Plane Merchant

Chapter 714 Convincing Stark

Chapter 714 Convincing Stark

In the Marvel universe, Tiwan finally found Iron Man. Among all the superheroes, he thought of someone who was extremely curious and active. At least this was the one he could think of. So today they came to Iron Man. villa.

"Look at how advanced this artificial intelligence is. It's very strange that the current technology of the earth. It is almost impossible to produce such an artificial intelligence. This Jarvis is really a miracle!" Tiwan stood outside the villa and scanned the villa with his own machine. said later.

"Thank you for your compliment, stranger, but you have entered Stark's private domain. If you don't evacuate within 1 minute, I will take compulsory measures!" Just as Tiwan was admiring, the loudspeaker on the door sounded sound.

Apparently, Jarvis at home had spotted a few people, and he didn't know if it was because of the praise just now, so Jarvis didn't use coercive means directly, but gave them a chance to retreat, but they didn't come to play.

"You are Jarvis? Great, can you help us contact Tony? We have very important things to find him, which is related to the safety of the entire universe. I am not alarmist. You must know that the earth is very dangerous now. ! So can you help me?" Tiwan begged as if Jarvis was a human being.

It seems that such an approach is very effective, at least Jarvis is really thinking about it, this person's attitude makes him feel good, unlike some impolite people who are always curious about his existence, and want to put him Take it down for research.

"Please wait a moment, I will ask Tony for his opinion." Jarvis still thought it would be better to ask Tony Stark, after all, he is the master.

"Mr. Stark, two people came outside, or two people and a duck. They said they had something urgent to ask you. It is said that it has something to do with the safety of the universe. Do you see?" Jarvis' voice rang in the laboratory. Standing up, Stark, who was doing the experiment, was taken aback.

After hearing what Jarvis said, Tony said: "Listen Jarvis, get rid of those boring guys, how did they find my home, I'm already very low-key, I just want to do experiments right now."

"But what they said was very formal, and they said that the crisis of the earth is now, so..." Jarvis continued to persuade.

"No, I don't want to see anyone OK?" said Jarvis's suggestion without hesitation.

"Okay sir." Jarvis said in a depressed mood.
At this moment the phone rang, and Tony asked, "Look who Jarvis is!"

"Yes sir, it's Commissioner Nick Fury! Want to get through?"

"Come on, I hope the big bald head has solved the problem of the energy source!" Tony connected the phone.

"Hi, this is Tony Stark, what's the matter?"

"Tony, we need help...!" Nick Fury stated his request unceremoniously.

"Okay, I'm going!" The giant robot in New Mexico, of course, interested him.

"I should go. Jarvis kicked those people out. Forget about keeping them until I come back!" Tony thought for a while and kept Tiwan and the duck.

Then Tony flew away directly after the skylight opened, while the few people outside the door were brought into the villa.

When Tony Stark arrived, Thor had successfully turned into Thor, and brought the others back to Asgard. Obviously he came a bit late, and the huge mecha was brought back to Ahmedabad by Thor. Sgarder, Tony came here in high spirits and returned in disappointment.

Back home, Tony saw a few people eating fruit and watching TV. He was in a bad mood and said, "Well, you are those guys who talk about the end of the world? Tell me, if you say it well, I can consider it." Invest in you!"

The implication is that these people are here to make up stories, and Tony's attitude has successfully angered Tiwan, even if he is not strong enough in the universe, but Tiwan is still a small boss anyway, how can he tolerate such an attitude?

Glancing at each other, Tiwan from this world made a move, grabbed Tony by the neck and said, "Listen Tony, we're not joking, so you better believe us!"

"Sir, please stop your behavior, or I will attack!" Jarvis's angry voice appeared, and the wall of the living room protruded from the wall of the living room. There were also many Gatlings and laser weapons. Tucker turned it into an armed fortress.

Tiwan glanced around, although he was very disdainful, he put down Tony and said, "This doesn't work for us, but in order to respect you, we feel that we need to have a good talk with you!"

Tony coughed a few times, stood up and said, "This is your good talk? Then let's try!"

After speaking, he directly pressed the remote control, and the construct rushed out and Tony also put on the armor and launched an attack at the same time.

Howard Duck, who was watching the show just now, started it directly. It is similar to kung fu tricks, but it is more suitable for him. It is a very unique martial art that directly breaks the construct into parts, while Tiwan easily squeezed Tony's fist.

"The strength is good, but it's a pity that a machine is a machine and has no adaptability to the human body at all, and you are too fragile. If I didn't know that you would create a powerful armor in the future, I would never have looked for you." Stripped Tony's armor off.

"Who the hell are you guys?" Tony said, looking at these two, maybe three, three people who took out their armor and then stopped shooting.

"We come from the universe, a very distant universe. The person next to me is from another universe. You can think of it as another me in a parallel plane. Then they came to our world. Now I need to unite all the forces Stop him, otherwise, everyone will die, and the world will be destroyed!" Tiwan told the story, and Tony felt like he was listening to a science fiction story.

"I think I understand what you mean, that is to say, people from another world come to this world, find themselves in this world, and then devour them to improve their strength, so you two?" The meaning is obvious , why didn't Devour improve power?
"We are different from evil forces. If we devour our own power, what is the difference from Thanos? What we need is to unite superheroes from all parallel planes, and then attack this Thanos together, and finally close the passage of the parallel universe. That's the only way To save this world, understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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