Plane Merchant

Chapter 398 Settled

Chapter 398 Settled
Oak looked at Field speechlessly, and called himself here just for such a trivial matter, and he didn't take the village chief as a cadre too much, but who told him to be Field, just treat him as face when he comes!

Oak still uses spiritism. Because it is connected to the magic net, a lot of information can be instilled through the magic net. Of course, it consumes energy, and not everyone has this authority. Coincidentally, as the highest level of the god religion , Oak is one of the authorized persons.

Although Field is also a high-ranking leader, Li Youran thinks that he is still too emotional to be in charge of the magic net with too many secrets, so he did not give him the authority of the magic net. Of course, he is also connected to the magic net, but It can only be like surfing the Internet, he is just an ordinary netizen, and Oak and Morton are administrators.

Field is also slanderous about this. Of course, he unconditionally supports his master's decision, especially when he is busy hunting and playing, Morton is so busy that he does not touch the ground, which makes him feel more psychologically balanced. Obviously This is because he didn't expect that if Morton had less rest time, his sister would be angry, and the first heir was obviously because of him.

Cai Boyan saw the young man who came in and said a few words to the general before him, and then came to him. For this young man, Cai Boyan was very careful. He could feel the different aura, which made people Feel awe.

With a wave of the boy's hand, a white spot of light appeared from the void. This situation surprised Cai Boyan. He didn't feel the fluctuation of true energy. He thought it was because the people here hid their cultivation, but now it doesn't look so good. Right, then he saw a light spot flying towards his forehead, Cai Boyan, who had been wrapped into a mummy, could only watch helplessly as the light spot hit him.

Other light spots followed Oak's hand and flew into Mo Shulin's mind who was still sleeping, like a computer connected to the Internet, and they began to absorb all kinds of knowledge.

He didn't feel that he was being attacked. On the contrary, his mind was filled with a sense of fullness. A lot of knowledge that he had never seen before poured into his mind, and he was like a sponge trying to absorb it in the sea, absorbing and digesting this knowledge Make it into something you understand, and then there is only one question in your mind!What kind of world is this?
Mo Shulin, who was asleep, still didn't wake up. In fact, she was relatively happy to absorb this knowledge in her sleep. From the history of this world to folk customs, to language and so on, all the things that nobles should learn, in In this world, there are things that commoners are struggling to pursue, but she has learned all of them in a dream. As for herself, she probably will never know how lucky she is.

"You owe me a favor. By the way, don't ask me for such trivial matters in the future. Morton's natural language will have the same effect." After finishing all this, Oak said, and left gracefully. , leaving only Field full of remorse beating his head, he forgot that Morton is also one of the authority managers of the magic net.

"By the way, by the way, if you want you to keep these two people, you'd better find Karl. Although you are in a higher position than him, he is in charge of this. He has no household registration and no ID card. There will be no work visa or temporary residence permit, and it is not a year ago, you must know that refugees are not allowed to enter the urban area, it is better for you to abide by the rules set by the master."

Oak walked to the door as if he suddenly remembered. He turned around and said something kindly or jokingly. He could see that most of the reasons why Field was so nervous and the two of them were on the girl. In such a short period of time, Field saw the girl at least twelve times, and each time was very secretive.

Field put away his annoyed expression, looked at Cai Boyan, who had widened his eyes and looked dumbfounded, and said, "How about it, now you can understand me!"

Cai Boyan nodded!He already understood what Field said, and he also understood what Oak had said before!It seems that it is quite difficult to live here, at least one document problem is difficult for him, he does not have any identity certificates and guarantors to allow him to live here.

Now there is a person in front of him who allows him to live a good life here, but he doesn't like this guy because he is peeping at his most cherished treasure. During that time, not only Oak noticed Field's eyes, but he was worried about Mo Shulin all the time Cai Boyan also saw it, and he concluded that this person had unreasonable thoughts, but unfortunately the situation is stronger than others, and it seems that no one can help him except this big man who seems to have a lot of power, otherwise the two of them will be together tonight Will be kicked out of the city that never sleeps.

Cai Boyan didn't care about being driven out of the city, what he cared about was not giving Mo Shulin a good environment.

"Can you please help us to apply for a temporary residence permit!" There is information about the city that never sleeps in his head, and he not only knows that this person is a small lord of the city that never sleeps, but also knows that he is a high-level person, so this small matter should not be too much for him. It's easy. As for why there are such things in the information on the magic net, you have to ask Oakwood who has been sipping a smile at the corner of his mouth after he went out. He did a little trick in the information, which can be regarded as doing Field a favor.

"Of course it's okay, uh, she's resting now, why don't you come with me and let her rest here, and I'll take you home later." Field took it as a matter of course, but it's a pity that Cai Boyan You can't go with him like this, what if the sheep gets into the tiger's mouth?

"No, no, we can just stay in a hotel outside. I will find a job as soon as I have a temporary residence permit. I won't bother you." Cai Boyan's words made Field frowned, but it was normal to think about it. You just met, why go home with you, there is another girl, what if you have bad intentions?

"That's fine, let's go." Field agreed. Anyway, in the city that never sleeps, he can't run away. He has been to the world where bullying men and women can't be done by the master. It's not a place where nobles can casually, although there are also dark places. place, but it is in the dark after all, on the bright side it still looks peaceful and happy.

Soon the two came to the Public Security Bureau, which was the same as the police station, just called it differently. Pushing open the door, Field walked in: "Call your chief out, and tell him that Field has something to do!"

Everyone looked at him in astonishment, is this person so awesome?It turned out that Field immediately understood that the gods were fighting, and they still kept their heads down, keeping their heads down and doing things in silence.

Seemingly no one paid attention, Field slapped the table and said, "What's going on? Is there anyone who can breathe? Come out, I want to open an account!"

(End of this chapter)

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