Plane Merchant

Chapter 811 The Purpose of the Elder Druids

Chapter 811 The Purpose of the Elder Druids
"My child, you are still too young, so it is so easy to give people facts, but I am very glad that you are so generous to me. Don't worry, Druids never let their friends suffer. I will let them exchange with Druids' unique resources. Need I will talk about the food and other things later, and now there is one very important thing to say, you..." After speaking, he looked around and hesitated to speak.

Phelan nodded understandingly and said, "Go down first, Robert will stay."

Hearing Fei Lun's words, the others had no choice but to leave. For the Great Elder and the proud Robert, they naturally had unspeakable resentment in their hearts, and they were also very frustrated that they had not yet entered the core , all this is because of the temple, if they were the builders of the temple, one of them will be left now.
"Okay, there are no outsiders now, you can talk about your business." After seeing that everyone had left, Ferran asked Robert to close the door.

"Actually this time it's about aid, but it's not just about aid. After your family's country was usurped, the life of the Druids was not easy. In fact, I only recently found out that he received a gift from the upper realm. Only with the help of the gods will he be able to rebel. This time he is using his power to annex all the foundations of the Druids. This is not allowed. All the deals I want to make with you are, Let me meet the supporters behind you, or which god." The elder said his purpose.

Robert had a surprised expression on his face. Faith is only in the northwest and under the control of Faerun. How did the druids in the Whispering Forest know about it?It seems that he needs to clean up the people in the territory. If everyone knows everything, it means that there are loopholes in defense. Today is a secret, and tomorrow it may be his own head.
Fei Lun was not surprised at all, and he didn't care if this matter was known, anyway, it would be exposed sooner or later, and he was worried about how to teach the druids, since they already knew, and there was It would be better to ask people.
"There are some problems with this. Although I don't know how you know, but I actually have an agreement with that person. Everything is not obtained out of thin air. I need to pay, understand? I need to give money and develop faith , that adult has given me enough support, whether it's material or other aspects, so I'm not sure if what I said is useful."

After organizing the vocabulary in his mind, Fei Lun said these words, looking modest and cautious, but in fact he didn't say anything. Anyway, he couldn't make the decision, so don't count on it.

"No, no, kid, you misunderstood. I don't want you to promise anything, but I need your recommendation. You know that even if I want to ask someone for help, I at least need to know how to meet that unknown god." The elder said with a wry smile, it was the first time he spoke to a grandchild of himself in such a tone.

"Okay, I can introduce it on my behalf, but I can't guarantee that it will be successful!" Fei Lun finally nodded and agreed.

"Thank you, son, you have helped us a lot. Whether you succeed or not, the Whispering Forest will be your most steadfast ally!" the elder said firmly. If so, at least the line of Fei Lun will not be broken. Depending on the situation, Fei Lun is likely to succeed in restoring the country and develop even stronger. The power of druidism will not decline.

Fei Lun didn't know that at this moment, the kind old man in front of him was thinking so deeply and so far.

"Come with me, if you want to see the God of Time and Space, you need to pray, and he will appear after I finish praying, and then you can talk to the King of Time and Space God yourself, no one can guarantee the result, you can understand! "Phelan said again.

"Don't worry, I understand." The elder said with a smile.

The three talking and laughing entered a small room, and a thing similar to an altar was placed in the room. After arranging his clothes, Fei Lun entered the center of the altar, and began to pray intently.

The days of waiting in the city that never sleeps are actually not boring, but pregnant people seem to be more difficult to serve, but Li Youran can't be angry, not only can't be angry, but also has to be coaxed, and now Elena is in such a state.

Because of her pregnancy, everyone in the city was very nervous. Zieg had strengthened the defense of the castle three times. After learning that Li Youran's heir had appeared, the Academy of Knights and the Academy of Magic became even more nervous and sent the most powerful teachers. Enter the castle guard.

Oak sent the holy water calmly and calmly, and entered the castle by the way and lived at the highest point of the castle, where his magic had enveloped the entire castle. If there was any trouble, he would attack immediately. With him was Morton , holding the hydra in his hand at any time, and the two patrolled alternately.
Even the king of the Griffin Empire, that is, Li Youran's father-in-law, came and brought his three sons to live in. It is estimated that he would not be able to leave before the children were born.

With this defensive lineup, not to mention that no one dared to come to Nightless City to make trouble, even if they hadn't entered the city yet, they would be killed by the security team on the outskirts first.

The barbarian Karl called his compatriots and formed a barbarian security team, which was specially used to deal with those who provoked troubles. That would be a brutal attack, but now is a special period, and anyone who makes troubles, kills or injures them will not take a look of.

Li Youran, who accompanied his wife to look at flowers this day, was very leisurely. His wife was in a good mood, but she always sent her maid to her bed, and it was only two months old, and her stomach was still an embryo, not even formed. Well, the stomach is not obvious, but I have to touch my stomach from time to time, and complain of low back pain from time to time.

What can Li Youran say?How do you do it? Enjoying her husband's love, Elena is very happy. At least there is no other woman here to rob her husband. As for sending the maid or something, is the maid worthy of robbing her?
When the two were together, Fei Lun's prayer came, and Li Youran explained with a smile after sensing it. Although love makes petty temper, but in major matters, Elena will never embarrass Li Youran, So Li Youran also left.

After coming to this world, she saw Fei Lun, an old man and her own priest. Although she didn't understand what was going on, Li Youran was not afraid of being seen.

"What's the matter, Fei Lun?" Asked nonsense, if there was nothing wrong, Fei Lun would not dare to make fun of him.

(End of this chapter)

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