Plane Merchant

Chapter 449 Evacuation·Attack

Chapter 449 Evacuation·Attack
"Then who are you planning to attack? I need to find out, and I hope you can give me time. I need to evacuate the nationals." The president decided to make preparations first. After all, if there are too many casualties, he will not be able to explain. If he died, then he would not be responsible for the rest of the people who wanted to die.

"Many, first is the island country, followed by the Three Kingdoms! The monkey country, of course, there must be other countries behind them, otherwise, how dare some small countries do such a thing, it is just being used by others as a knife, but Since you dare to stretch out your hand, you must be prepared to be cut off. It can also be regarded as a warning to others. My master is too easy to talk to. If you want me to say that you just open the space door and let the alien army come in, you can let the earth in an instant. All the people are under control! It's a pity that the master doesn't agree, so I can only use this method to fight back!"

Listening to what this so-called judge said, the president was also in a cold sweat. If what he said was true, no, what he said was absolutely true. I have already seen the effect of the portal. If you use this to transport troops, it is true. What he said would happen, and Earth was clearly unstoppable.

"I understand, but I hope to exercise restraint as much as possible. After all, this is only the fault of a small number of people, most of whom are ordinary people. I hope that for the sake of being a fellow earthling like your master, please don't hurt these civilians. "

These are the last words of the president. Is he really so kind to intercede for others?Of course not, the reason why you don't want civilians to be harmed is because of your own country's interests in those places. If all the civilians are dead, where can you make money?As for those high-level people, they should train one after they die. Anyway, they are already disobedient now, and dare to do tricks behind their backs.

"Of course, do you think I'm a butcher? I just want revenge. The target is the secret research base of these people. Well, I need to do something. You have one day to evacuate the overseas Chinese. You can go!" hangs up the video.

Looking at the already pitch-black video, Mr. President rubbed his face and said to his subordinates: "Didn't you hear what he said? Hurry up and issue an order! Online TV! On the radio! Any media that can be used will be given to you." I will announce that we are going to evacuate overseas Chinese. People from other countries on the list are prohibited from entering the country, and people in the country are also repatriated as much as possible. After the revenge has passed, we will see the situation, that's it, hurry up!"

Under the repeated urging of the president, the work efficiency of the subordinates has been brought into play unprecedentedly. Two hours later, a news about the evacuation of overseas Chinese was published on the headlines of major websites in the United States. The official website is the largest report. This is what the headlines on the front page of the newspaper say, and the newspapers that have already been published are reprinted.

The news of the evacuation of overseas Chinese was rampant for a while, and the reactions of other countries were very strange. One hour after the discovery of the evacuation of overseas Chinese by the United States, several major countries in Europe also issued orders to evacuate their overseas Chinese one after another. It is not enough for people to enter, even if they have immigrated, and if they can't come back in time, they will be reminded by this message that they can go to Huaxia for temporary refuge.

Because this decision of Europe and the United States directly led to chaos in Asia. After they announced the news, people in those countries on the list went crazy. What does this mean? Could it be that a war is about to break out?Who will attack?Evacuation, not allowing immigrants to enter?repatriation?This series of means shows that their country is very dangerous, and even people in this country will be targeted, regardless of civilians or nobles!
Because of the serious development of the situation, in the end, other countries also evacuated their overseas Chinese one after another like Europe and the United States. It was hard to find air tickets for a while, let alone air tickets, even ocean freighters, as long as they are willing to take people, they are willing to do it, but how about this means of transportation? enough?In the end, the military bases of various countries sent warships to various countries to pick up their own expatriates. As for the others, please ask for blessings.

Revenge hasn't come yet. These countries have been wiped out by the means of small ships first. Why did he make such a big noise?Naturally, it is necessary to deter them. Leaking a little news at a time puts these countries in trouble. A large number of expatriates leave, taking away not only people, but also a lot of money. Although the rich can't escape, it doesn't mean they won't escape. Yes, smuggling, and Huaxia's unlimited acceptance, almost completely flocked the wealthy people from these countries to Huaxia.

Whether it is the economy, people's livelihood, manufacturing, etc., a series of affairs have all been affected. The whole country looks like a ghost, and everyone is in panic all day long, as if the end of the world has arrived.

