Plane Merchant

Chapter 762 Negotiation

Chapter 762 Negotiation
"You don't want to contribute your armor technology! Everyone knows that all your power comes from that armor and that artificial intelligence. Without these, you are a waste. I can beat you ten!"

The Punisher is not a good-tempered master. In fact, he has always had a serious dark tendency. Unlike other superheroes, he kills people.

"That's right, that's right, because there can only be one Iron Man! That's me! Don't let anyone else think about it." Tony Stark admitted without hesitation, with a look on his face that you can do anything to me.

"Really? What about the two now?" Another silent punisher said lightly, which immediately made Tony's face look like he had eaten a poop. The world has become double, meaning that everything has two In the same way, not being unique means being replaceable, which made him very upset.

"Enough, I asked you to find a solution, not to quarrel! Stop now and listen to what Mr. Tiwan has to say!" Cyclops finally couldn't take it anymore, Tony's words have always been vicious, God knows what he will say if he continues Come on.

And the suggestion of the punisher is unreliable in his opinion. Although there are many heroes here, I am sorry, there are more scum on the earth. God knows if there are any spies of the enemy. If there are, the equipment technology has been leaked out. , what will happen only God knows.

"Everyone, stop arguing. In fact, we have been looking for a way. It doesn't work to deal with Thanos with a large number of people. In the face of absolute power, a large number of people is a kind of restraint, because we have to take into account the lives of the weak."

One sentence made many people feel ashamed. Heroes who have no superpowers but only their own physical strength or fighting skills or gun skills are like this. Others who have superpowers but are not powerful also feel sympathy.

"I am also working very hard to maintain peace, okay? Is it true that you negate all my efforts with such a sentence? Believe it or not, I immediately quit!" This is the response of all non-powerful superheroes at this moment. Heartfelt.
"I'm sorry, I know it might be hurtful to say this." Tiwan obviously knew that he had offended many people by saying this, so he went around and apologized to those present. Of course, it can be seen from his expression that he was not sincere.

Even so, the superheroes were more than ready to forgive him, but he still said it next.

"But I still stick to my opinion. Soldiers are more expensive than elites, so we only need a small number of elites. As for other people, I think there are enough evil forces on the earth to scatter their blood. They are still needed."

Now that Tiwan has shown everyone's heart, a very ordinary young man stood up.

"Okay, you're right, I think we really shouldn't get involved in things beyond our abilities, so everyone, I'll go first! By the way, how do we get down here?" The young man who spoke was wearing a green suit. The one-piece bodysuit and the ridiculous headgear are all green. If you stand with the Ninja Turtles, you can say that you are of the same race.

This hero with a long stick behind his back is obviously our Haibian King. This young man who is only fighting with his own will is obviously angry. Of course, he also knows that his strength is not enough to deal with those Outer space monsters, so they simply withdrew from this meeting.

"Okay, let's leave too. The atmosphere here makes me miss the slaughterhouse in my hometown." Standing up is a strong man, apparently dressed as a wrestler, but wearing a helmet, no one can see his face .

More and more people chose to leave, obviously angry and at the same time agreeing with Tiwan's statement, of course there is also the meaning of not playing with you.

Nick Fury, the one-eyed man, had to let his pilots take them to the plane in the end. There were so many people that the hall seemed extremely empty at this time.

"Okay, now everyone has been driven away by you, so you can talk about it now." Nick Fury glanced at Tiwan and said. To be honest, he was also very dissatisfied with Tiwan's statement. You must know that there are many other people in it. Although they are not equipped with superpowers and high-tech weapons, they are all first-class experts.

"I'm sorry Nick, you have to go out too!" Tiwan said without saving face.

"Hello, I'll go, remember now you exclude us, beg me later!" Nick had no choice but to leave, because he couldn't beat Tiwan.

"And these two trash, they can't do anything except slow down!" Tiwan stopped Nick who was about to leave, then pointed to Hawkeye and Black Widow and said.

"What? You bastard, who are you calling a waste?" Hawkeye's tantrum could not be restrained immediately, and he raised his fist to teach Tiwan a lesson. He wanted to give him an unforgettable memory.

Tiwan glanced at him contemptuously, and with a light finger of the scepter, directly knocked Hawkeye to the ground, and then the other Hawkeye was about to shoot an arrow, but found that the end of the scepter had reached his throat, The black widow who was about to attack just now was strangled by Tiwan's hand, and the other black widow was imprisoned, unable to move.

"No, no, no, this is not how a gentleman treats a girl. Let her go, and they will leave by themselves!" Of course, the only one who seems to be able to say such a thing is Tony Stark, he is the only one who has no superpowers but Those who were allowed to stay by Tiwan.

"Do you have an opinion now?" Tiwan glanced at Nick Fury and said.

"Okay, you are an expert to listen to you, I hope you won't regret it in the future, let's go!" Nick Fury took Hawkeye and Black Widow who were released from prison, leaving this space for Tiwan and the ones he left behind.

"Now can you tell me what's going on?" The Hulk was very elegant when he didn't transform, and he didn't even look like a successful person. There was even a kind of cowardice in his bones. A tyrant without buckle.

"Okay, I finally got rid of all the dangers. I think everyone must be wondering why I drove them away. It's because ordinary people will become strong if they use this method, but for people like Thanos , is too small, only those who are strong enough can use this method."

"What do you mean? Is this method dangerous?"

"It's not too dangerous, but it will change your personality." Tiwan said with some reservations.

(End of this chapter)

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