind of substance is too hard. There is a known method Almost nothing can cut it.

Jin Jishou scratched his head and tried to find a way around the blood stone on the table, while the soft girl who was watching from the side looked disdainful.

"What are you doing around here and there! Can't you study the whole thing! I just want to find out what the substance is, and I can guess it." Ruanmei thinks that Professor Jin is too ink-stained.

"You know? Tell me!" Professor Jin didn't hold out hope. After all, Ruanmei is just a super intelligent brain. You can't expect her to think of everything, especially since the blood stone is not recorded here!

"I really know it! I have already consulted some mages who have this knowledge through the magic net! There is an ice queen in the far north! The blood stone, as the name suggests, is naturally a special stone stained with the blood of the gods. Ore, which has the power to protect the soul from the power of space, is a necessity for the teleportation array, without it, there would be no teleportation array that can teleport living things! What's wrong with this!"

Ruanmei said arrogantly that since it took control of the magic net, it has expanded the radiation area of ​​the magic net to the limit. Of course, this is also due to the hard work of the merchants. Go, because the farther you are, the more profitable it is, and the strength of the city that never sleeps is known to the whole world, so no one dares to attack businessmen who are registered in the city that never sleeps.

"Okay, I know its meaning, but what's the use of this? What I need is to understand its structural components, and then imitate it, or only this one, why look at it?" Professor Jin was helpless, of course he knew The origin of the blood stone, but what he wants to know is how to copy it, not the introduction.

"It's very simple! It just needs the blood of the gods! It's not that there is no such thing in the territory! It's just that the particularity of the ore makes it necessary to use this kind of ore if you want to send it permanently, but no one has researched this kind of ore!" Ruanmei said Let Professor Jin's mind flash, yes!Morton.

"Morton! I am Professor Jin. No matter where you are now, please come to my laboratory immediately! It is very important! Hurry up!" Professor Jin immediately dialed Morton's mobile phone with his mobile phone and said.

Morton, who was eating at the newly opened revolving restaurant, looked at Field and his sister in silence. Today, Field wanted to force him to come on a blind date, but Professor Jin ruined it!To be honest, Morton still has a good feeling for this girl, but when he gets along with her, he is very comfortable and doesn't feel uncomfortable.

"You look at this?" Morton said, pointing to the phone.

"Damn old man, since we have this thing, we have no peace! Well, you go, maybe he is really in a hurry, damn my sister's marriage is also in a hurry! I am so anxious, I begged the master to marry me! "Field said with some minor complaints, but let Morton leave.

Professor Jin didn't know that he had become a villain who beat mandarin ducks again, but he didn't care if he knew!His mind is now full of research.

Morton arrived, and Professor King's first words almost made him pull out Hydra and kill him.

"You are here! Take off your clothes quickly, I need a little bit of your blood." If you want blood, you need blood. What kind of research is taking off your clothes?Morton's face turned pale with fright!Could it be that this guy is an old pervert?
(End of this chapter)

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