Plane Merchant

Chapter 843 Blood Shadow

Chapter 843 Blood Shadow

"We can't have a meal before we leave. I haven't even eaten a piece of bread since I came down!" The Destroyer finally spoke, because he realized that if he didn't speak, he might have to go hungry again .

"You're right, eat first!" Star-Lord felt that the Destroyer was so cute at this time, breaking the awkward atmosphere between him and Gamora with one sentence.

After eating, the atmosphere between the three of them was no longer awkward, but Xingjue was still frowning, because he immediately broke the oath he made when he came in, and he wanted to take a carriage again, and the road conditions this time Obviously not as good as last time.

It is not a good idea to rush on the road overnight, but there is no way to get the reward for completing the task as soon as possible, so they can only hurry.

It was already late at night when we arrived at the farm, and it looked pitch black, but there were a few lights in the farm, and a few scarecrows in the rice fields added a bit of a weird atmosphere.

"It really doesn't look normal, it's too quiet!" Xingjue said thoughtfully.

"Please, it's late at night. If it's not quiet, there will be ghosts..." Gamora rolled his eyes at him, and was about to taunt him, but there was movement in the farm.

"Ghost. It's that ghost. Help!!" A shrill scream pierced the tranquility of the farm. Xingjue thought that the people inside would come out, but what surprised him was that those bright lights The light that was on went out.

That's right, it was off. It seemed that they didn't intend to care about the person who called for help, but simply hid in their room.

"Don't look, go save people!" Gamora patted Xingjue and said, no one is faster than Xingjue at this time, and he has thrusters on his feet.

"No problem, look at mine!" Xingjue immediately took out his weapon, the elemental gun. Although he gave Li Youran one, his father added another one later, and he strictly warned not to give it to anyone else. He turned on the propellers of his feet and flew towards the place where the sound came from at an extremely fast speed.

When I came to the sky above the sound, I found that it was a cowshed, and there was a young man surrounded by a mass of blood. Looking at his painful face, I knew that what happened must not be a good thing.

It's just that the two are entangled with each other. Of course, Xingjue can't take human life lightly. He can only use a stun gun. The powerful electric current rushes over. The bloody figure obviously didn't expect someone to disturb the situation at this time.

A flash of electricity flashed, and a blood-colored voice screamed out of the young man's body. Blood-red mist covered his body, and there was a liquid on it that made the sound of bubbles bursting. It was obvious that this attack had seriously injured him. .

On the contrary, the surrounded young man felt nothing but numbness, as if the electric current did not harm him.

"What kind of monster are you? Forget it, no matter what you are, come with me today, just catch you and get the reward, and then go to the valley to have a look, if nothing else, you are the culprit of this mission !"

After landing, Xingjue didn't even look at the young man, but spoke to the bloody figure. Obviously this bloody liquid monster was the target this time.
As soon as Xingjue landed on the ground, the monster on the opposite side rushed up regardless. This guy dared to hurt him, which made the monster who was the son of the blood god very angry, and must kill this person to take revenge.

Seeing the blood shadow flying over, Xingjue just laughed and threw the lightning ball in his hand instantly: "I'll give you a good thing to try!"

It is obviously not a good experience to hit the lightning ball head-on. The strong electric spark has evaporated a lot of Blood Shadow's blood. If this continues to go out tonight, not only did he not collect blood, but he also spent his own capital in it. Died here, the blood god son immediately merged into the ground and fled in panic.

Xingjue, who was still in the mood to watch the show, was dumbfounded, why did he just run away?This monster still has this function?

Gamora and the Destroyer finally came, but they only saw the dumbfounded Star Lord and a frightened young man. As for the monsters, they obviously didn't catch them.

"Did you see it?" Gamora asked, Star-Lord nodded silly.

"Then why didn't you catch it?" Looking at the lightning ball on the ground, it was obvious that Xingjue attacked, but something happened.

"How do I know, that thing actually disappeared, flowing into the ground like water!" Xingjue still can't accept such a strange disappearance.

"Well, it's nothing, it's just a rather peculiar ability. We've seen it a lot, haven't we? At least you saved one person." Seeing Star-Lord's appearance, Gamora knew that this was not the time to talk about the mission.
At this time, the frightened young man finally realized that he was saved. Someone drove away the blood-sucking monster, and he was the first person who could escape from the monster.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for saving me!" Bowing to the three people, his gratitude was beyond words.

"Okay, okay, the monster is not caught, maybe it will come again in the future, so don't thank me!" Xingjue said with a lack of interest, and these words immediately made the young man's face pale.

"Okay, don't scare the children! Hello, we are the heroes invited by the city lord to solve this monster. You can rest assured that we will solve the matter soon!" Gamora pushed Xingjue aside, Said kindly to the young farmer.

After hearing Gamora's words, the young farmer's face obviously improved a lot. The person invited by the city lord must be a powerful brave man, and he must be able to kill this monster.

"Okay, don't talk so much, hurry up and find a place to live. It's too late to go to the valley at night. Take a rest and go in to find him tomorrow. There is not even a hotel here. It's really rudimentary." Xingjue said impatiently, he just had a chance to complete the task, but the opponent ran away like this, which made him very unhappy, and even his tone became serious.

"If you don't dislike it, please come to my house to rest. Recently, because of the monster incident here, except for the local residents, all other businessmen have basically disappeared, and the owner of the hotel has also left. I am alone, and there are a lot of vacant rooms, if you don’t dislike the shabby…”

After hearing Xingjue's words, the young farmer immediately expressed his affection and said, after all, this is his savior, even if his temper doesn't look very good, he should treat him with courtesy.

"Then thank you, let's go." Of course it would be nice to have a place to live. Gamora immediately agreed, and then dragged Xingjue into a house next to the cowshed. It turned out that this place belonged to young people residence.

(End of this chapter)

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