Plane Merchant

Chapter 822 Raiders

Chapter 822 Raiders
In the next few months, the merchants used their own means to invade the world, like rain, and even on hard land, they would still be succeeded by their continuous and concealed methods.

One night, under the operation of a local businessman, a territory completed a good show of changing the king's banner on the top of the city.
When people woke up, they suddenly found that their city lord had changed the flag on the top of the city, and the new flag of the kingdom was taken down. The badge that originally belonged to the Lionheart King family was flying on the top of the city again, and they wiped themselves in disbelief. eyes, but the fact is that won't change.

The soldiers in the city continued their patrol as if they couldn't see. The diehard faction of the new king on the top of the city was hung on the flagpole. Judging from his appearance, he knew that he was treated miserably before he died. Let the civilians have new things to talk about, and it seems that it has no impact on their lives. Taxes that should be paid still have to be paid, and those who should serve still have to serve.

It's just that the nobles of the empire have changed quietly. The nobles are the group of people who like to enjoy and hate labor the most in this world. Of course, they are also the most greedy and stingy. limit.

When merchants brought luxury goods from another world and entered human towns, they were immediately sought after by nobles.
For the nobles of this world, fashionable clothes, mysterious and luxurious perfumes, and foods with tempting aromas are all things they have never seen before, which fascinates him, and the gifts of the merchants are also very thoughtful. , do not give them any chance of annexation.

Although it is a pity that the nobles can't have all the good things they have, they also know that as long as the merchants are there, as long as the merchants want to do business, then there will be a steady stream of good things flowing in in the future, not only that. It will be extremely rich in their pockets.

Therefore, Archimonde's merchants easily entered the high-level sight of the empire and occupied a high position.

Under the material offensive of the merchants, the nobles could only melt and evaporate quickly like an iceberg meeting the sun. When they woke up, they found that things had reached an irresistible point.

The people in the territory got help from the merchants, not only providing them with efficient seeds and novel and useful agricultural tools, but also providing them with free livestock. Of course, in return, they need to hand over [-]% of the harvested food. As for the lord's needs The tax is borne by the merchants.

The seemingly harsh conditions, but those farmers flocked to them. It was not only the seeds, farm tools, and livestock that attracted them, but the last line. Ninety percent of the grain is collected, and those with bad hearts will not only harvest it all, but those farmers will also be turned into slaves for various reasons, and then they will be used as cattle and horses for eternity.

In the eyes of the nobles, the commoners are actually one of the sources of slaves. Just like the wild vegetables in the field, one stubble will grow today, and another stubble will grow tomorrow, and it will never disappear. It is a matter of course that he enjoys the shade from his ancestors in his credit book.

When the merchants proposed that he was responsible for taxation and that he only needed [-]% of the harvest, the civilians were completely overwhelmed. Is there anything better than this?Although there is a gap between the rich and the poor among the common people, the poor want to survive, while the rich want to be richer.

For the first time, the orders of the merchants spread throughout the entire territory faster than the nobles. Even the guards had merchants. Naturally, the nobles would not pretend to be soldiers other than their own personal guards.

Anyway, my personal guards are my confidantes, and my safety mainly depends on them. As for those soldiers, they are all cannon fodder on the battlefield.

But the merchants brought good armor and weapons, and of course, glittering gold coins, and there was an unlimited supply of things like wine and meat. The army was naturally drawn under such an offensive, even if there were individual generals Will not be willing to join forces because of their loyalty and respect for the lord.

But the other soldiers would not agree!Why should all of us suffering haha ​​suffer from poverty just because of your innocence?Is it because you are highly valued by the lords and nobles, of course you are living well, but you can't let us suffer poorly just because of this!
The servants of the city lord's mansion are holding huge rewards from the merchants, but what they need is just a little bit of useless information. The lives of the nobles have been completely controlled, no matter when or where Everywhere, there will be businessmen's eyeliner.

After controlling all this, the merchants did not launch directly, but chose to raise the nobles, just like raising pigs and dogs in captivity. Now is not the time to kill them, and news one after another was sent to Akmeng. In his hands, Archimonde, who had mastered all this, knew that the time was ripe and immediately asked Faerun to see him.

"Your Excellency the Apostle, now is the best time, please send troops to suppress the rebellion immediately!" Archimonde said in a meeting, the other generals and nobles all looked at Archimonde but unexpectedly did not refute .

Archimonde's prestige in the territory is definitely not lower than that of Faerun. Even if it weren't for Faerun's Lionheart family status, in the hearts of ordinary people, Archimonde, the legendary businessman who ruled the business of the Lionheart Dynasty, might not be in the same position. heavier.

"Since the best time has come, let's send troops! Everything is up to you, Your Excellency Field!" Phelan saluted Field respectfully, and the other nobles naturally followed suit.

They admired Field's strength from the bottom of their hearts, especially when they saw Field leading the knight training group to charge, the strong momentum immediately smashed their sense of superiority due to the number of people, and since then It was horrific to see Field and his men walk with their heads down.

"Don't worry, leave everything to me!" Field agreed, drank the full glass of fruit wine in front of him, and walked out with his head held high.

Two hours later, Field and his soldiers rushed out of the city, carrying Archimonde's information and maps, and killed all the way south, trying to kill a straight line from here to the king's capital.

Along the way, Field didn't meet any decent opponents. Almost all cities have merchants. Even if they don't have real power, things like opening the door at midnight can still be done, so it takes less than half a month. , Field broke through the defense of the empire from the south, and reached the gate of the king's capital.

