Plane Merchant

Chapter 395

Chapter 395
"Stop talking nonsense, if you want the treasure map and the princess, step over me first, Shulin, stand back." Cai Boyan ordered, and the well-behaved Mo Shulin immediately ran and hid behind a big tree Get up, baring her little head to wait and see, she is no stranger to such a scene, she has been hunted down for more than ten years.

"Stubborn! Kill, just don't hurt the princess." Hearing Cai Boyan's answer, although he was not surprised, he would still get angry. He thought he was the Xiaoyaohou who was in the south of the world and no one cares about him?He is a eunuch with a poor household, let him taste the power of a military master today.

Thinking about being able to kill a Marquis, even if it was a Marquis from the previous dynasty, that would be a great honor, and it would be awe-inspiring to say it.

Looking at these people rushing in front of him, a trace of disdain flashed in Cai Boyan's eyes. It has been so many years, why is the Lin family still like this, using these cannon fodder to die.

"You chickens and dogs, die to me!" Cai Boyan took out his weapon, not an embroidery needle. The Lotus Book he cultivated is not the Sunflower Book. The Lotus Book means fiery red lotus. Zhiyang Zhigang's domineering technique is too domineering. When the Yang Qi fills the whole body, there will be a danger of bursting and dying. The practitioners back then, except for the founder, all died unexpectedly, and the founder was a eunuch. It's hard to imagine how a eunuch created the most masculine and masculine martial arts.

What Cai Boyan uses is the flaming gun of family martial arts. After practicing the lotus treasure mirror, not only the meridians of the whole body have been restored, but also the skill is better than before. It means that you can only go forward bravely and cannot retreat, but under the leadership of Lianhua Baojian, after practicing Zhiyang Zhigang to the extreme, the anode and yin actually brought a different change to the flame gun.

The two-foot-long spear was spliced ​​together, held behind his back, his eyes were slightly closed, and his whole body was unable to release his energy. The people who rushed up did not dare to go up because of this delayed energy. They were all refined veterans. They knew at this time, who Who will die.

"What are you doing, hurry up! If you don't wait for the young master to come, you will all die..." As soon as the word "death" came out of his mouth, he felt a red light flying towards him. Before he could react, his whole body Already completely lost consciousness.

The long knife in his hand fell to the ground with a clatter, and his body fell down, but his head was already smashed, and the ground was covered in red and white like a broken watermelon. He was a first-rate master in the world, but He was stabbed to death by a single shot, yet Cai Boyan didn't seem to have moved at all, still standing with his eyes slightly closed and holding the gun.

The dozens of besiegers were scared and backed away slowly. They didn't have the strength to lead the team, and even the leader was shot to death, let alone them?At this stage of force, it is no longer something that can be compensated by the number of people, maybe it can also be compensated by the number of people, but using tens of thousands of lives to kill a master-level master, it feels stupid to think about it. Could it be that the master-level master can't run away!If a grandmaster wants to run away, who can keep him?

"I haven't seen you for many years. Uncle Cai's flaming marksmanship has really improved again. It's really gratifying. My nephew is here to congratulate Uncle Cai." , if someone who understands lip language sees his mouth shape in the teahouse today, he can tell that what he said is "unsuitable for use, death will not be punished"

"The son of the Lin family?" Cai Boyan doesn't know the person in front of him, but he seems to know that the people who call him uncle are generally from the four great families, while the other two are raised by the Lin family, so the one who can appear is naturally Lin family.

"Uncle is really smart, my nephew wants to ask my uncle for something, how about it as a gift for my nephew and uncle?" He said with a smile on his face, he seemed to have a very good demeanor, but Cai Boyan was annoyed by this kind of hypocrite.

"Stop talking nonsense, I won't agree to any request you have! Your Lin family and I are at odds with each other. It is your luck to meet you today, so die."

As soon as he finished speaking, his eyes opened in vain, his momentum soared in an instant, and his tattered clothes were directly shattered, revealing a strong upper body, a streamlined body, full of explosive power, every muscle was just right, without a trace The fat on the face, the gray hair that was originally gray and white turned back to black in an instant, the wrinkles on the face disappeared, and the whole person turned out to be more than ten years younger.

"The method of rejuvenation? Uncle, are you going to do your best? It's really rare, but unfortunately my nephew doesn't want to do it, so let me do it." He said lazily, and then directed the elite who came with him to say.

Naturally, the elite soldiers of a hundred battles are not built, each of them has the strength of the third-rate masters in the world, and after forming a sword formation, they even faintly compete with Cai Boyan's aura.

"Huh, the flames burn the city." Cai Boyan made a move, a powerful trick as soon as he made a move, a gun light of Zhiyang Zhigang shot out through the body of the gun, it turned out to be a phoenix with powerful firepower directly burning After burning all these, the newly formed knife array was actually smelted directly.

More than 100 people went up and were burned to ashes without even making a sound.

"I don't know how many times Uncle Zhenqi can use this kind of trick? I'm curious. I didn't bring many people this time, only eight thousand cavalry. You can kill slowly. After killing, remember to take the treasure map Just give it to me with the princess, the beautiful mountains and clear waters here are suitable for your burial! Body! Land! "

After the last four words came out, he was full of murderous air. The neighing of the war horse behind him let Cai Boyan know that this guy was definitely not joking. If it was only him, he would not be afraid of many people coming, but Shu Lin is still there, and he must not let her Hurt.

"What do you want?" Cai Boyan said holding back his anger.

"It's very simple. I want the treasure map. I know you have it. When the old emperor died, I gave it to you! My father knew this from the old eunuch! You don't have to deny it. I can hand it over to you." I promise not to hurt the princess, on the contrary, I will marry her, and then ascend to the Great Treasure smoothly, as for you, I'm sorry, according to my father's order, you must die, and the Wushuang boxing manual must be completed!"

After the young man in white finished speaking, he immediately directed his subordinates to say, "Come on! The princess wants to live, and Cai Ni doesn't care whether he lives or dies."

"Hmph, since that's the case, let's do it according to our ability! The sea of ​​red lotus and the sky are burning with flames." Cai Boyan himself knew that he couldn't last long. As a secret method to stimulate the human body's potential, rejuvenation method has a time limit. It will be so weak that it will really die without a place to bury it.

(End of this chapter)

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