Plane Merchant

Chapter 847

Chapter 847

After waiting for a few weeks, Changmei left the mountain area after changing his disguise and entered the human world. After finding the portal, he finally left here. Most useless stuff.

With his departure, Qi Lingyun, who was practicing far away in the desolate star field, also sensed the disappearance of Changmei. He didn't think that anyone here would be able to kill Changmei. Frowning, he knew that his practice was coming to an end.

Compared with Changmei, his Blood God Son is not so demonic and hostile, but has stronger advantages in berserk and attack, and the condensed Blood God Son is not in the shape of a human, but the shape of a beast, which is not good at Possession is demagogic, but it has a super performance against physical attacks.

"It's time to leave, Chang Mei, no matter where you go, I will find you and tear you apart!" After speaking, the incarnation of Blood Light flew to the teleportation array, although it was the teleportation array connected to the Death God Temple, but Now Qi Lingyun doesn't think that he can't beat the god of death.

The ups and downs outside can't affect Li Youran's happy mood at all. Elena's due date is getting closer and closer, and the doctors invited are very sure that the prince is healthy, and even a little too lively. He either kicks his stomach or dances in it every day.

Yes, that’s right, it’s the prince. Don’t use scientific means to explain how the pastors must be the prince. In fact, Li Youran can see it by himself, but his father and mother believe in the doctor more than Li Youran. .

Li's mother is also happy from ear to ear recently. Several daughters-in-law are pregnant one after another, as if they have made an appointment. Only Li Youran knows how hard she has worked. Of course, all this is due to her devout prayers. The problem is your son. It is the greatest god, who are you praying to?
Compared with other people, He Meili's due date seems to be a bit longer. Because of the difference in her body, it is only natural that the due date of the gods is longer than that of ordinary people. Why is it that the children of the gods and monsters in the myths and legends have great supernatural powers when they are born.

What is infinitely powerful and what is invulnerable to swords and guns, all these things were brought out in the mother's womb, but this news also made He Meili unhappy for a long time. According to the order of pregnancy, his child should be the eldest son.

But now, under the words of Li Youran's father, there is no distinction between concubine and concubine, and there is only a distinction of size. It seems that her child will become the last one, from the oldest to the youngest. , it won't be a disadvantage to have myself and Li Youran taking care of the children, but who knows what methods those little hooves will use to win the support of their parents-in-law.

Of course, it is impossible to tell Li Youran about these small thoughts. Only generous women are painful. Even if you play petty temper occasionally, you can't show a little jealousy in this matter. You will be hated. The child chooses a suitable place to be a fief.

This is what the father-in-law promised a long time ago that the child will have a piece of his own world as a fief, and when he grows up, he will go to his own world to be the king. He is playing with the jade carving of the Stairway to Heaven that he got from Shushan Mountain. The more he looks at it, the more mysterious the jade carving is. .

The breath above can actually increase her divine power, and even the fetus in her stomach has the breath of jade carving. She can feel that this is not a bad thing, and maybe her child will get some unexpected benefits as soon as it is born.

Most of the reasons for the demise of Shushan come from this, that is to say, this is a great thing, but now it is just a toy for my children in the future.

It seems that all the world has calmed down, and the large factory model in the wasteland world has begun to take shape. All heavy industries and high-polluting industries have moved out of the original world and settled in the wasteland world.

All the waste and heavy metal pollution produced every day were concentrated and buried deep underground. The growth and evolution of monsters that had been slowed down in the wasteland world seemed to have received sufficient energy and flourished again.

Archimonde can even feel that this world is jumping for joy. It seems that the pollution is fatal to creatures in other worlds, but it is a kind of nutrient for this world rebuilt on top of nuclear annihilation. It really is no surprise that the world is so big.

In the Plant God Realm, the druid god has become an honest farmer, who is responsible for planting and maintenance every day. Although he is much more tired than before, there is no war and he does not need to be busy with his faith. This kind of life also makes him Feeling at ease, after all, they are nature gods, who hate fighting and calculation by nature, and after handing over the core of the world, it made him feel more relaxed.

And in the mortal world, the name of the Lionheart King Faerun has been resounding throughout the continent. Even the countries on the other side of the sea know that there is a king in this world named Feilun who is a descendant of the Lionheart King and is determined to unify the world. Madmen of the world.

Fei Lun used his deterrence of unifying the mainland to forcibly withdraw the gold coins, and changed them to banknotes that are easier to popularize and carry. The statement is naturally for the sake of everyone, but in fact everyone around him knows that it is for the statue of the gods.

The Druids benefited from someone close to Faerun and was finally preserved. Of course, they just lived in the forest forever and never allowed to preach outside. Even so, the Druids were grateful, anyway, time and space There are statues of Druid gods in the religion, and the faith will not be cut off.

However, Faerun wants to collect all the gold. It seems that there is a long way to go. However, because of the help of Archimonde and others, he is building a steel warship that can survive the endless sea. It could have been purchased directly, but Fearing that he didn't have enough gold, Fei Lun refused, and only bought technical guidance with Archimonde, and then prepared to build it himself, which can be regarded as indirectly improving the world's technology.

As a commodity transportation organization in various worlds, the Time-Space Chamber of Commerce has been officially handed over to Archimonde. The development of each business route is the opening of a blood vessel, allowing Li Youran to better control every corner of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce.

Once in a certain place, merchants will use their own products to open the local door. Common and cheap products in other places are not so common in other places. Magical products such as life potions are sold to places where technology is prosperous. , after several improvements, there has been a potion that maintains the appearance but does not increase the lifespan.

After all, if they are all immortal, what hope is there for the world in the future?Of course, the life-enhancing eaux-de-vie is still available for sale, but the price is no longer affordable by ordinary people, and even some big shots will be amazed at it. If you want to live forever, you still need a lot of hard work.

(End of this chapter)

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