Plane Merchant

Chapter 817 King's Classroom

Chapter 817 King's Classroom

It's no wonder that the Great Elder is so excited, after all, this is about life conversion and race conversion.

It's a pity that he still couldn't get close to Groot after all, the large ship group had already left far away, and the direction he looked was the missionary area of ​​the Shining God Sect.

"Okay everyone, the next step is our action! Let's move!" Archimonde said to his subordinates, and then he saw all the merchants leaving the territory in groups of three or four. As for what to do? The place can only look at themselves.
After watching these merchants leave, Fei Lun said to Archimonde who had already passed by him: "Didn't you say they came to support me? Why are they all gone?"

"Of course I'm here to support you, but do you think I'm only here to deliver supplies? If that's the case, you can throw things over and wait for you to send the gold coins over there, don't you mean Do you dare not pay?" Archimonde turned to Faerun and said.

"Is there any special significance?" The elder said with a frown. The power of this space-time god is a bit too strong. The elder doesn't know if this world will be invaded again. With the strength revealed, it is obvious that their druid religion has no ability to resist.

"Of course it has a very special role. The supplies can be given to you at any time. The merchants sent out have another very important task besides collecting intelligence and helping you."

"What task?" Fei Lun asked eagerly.

"It is to win over corruption and let more nobles fall into the arms of the God of Time and Space, which can be regarded as consolidating your rule! The master treats you very well, cherish it." Archimonde smiled and patted Faerun's shoulder said.

Fei Lun was very happy after hearing the news, after all, he was here to help him.
"But if this happens, won't there be a conflict of belief with our Druids?" The elder was not happy at all. He thought that the Radiance Sect was already difficult enough, but now it seems that the Time and Space Sect seems to be Even better.

"The Great Elder is worrying too much. In fact, this is one of the conditions that my master negotiated with your druid god. We will help you drive away the Guanghui God Sect who wants to dominate this world. In exchange, our Time and Space God Sect will The world has the right to preach freely.

Don't worry, we have never eliminated the ambition of any sect, and we live in peace with any belief. Of course, this also depends on the attitude of the other party. We respect the people's right to choose freely. I believe that the Druids, who have developed for many years, will not be so confident None! "

Archimonde said the last sentence with a smile, which sounded a bit ironic. Sure enough, the elder just blushed but didn't refute it. Could it be that he was really afraid?Wouldn't that be more embarrassing?He had to do something to avoid the decline of the Druid religion at that time. Thinking that the elder here wanted to leave immediately, anyway, the purpose of coming here had been achieved, and Feren had already agreed to help, and the Druid The God of God and the God of Time and Space have already gone to the rank of God. The Radiance God Cult in this world is believed to be wiped out by those steel warships soon, and with the help of the Knights of the God of Time and Space, it is estimated that Faerun will be able to recover soon. China, maybe it will unify the mainland, and those steel universe knights who just left also make the elder's heart very unstable. If this is the arrangement of the God of Time and Space, he must want to do something, and he must step up his preparations, otherwise If so, there is no chance of counterattack.

The more he thought about it, the more restless the Great Elder's heart became, and his complexion became worse. Archimonde noticed his complexion. The shrewd he immediately saw the situation from here, but he always kept his smile .

"I'm sorry, I suddenly realized that there are still important matters in the clan that have not been resolved. When the goods and materials arrive, I will send people to trade them. Faerun, you should build the trade market as soon as possible. It's really rude. , then I will leave first!"

"Hey, Elder, we..." Fei Lun could only watch him fly away like this.
The Great Elder walked in a hurry, jumped into the sky and turned into a giant eagle, and left Faerun's territory. He didn't even pay attention to Faerun's greetings, so you can imagine how anxious he was.

"It's useless, you can't call a person who wants to leave, and it can be seen that he is very wary of us, I guess you will also be suspicious of him, so it's better not to rely too much on the druids !” Archimonde said after the Great Elder left, looking up at the direction in which he left.

"Why should we be wary? Aren't we on the same front?" Ferran looked at Archimonde in surprise and said.

Looking at the childishness on Fei Lun's face, Archimonde sighed and said: "You are still too young, you don't understand, in front of people with faith, you can give up everything, but faith can't, when we don't When the interests of his faith are touched, he is the most steadfast ally, but when the faith is shaken, there is no doubt that he is our worst enemy!"

"Is that so? But it's not right. We were dealing with the Radiance Cult together before, and the Lord God King has already gone to the God Realm with the Druid God. How could it change so quickly!" Fei Lun looked distressed. Knocking on the head, it feels like someone is stirring the brain with a stick, and the headache is dead.

Archimonde walked slowly, and said as he walked: "Remember one sentence, there is no permanent alliance, only permanent interests. It's not that there is no betrayal, but that the price of betrayal is not enough. When there are some temptations that cannot be refused. I guarantee that even the kindest people will do the most evil things, let’s go inside, there are some things we can’t say outside.”

Called by Archimonde, Ferran entered the house together, and in order to prevent others from eavesdropping, Robert stood outside the door naturally. First, he felt that he was not qualified to know the secret, and second, he felt that the more he knew, the more he knew. The less, the higher the chance of surviving relatively speaking.

"Okay, there are no outsiders now, what do you have to do?" Fei Lun said seriously.

"The master actually left you a task. How can I say this task? It's difficult to say, but it's not difficult. It's actually very simple. The key is to see what you want!"

