Plane Merchant

Chapter 814 Looking for trouble

Chapter 814 Looking for trouble

"Godhead!!!" The appearance of this item made people gasp. Of course, everyone looked at Li Youran with suspicion before seeing the real thing.

"It's only in theory. In fact, although I have several of these things, their value is too great, and it seems that they need the same attributes to use them. When using them, the danger is very high. It is the lightest to kill people. If it explodes, it will be destroyed." It will be a continent or even the whole world, and even if the price required is not affordable by ordinary people, are you sure you need it?"

Li Youran's explanation finally made the Great Elder give up. Druids are originally a long-lived family. They who can transform into trees will eventually change their race and become tree spirits. It is not very important, after all, the chance of becoming a god will increase after a long time.

"So how many gold coins do you need to exchange?" Fei Lun was more interested. The armor on his body allowed him to experience the benefits of strength. This is only a legendary level. If it reaches the realm of gods, how powerful will it be?And immortality is not the ultimate pursuit of human beings.

"Gold coins? Let me think about it, if you can rule this world and fuse all the gold together to cast my statue, I think I can give you a godhead, why don't you give it a try?" Li Youran Said something that seemed relatively easy, but even so it was too difficult.
"Of course, why not, I think I can do it!" Fei Lun agreed without hesitation. If he doesn't agree at this time, he probably won't have such an opportunity again.

Li Youran didn't care after seeing Fei Lun's clever agreement. If Fei Lun really did it, he would be a very capable subordinate. A strong subordinate naturally deserves rewards. Li Youran patted him on the shoulder, encouraging After a while, he flew into the sky with the druid god and disappeared before the eyes of several people.

"Godhead!! Godhead!! I didn't respond? God, kill me!" Robert's shrill howl resounded through the sky at this time. God knows that he was frightened just now, and the news of Godhead shocked him. Missed the opportunity, and Fei Lun got the qualification to buy the godhead this time.

"Okay, stop screaming, do the things that the Lord God told you well, I think you will be rewarded in the future, if you don't do it well, I will fulfill your request without the help of the gods!" Fei Lun also patted over his shoulder, and then handed him the blueprint in his hand.

Of course, some things are left to his subordinates to do. As for whether it can be done, he only depends on the result. The process is not important. I believe Robert will finish it.

The Great Elder and Fei Lun continued to go back to the room to discuss the details of the transaction. There are still many things to discuss. Although they already belong to the same alliance, everyone has their own interests. As for friendship, I believe that after the transaction, everyone will still be the same Friends are right.

Li Youran and Druid God flew to a high mountain. With only two of them, everything was easy to talk about.

"How do you get to your world? Also, where is the God of Radiance you mentioned?" Li Youran looked at the scenery in the other world, where there were plants everywhere and the world of Druids who had always believed in it. No wonder there would be natural ones. The gods, and even the God Realm belong to the nature department.

"It's very simple. I can open the entrance to the God Realm, and I can just go in when the time comes. But the God of Radiance seems to be in this world now. If I read correctly, he is now in the east. Do we have to deal with him now?" Drew Yishen seemed to be a little concerned.

"Of course, get rid of the leader of the enemy first, and then the rest will be solved easily. Without a unified leader, there must be many lunatics in a belief, and they will not trust each other. When God is here, God said Forget it, if the god is gone and the godhead is left, what do you think they will do?" Li Youran said while walking.

"What will happen? Your human mind is really hard to understand, but I think you have convinced me, I can sense his breath, let's go together!" It is not clear, but the druid has already thought of what will happen scene, so he looked very excited.

The two flew to the east together, and in the capital of a small country in the east, the Guanghui God who was resting in the church also sensed that two powerful divine powers had appeared in this world, and they were getting closer and closer to him. Familiar with him, he is an old friend of mine, and the other one doesn't know, but he can sense that it is very powerful, and it's unbelievably powerful, but it's nothing to him, it's just a clone.

"You said he's here, he doesn't look very good, like a rural urban-rural fringe!" Li Youran glanced at the city and gave his own definition.

"Although I don't know what the urban-rural junction you are talking about, it sounds good. This is the capital of a country. Although the country is small, it was also the site of the Druids. Who knows what it is called Marilla? ! But it was later conquered by the Radiance God Cult, and then became their territory, shall we go down?"

The druid god saw that the guards below had already started to gather for battle. Long spears, hard crossbows and single-handed shields were a very solid formation, but what use would this be to the two gods?
"It looks very well-trained, much better than your druids. They will only swarm up. The god you are talking about should be the birdman with wings?" Li Youran pointed at the human warrior. Behind the formation is a guy in silver armor with three pairs of wings behind a long silver sword in his hand.

He looks very handsome, but Li Youran doesn't like it. In fact, he doesn't like any species that is more handsome than him, whether it's human or not.

"That's right, it's him. You can smell the stench on your body from afar, it's unbearable!" said the Druid God resentfully.

"Then let's divide the work! Leave these humans to you! Leave that to me. Is there a problem?" Li Youran pointed to the people below, and then pointed to Guanghui God.
"Of course no problem, then I'll start first!" After speaking, he landed directly. After seeing a bear appearing in front of the battle formation, everyone became nervous. Although they didn't know what it was, it didn't mean they It can't sense the coercion, it is definitely more advanced than the advanced Warcraft.

"You guys who have betrayed your faith have long wanted to deal with you. Now let me show you what nature's revenge is! Come out, children, and let them taste the power of nature!"

Humans only heard a bear roar, and then felt that the whole city began to shake, like an earthquake, and then thick tree roots appeared on the city wall, and only felt a squirm, and the city wall was cut like tofu into two halves.

(End of this chapter)

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