Compared with other places, the king's capital is more tightly guarded. Even Archimonde's subordinates have difficulty invading here. After all, it is the capital of a country, where rich people and nobles gather. Naturally, not a small businessman can Left and right, not even the authority of the city gate, everything needs to be done by Field himself.

In the royal capital, the ministers in the palace were running around in a hurry, and the army besieged the city. It can be said that the empire has no way out, otherwise these people would have already run away.

"I'm trying to figure out a way, are they all idiots?" The emperor sat on the top, full of anger, and had nowhere to vent his anger. Unexpectedly, the temple didn't work. The news he got two days ago turned out to be that the God of Radiance failed to kill the druids. The gods, on the contrary, were wounded by the sneak attack of the druid gods, and have withdrawn from this world, which means that from now on, they will have to fight on their own.

The first time he got the news, the emperor was furious, and then he waved his hand and killed that annoying old guy. He was just a mage. After being attacked in close quarters, he naturally had no strength to fight back, especially in the opponent's body. After holding the deadly toxin in his hand.

Seeing the servant who claimed to be a god fell in a pool of blood, the emperor's face was full of joy. There has never been a person who would not pay the price after insulting a king who he thought was supreme, even if it was a servant of a god.

It's just that happiness is happiness, but the emperor is very distressed now, thinking that Field's army has overwhelmed the border, and the surrounding city lords are either controlled by merchants or defeated by Field and hide in their homes to wait and see.

When interests come first, people don’t care who you are. If there are no benefits, the emperor will die, not to mention that no matter how great the benefits are, you have to live to enjoy them. The perverts under Field’s men have long been beyond the reach of human beings.

"Your Majesty, why don't we go to negotiate! I heard that this Field is just the Prince of Faerun! It's just a mercenary hired by the boy Faerun. I think our country is much bigger and richer than Faerun. Powerful, everyone knows who is more powerful, mercenaries are just for money, as long as we reward a large territory, we don’t have to worry about this field not fading, and even use it for us if possible!"

A bald nobleman stood up and said that when the emperor was frantic and about to kill someone, someone finally thought of a clever plan.

The reason why a clever plan is a clever plan is because it is successful, otherwise, the clever plan can only be called a delusion.

And with the emperor's consent, the bald nobleman entered Field's camp with the expectations of the highest officials and nobles in the empire!
Feldan sat in the military tent. The tent made of cotton cloth could well block the wind and rain outside, and the material was very new. When he saw the cotton cloth, the bald nobleman's eyes lit up. He happened to have a tailor shop and a linen workshop!As soon as you see the cotton cloth, you know the superiority of this thing.

It turned out that the mentality of being trembling has changed at this time. He observed it and found that the barracks here are not big, and Field has basically never killed anyone. At most, people lose their fighting ability on the battlefield. This is Ah. Anyone who dares to break Kermond's rigid standard will get out immediately!
Of course, it is impossible for the bald nobleman to know this. He just naively thought that Field was concerned about the strength of the empire, so he rarely killed people, unless it was the kind of person who desperately resisted.

"Ahem!" The bald nobleman looked at Field who was indifferent, and coughed twice on purpose. Unfortunately, Field still raised his head and sat on his seat like a statue.

"Surely this is Lord Fielder, who has been victorious in all battles. I'm glad to meet you. I'm the Minister of Finance of the Empire. Can I have a chance to speak?" In the end, the bald man couldn't bear it anymore. He came with a mission. And he was a little worried that what he wanted was to be more active at this time.

"Oh! What's the matter with you?" Field didn't want to see him at first, but Archimonde asked him to see him, so he had to.

Archimonde wanted to quickly recover the capital and let Faerun ascend the throne as soon as possible, but not everything went smoothly. Obviously, this time he planned to find a breakthrough point in the hands of this bald nobleman, but he was wrong. At least he was wrong about Field.

Seeing Field's indifferent reaction, the bald head was very unhappy. How can I say that he is also the finance minister of a big empire, and he is a noble figure everywhere he goes. Unexpectedly, he was ignored here. How can he bear it!He had already thought about the terms of the exchange, but now he changed his mind, not only would they have to deduct half of those items, but they also had to hand over the technology of those cotton cloths!

The smug bald head had obviously fallen into fantasy, and Field gave him a disgusted look. These nobles with the same habits as vampires, Field is very annoying, disgusted with their greed and cruelty.

"Hey! Is there something wrong with you? If you have something to say, go away if you have nothing to do. I will attack your capital tonight, go back and tell your master, prepare well! I will beat you to death!"

Field's words immediately startled the bald man, and he got rid of the imaginary picture in his mind and began to enter the negotiation mode.

"Your Excellency Field, please listen to me first. I heard that you are mercenaries, and everyone is there for money. How much can Falun give you? I will pay twice his price, as long as you don't attack us, and you will also give us a baron." You, you are a nobleman from now on, don't you think about it at all?

In addition, what I want to say is that our empire has already begun to gather troops. I’m afraid you won’t be able to please at that time, or let’s stop now. We are all one family. It is up to His Majesty to decide here, as long as the city you conquer is yours! "

The conditions proposed by the bald man are indeed very attractive, but what Field wants is not only these things, but also with his pride, how can he tolerate people other than Li Youran to judge him?

Field smiled ferociously. This smile was the last picture the bald nobleman saw.

On the second day, an unmanned fast horse entered the capital, and sitting on it was a headless corpse. It looked like the Minister of Finance who had gone out to persuade him to surrender yesterday.

With a good plan, he originally wanted to blackmail Field, but before he read it, Field cut off his head first.

(End of this chapter)

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