Plane Merchant

Chapter 826 Nightmare Rebirth

Chapter 826 Nightmare Rebirth
The huge palm slapped it. Even if Field's strength is much higher than that of the same level, it is impossible to stop it. After all, it is an attack from the gods, which is absolutely comparable to ordinary people.

Just when the emperor and the Great Elder looked rejoicing, and Fei Lun looked at the palm of his hand with hatred, something unexpected happened to everyone, and a surprised "Huh" sound came out from the sky.

Then I saw that the palms on the ground started to vibrate slowly. Fei Lun could feel that even the ground was trembling at this time, and the big hands on the ground were about to rotate vigorously, trying to use friction to completely shake the guy below. Grind into slag.

But in the end, he found that his hand was being lifted up bit by bit, and his strength was not enough. How could this be possible, he is a god.
"You are also worthy of being a god? If you want to kill me, you have to show some skills! This attack? It doesn't hurt." Field roared, and Field, who supported his huge palm with both hands, knelt half-kneeled on the ground.

The armor was a little broken, and the summoning array was completely shattered. Even if he wanted to summon at this time, it was impossible, but Field, who refused to admit defeat, still stood up.

Even if he was going to die, he had to die at the moment of the battle, instead of being crushed to death under the palm of his hand like a bedbug. The blood in his body was like a fire. At this time, Field felt that although his body had reached its limit , but the spirit is unprecedentedly good, and the exercises that were incomprehensible in the past have actually made a little breakthrough at this time.

Nightmare, who was far away in another world, suddenly ran out of his room and ran towards the portal. It felt that Field needed him at this time.

"Still persisting. Although I have to say that you have some potential, it is a pity that you are still going to die. In order to give you a little respect, I decided to kill you with all my strength."

He said it as if he really respected Field, but he knew in his heart that he was afraid, afraid of people like Field. Once such a person grows up, he can show much stronger strength than him, so he must not let him grow up. , but what he didn't know was that the Space-Time God Sect was full of perverts.
The big hand used the greatest strength, and then shook it down, and the half-kneeling Field was completely suppressed. Fei Lun knew that if he heard correctly, he heard the sound of bones breaking just now.

Not only he heard it, even the Great Elder and the emperor in the distance heard it, the emperor laughed like crazy, dancing like a madman, he knew he had won, although it was miserable, but winning If he wins, this empire, this continent, and this world will all be his, no one can take them away, no one else.
After feeling that there was no sign of struggle under the palm, God Druid finally moved his palm away, and saw that there was indeed a mass of fragmented flesh and blood underneath. It seemed that Field had died under his powerful attack.

"Vulnerable!" The disdain from the sky made the people on the ground feel the power of God. Field's previous strong performance made people tremble. In his opinion, Field is probably the God of War in the world, and only the strong Ah, it's unbelievable that the character was instantly killed with just one move, and the power of the gods once again penetrated into the hearts of the people.

Just when the big hand was about to retract, a dark red stream of light came quickly from the sky, and a black one-horned nightmare rushed to the sky above the capital. What it saw happened to be this scene, and a pair of purple eyes instantly turned blood red.
Desperately rushing towards the retracted hand in the sky, the determination to die together at this moment has never been stronger than before. Field is his companion. Although he is a nightmare and Field is a human being, Field never regards it as a human being. an outlier.

On the contrary, he is taking care of him like a friend and brother. When I am unhappy, this person is coaxing me. From the moment I signed the contract with him, the bond between two different races is like this produce.

It is arrogant!But Field tolerated all of this, and it helped him regain his confidence when Field was decadent. Now his good brother does not know whether he is alive or dead. As the son of the Dragon King, how can Nightmare, who was born a high-level demon, let the murderer go.

The unicorn on the top of the head burst out a dark light, that's right, it was a dark light, as if it swallowed up the surrounding light, the entire capital was shrouded in darkness, and the thick death and resentment in the Netherworld were all gone. With the display of the nightmare, it is constantly pervading in this world.

The people who were watching the fun just now found that they couldn't move. This gas is the most poisonous poison to ordinary people. Although it won't kill them instantly, they can only watch themselves being infected by the breath of the Netherworld, and then Little by little, it slowly turned into a living corpse.

"I'm going to see what's going on. You order everyone to speed up the process. We need to get to the capital as soon as possible!" Archimonde sensed the power fluctuations in the distance, and it must be a big battle.
When the mutation occurred here, Archimonde, who was far away, also sensed the arrival of the nightmare, but although Field's breath of life was dim, it still existed, that is to say, he was seriously injured and dying, but Archimonde Be sure that Field is not in danger because he feels that Field is recovering and getting stronger.

But I still have to rush over there. Field is a person that Li Youran values ​​very much. This matter is known to everyone in the city that never sleeps. Now that he has been hurt in the matter he is responsible for, there must be someone for this matter. Confess, unless the gods take action in this world, no one will be Field's opponent.

The impact of Nightmare happened to hit the arm of God Druid, and the sharp long horn pierced his arm. The strongest part of the body is this long horn, and this long horn can even match his father's dragon tooth. Recklessly.

The Druid god who was hit finally shrunk his figure, unexpectedly there was someone here who could hurt him, so he descended from the God Realm, wanting to see who did it, and happened to see the nightmare.
"Where did you come from, you dare to attack me! Fortunately, I just need a mount!" The druid looked at the consequences of one hand with complacency, and then looked at the nightmare of the handsome, with a black head on his head. Jiao, with black and shiny fur, looks so fascinating.

Even druid gods are fascinated by it, and because they are druid gods, sometimes they have some quirks of liking animals. The more majestic and beautiful animals they see in their eyes, the more they like them, and they like them You know the extreme.

(End of this chapter)

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