Plane Merchant

Chapter 803

Chapter 803
Seeing the disciples in the formation running to death, the sect was in chaos, Nei Ying finally put away his guns, and ran away from another corner with ease, no one found him until this time.

"Hahaha, the mountain gate has appeared, kill him!" Bai Xiongqi shouted excitedly, Wenbo's steel puppet made another feat, punching a hole in the gate with just one punch.
"That's right! Give me another punch to flatten it!" Wen Bo clenched his fist vigorously from behind, then slammed it fiercely and shouted.

The steel golem in front completed the punch in the same way, and the entire mountain gate collapsed amidst the shock.

"Come on, brothers, anyone who dares to resist will be killed!" Seeing that the mountain gate had been opened, Bai Xiongqi immediately waved his hand, and all the people under him rushed up.

Taoist Tianxing in the sky saw this scene, and immediately became furious, and the sword in his hand became more fierce. Pete, who originally relied on the metal barrage to cooperate with the robots around him, finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Daoist Tianxing finally got impatient, and he threw the sword in his hand into the sky and said, "Since you are looking for death, then I will show you my unique skills from the Shushan lineage! Sword control. Wanjianjue!"

All I saw was the sword turning into two and turning into four in the sky, changing endlessly, and then flying towards Pete's direction following the command of the sword in Taoist Tianxing's hand.

The scene of thousands of swords firing stunned Pete. Even a metal storm was not as strong as the shock of thousands of swords firing. In a panic, Pete opened the protection of the armor, and the magic patterns shone on the surface of the armor, and an egg shell appeared on the surface of his armor.

The power of Wan Jian Jue destroyed all the robots around Pete, and Pete, who was struggling to support himself alone, began to get scared when he saw that the egg shell outside was getting thinner and cracks began to appear. Fear once, even in a dangerous time before, never so close to death as now.

Finally, the eggshell was smashed by the endless flying swords. Pete closed his eyes unwillingly. He was too confident in his armor. A strong robot was brought up by comparison, as long as he uses energy to attack uninterruptedly and does not give him time to attack, even such a strong man will never be able to escape, but now it is too late, and he is about to die.

Just when Pete thought he was going to die, the sun in the sky shone brightly, and the whole sky was as bright as daylight, making it hard for everyone to open their eyes.

"Tianxing, you dare to hurt my brother, don't you want to live!" Wang Hu's voice was calm, but everyone shuddered. The voice sounded emotionless and extremely cold.

"Wang Hu! What you said is really funny. You came to attack my Shushan territory. I was just resisting, and it turned out to be my fault. Is it reasonable for me to stand and let you kill me?" Daoist Tianxing He closed his eyes and said, just took a sunlight attack, temporarily blinding his eyes.

"In your Shu Mountain, someone colluded with foreign demons and tried to rebel against my lord. How could I keep you? I originally planned to spare your life for you to join the Time and Space God Sect because of your integrity. , you are clearly stubborn, if that is the case, you should die."

The sudden appearance of Wang Hu almost stole the limelight from everyone. He was dressed in brilliant armor, and the white tiger mount was behind him, which immediately made people feel majestic and majestic. Standing there with a solemn face made people feel intimidated.

"What are you doing! Today I'm the protagonist, okay? Is it really okay to steal the limelight like this!" Bai Xiongqi muttered below with a stinky face.

"There are so many things to say, why don't you just rely on your fists to speak? Let's see today whether you are more powerful in the divine way, or I am better in the immortal way!" Taoist Tianxing recalled his spirit sword after he finished speaking, and was suddenly attacked by Wang Hu. Now, Wan Jian Jue has been broken, but fortunately, Ling Jian is fine.

"Sure enough, the hearts of people who are not my race must be different. At this moment, what kind of immortality and divine way are you still dividing? Today's world is gradually recovering, and the three ways of gods, immortals and human beings are recovering, but this is all thanks to my lord. You This little Xiu really doesn't want to be loyal and actually intends to rebel, he should be killed!"

Wang Hu squinted his eyes and made a move with both hands, and a knife appeared in his hand. You must know that he basically didn't use weapons in the previous battles. Obviously, this was specially prepared for Taoist Tianxing.

With a slash with one hand, a knife phantom appeared above Taoist Tianxing's head in the air. The Taoist Tianxing who couldn't react could only watch the knife come down. Fortunately, the Xuanxin shield automatically protected him from this blow, but After defending it, several pieces of the Xuanxin shield armor were broken, and a spiritual weapon was completely useless.

"You dare to destroy my magic weapon!" Daoist Tianxing trembled in pain. Shushan experienced a great prosperity after the eyebrows were raised, but after the great prosperity, it declined, and it was much more serious than the previous decline. When it came to Taizu, it was full of humanity. Going straight to the sky and shaking Kyushu, basically anyone who has anything to do with the Immortal Dao was hit hard.

This spirit weapon was still obtained from the old ancestor of Shu Mountain, Zhang Mei, who regarded it as a treasure, but was smashed into pieces abruptly.

"Hmph, I thought he was some kind of formidable person. A mere spiritual weapon is also worthy of being called a magic weapon. It can't even withstand my sword, Tianxing! Die!" After finishing speaking, Wang Hu put away the long knife in his hand and killed Tianxing. There is no need for a treasure knife at all.

The extremely fast Wang Hu made Taoist Tianxing unable to see the figure at all. When Tianxing was hit by a punch, and he spurted blood and flew backwards, Wang Hu's shadow in the sky gradually dissipated. It turned out that it was just a crippled film.

"Damn it. It's so strong. You forced me! Swordsmanship. Sword God." Taoist Tianxing bit the tip of his tongue and took a mouthful of hot blood in his mouth. He sprayed the spirit sword and threw it into the sky. The spirit sword became Get huge.

Taoist Tianxing sat cross-legged in the air, his eyes were closed and he muttered words. The wind in the sky seemed to stop for a moment, and even the falling leaves were frozen. A huge old man in a snow-white robe with long white hair and a vicissitudes of life A shadow appeared in the sky.

I only saw that the visitor's slightly rolled sleeves held the enlarged spirit sword in the sky with one hand. The moment he got the spirit sword, the old man finally opened his eyes. They were a pair of cold and indifferent eyes. The Infinity Sword is meant to be, and there is nothing else.

"Quickly punish the evildoer." The old man shouted loudly, raised his spirit sword, and slashed at Wang Hu. Although the two were far apart, the sword seemed to cut through the space, making the gap between the two The distance between them was infinitely shortened, and the tip of the sword actually broke through the space and came to Wang Hu's chest.

(End of this chapter)

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