The European and American countries that were originally disturbed by the air raid alarms suddenly saw the reports from the reporters who were not afraid of death, and suddenly felt very lucky that they were only alarms here. Looking at other countries, happiness is indeed a kind that needs to be compared. thing.

Because of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce, 70.00% of the global energy industry has been controlled by him. Unfortunately, besides the island countries, the energy of other countries is also controlled by him. Yuan Wancong has received the email notification from Xiaojian immediately. That is to cut off their energy supply, and if they want to do bad things, they have to pay a price.

Due to the chaos in the country, the people in these countries have been completely chaotic. The workers went on strike, the students went on strike, and they flocked to the streets, holding up flags to protest the inaction of the government. Feng came from Europe and the United States to condemn harshly, for which they apologized or apologized.

They don't even know what happened, who offended them, who the main messenger is, they feel that they are really wronged, but soon they won't think so, the interrupted TV signal suddenly appeared, The network has also been connected, and the large advertising screens in the city have also been used. As long as the signal can reach, a tall figure appears on the screen.

"Everyone, hello! Maybe you don't know what happened. Here I will explain to you. I am the adjudicator, and I am also a subordinate of the Space-time Chamber of Commerce. My master Li Youran must be familiar to everyone. This time The action is only for one reason, that is revenge, yes you heard it right, it is revenge.

Everyone must be very surprised, why do I want to take revenge, why do I want to seek revenge from your country, you have to ask your own leaders, rest assured that this is not a war of annihilation, it is just a small warning, in fact, as long as I am willing, No one on the whole earth can stop me, of course my master does not allow it, so you are very lucky, now everyone, go back to your home immediately, I will launch a strike at this time tomorrow, the target has not yet been determined, everyone please do it yourself. "

After speaking, the screen flashed, the portrait disappeared, and the reporters frantically took pictures. This is definitely first-hand information, big news!The reporters who will stay in these countries are basically bold guys, but they are rewarded for staying. This speech by Xiaojian was immediately spread to every corner of the world in the form of news.

Time passed quickly, and the evacuation operation was completed half a day ago. Some people who did not evacuate were told to prepare enough food and water as much as possible, and international aid would be delivered later. Now there is nothing they can do.

Everyone is waiting quietly. This feeling is like waiting for the executioner's knife to fall on the guillotine. In essence, it is very depressing. The time is just right, and the small ship in space has already stretched enough. Secondary artillery, none of the eight countries on the list was spared, and their secret bases would be destroyed.

Everyone looked at the sky, and the glowing purple light spot was falling rapidly, like a mass of purple magma, but its power was by no means comparable to that of magma.

Near the snow mountain of the island country!Between the mountains of the Monkey Kingdom and the desert of Ah San, all eight places were attacked. A purple light fell, but there was no sound. The whole land melted like butter cut by a red-hot knife. Yes, after that, earthquakes of different sizes occurred in these several countries. A large pothole appeared in the place hit by the plasma cannon. Afterwards, according to the measurement, the depth of the deepest place reached 2000 meters. What kind of base is there? Everything was completely melted, not even slag was left, and the surface of the pothole was already glazed and smooth.

This blow shocked everyone. The power of the plasma cannon made everyone realize that if he wanted to, no one could escape the blow of the plasma cannon. It was shot down. As for the construction of an underground base, don’t be kidding. Once a shot is fired, it will be vaporized directly. Even if it misses, the subsequent earthquake will bury your underground base forever.

After that, the leaders of various countries in Europe, America and Asia held a secret meeting, and the president of the United States was naturally among them.

"Let's talk about it! How do we treat this terrible person!" Seeing that everyone was silent, as the current boss of the world, the President of the United States could only speak first.

"You can do whatever you want, I don't have any opinion, but if you want to deal with him, sorry, we won't participate!" Everyone was surprised that it was the prime minister of the island country who said this. Isn't their loss the biggest?Why is there no intention of revenge at all?
revenge?Of course the island country wants revenge, but it’s a pity that no one can be found. Huaxia they can’t get in, it’s not that there are no dead men to find, and they haven’t approached the mainland of China. They sank in the sea, and several ships sank when they went to it. They disappeared out of nowhere. If they didn't know that someone was dealing with them at this time, they would be idiots.

(End of this chapter)

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