"What do I mean? Could it be that there is something particular about it?" Fei Lun twitched his mouth unnaturally.

"Of course, if you do it wholeheartedly, without our help, it may take Xu Ao 20 years or even longer to complete this matter, but if so many years have passed, it is estimated that the master is no longer alive. It is necessary, so it depends on whether you will seize the opportunity."

"What if you help? What kind of mission is it?" Feren said with a frown. He hated guessing riddles, because he always couldn't figure it out, and felt like a fool.

Archimonde didn't answer his words, but turned to look at the decorations in the house. Although he plundered a lot of property from the hands of the seven lords, calling Prometheus made his property shrink greatly.

So just now he was still praying, hoping that the aid of the God of Time and Space would not be too expensive, which is why he directly agreed to aid the Druids. is immeasurable.

Although some things need to be purchased every year, there will never be a shortage of gold coins. Trading them can just make up for the financial gap. Restoring the country is a sport that consumes money, especially when you have nothing.

"Have you forgotten what you said yourself? To rule this world, to smelt all the gold and cast a statue for the God King of Time and Space, I miss you sincerely, but there are too few people under you, and there are very few people with outstanding abilities, so I probably can't help you What are you, so you specially sent me to help you realize this dream, isn't it very touching?"

Fei Lun didn't expect to make a big circle. It turned out that it was his own words that caused such a big battle. He just wanted a batch of material assistance. Now it seems that this is clearly to help him regain the whole continent by force. !The problem is that it is easy to ask the gods, but it may not be easy to send them away.

After hesitating for a long time, Fei Lun said: "Since it is to help me, it is enough to have those knights outside. I believe that with them attacking the city, I will be able to dominate the world in less than a year. Isn't it the same then? "

In fact, Fei Lun just thinks that this guy Archimonde is too difficult to deal with. Think about it, a guy who was originally a mortal, because of his outstanding IQ, offered a few strategies and made a lot of credit for doing a few things. He was also bestowed with a godhead by the gods, how high an IQ must be to be treated like this?Don't help count the money when you are sold!
"You mean the stupid big guys outside? A whole country only has muscles but not brains. Rely on them, do you want a land without people? Of course they can help you quickly calm down and even expand outwards, but they won't Hold on.

If you let them go out, believe me, it is your luck that one-third of the population can survive. The God of Time and Space does not want his power of faith to be affected, so I am the main person in charge of this mission. "

Archimonde said with some complacency that from the perspective of division of labor, he is indeed more trusted, and it is no wonder that he is somewhat complacent.

"But what's the use of your merchant troops? Are you buying them with money? Then they will surrender? Stop making trouble!" Fei Lun refuted Archimonde's remarks, at least in his opinion, strong force is the most important thing. foundation.

"That's right, to buy it with money!" But Archimonde admitted it with a look of course.

With a face of "I heard you right!", Archimonde smiled and asked him, "Who do you think is the master of this world?"

Phelan thought for a while and said, "God?" Then he shook his head first. The gods don't live in this world. What they need is the belief of the people, not the material things of this world, so they have never been the masters of this world. This means that the term “master of nature” cannot be applied to God.

"Emperor? Nobles? Businessmen? It can't be those little commoners, what rights do they have? Almost all armies are in the hands of nobles, and emperors are also a kind of nobles. That's right, the masters of this world are nobles!"

Fei Lun gave his own answer, then looked at Archimonde, Archimonde nodded, as if agreeing with Fei Lun's answer.

"Then who do you think controls the lifeblood of this world?" Archimonde asked again.

"Of course it's a nobleman!" Fei Lun said without hesitation this time, the superiority of the Lionheart family's bloodline once again prevailed, and he was proud of being the most noble nobleman.

But this time Archimonde did not nod in agreement. On the contrary, he shook his head and said nothing. After seeing it, Fei Lun said angrily: "You disagree? The master of this world is a nobleman. Since he is the master, can't he control his own power?" home?"

"I agree with you saying that you are the master, because you control the most advantageous force, but when it comes to controlling the lifeblood, I disagree. Can you grow food crops? Can you produce tools? Can you circulate goods?
So what do people need in their life?Food and drink are essential to human life, but you are not the ones who produce food. In order to work and protect themselves, people need tools, and it is not you who produce tools. And the circulation of goods is not yours, so what did you do? "

Every time Archimonde said something, Fei Lun's brain was like being hit by a sledgehammer, and every word was destroying his proud blood and self-esteem. Even if he disagreed in his heart, it was really like this , Could it be said that the aristocratic blood that he is proud of is so worthless?

"But what's the use of saying this? What does it have to do with you coming here? As long as I have force, I will be able to rule the world sooner or later!" In the end, Faerun, who had nothing to say, ignored it like a rogue, and then asked.

Archimonde saw Faerun's hysteria, but he didn't mean to be angry at all, but looked at him with interest, and waited until he bowed his head in embarrassment before saying, "Don't worry, I said these are hopes." Can you pay more attention to things that you don't usually see, the population is very precious, there are farmers, craftsmen and merchants in it.

Except for nobles who can be said to be useless, others are very precious resources, but it happens that the nobles have all of these. If you want to get them, you can't just use force. In this case, what you lose is far more than what you get Much more. "

"So what, what does this have to do with you? What does it have to do with me, won't everything be mine if you just snatch it from me!" Fei Lun was obviously still not convinced. Formed on the way, Li Youran's strength also confirmed this point.

(End of this chapter)

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