Plane Merchant

Chapter 849 The Decision to Go to the Galaxy World

Chapter 849 The Decision to Go to the Galaxy World

"Listen to me, I come from the world of Guardians of the Galaxy, which was originally just a movie, but something happened later, a person changed the world, he used his own means to turn this world into a real existence, Everything in the film has become a real existence.

Human beings, countries, civilizations, even the universe and gods, everything has become real, and at the same time this world also belongs to him. I was unwilling to be controlled by others, so I hid it and found it with the ether particles in my hand. way to leave.

But it was difficult for me to leave alone, and then I found someone who had the same thoughts as me. "

"This person is Thanos?" Hearing the wise captain say something here.
Tiwan glanced at the captain, and then said: "That's right, Thanos. According to the memory from ancient times, we found an altar, then activated the altar with ether particles, found a god who claimed to be eternal, and then we shuttled to Another Marvel Universe."

"Have you come to our world?" Tony also spoke out. The armor on his body made him look extraordinarily huge. The superposition of his IQ combined with multiple Tonys is obvious. He can even guess what happened next. Everyone We all know that the scene about them has arrived.

"Don't interrupt me, Tony, even if you are the protagonist of many movies!" Tiwan took a deep breath helplessly and said.

"Oh! I'm sorry, you continue!" Tony raised his eyebrows, apologized without sincerity and then sat on the other side, he was a little proud to hear that he was the protagonist of many movies.

"Everyone knows that Thanos and I came here for the same purpose at first, but things changed later. Thanos is obviously not a person who is content with loneliness. We had serious differences of opinion, and we separated later. , and then you all know the things, but that's not what I'm going to say.

I don’t know if you have noticed that no matter which Marvel world we travel to, there is no trace of ether. There is always only one ether particle, but there will be many cosmic Rubik’s Cubes in our hands, and they all have the desired effect. This made me have some bad associations. "

"That is to say, between illusion and reality, reality is stronger. You who came from the real world to the illusion world are unique existences, including the ether particle! Naturally, there will not be too many difficulties in fusing fantasy with reality, so You don't have those thoughts in your body."

The professor thought for a while and said what Tiwan wanted to say according to his own understanding.

"Probably can be understood in this way, but it is more serious than this. Now we have the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and the power of everyone, but Thanos obviously will not let go of a big killer like the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. His whole body power is here. has been greatly enhanced.

He robbed the treasure house of the God King. We don't know what magical items are in it, but the Infinity Gauntlet is definitely one of them. The ether particles are in my hands, which is one of the reasons why he chased me down.

Because the ether has been manifested in the real world, even if he kills the ether particles of other illusory worlds, it is impossible to combine them into an infinite glove. If I guess correctly, he will return to the galaxy world next!As long as he goes there first, everything in his hands will be realized immediately, and the same is true for his strength. Even if we go back later, we are still not the opponent of Thanos who has obtained many treasures and a surge in strength. "

After hearing what Tiwan said, everyone frowned. This is really not very good news. If what Tiwan said is true, and judging from the reliability of what Tiwan said in the past, there is indeed a big difference. Something like this can happen.

"So what can we do? It seems that no matter what we do, it's useless. Even if we go first, we can't do anything except prevent him from getting the Rubik's Cube. We can't make him unable to go back.
etc!What if we blocked that exit!Think about it, without the Rubik's Cube, he can't get out, we can seal him in the illusory world forever!That's right!That's it, what do you guys think? "
Tony snapped his fingers, overjoyed at his idea, he felt so clever.
"It's a good idea, but I need to remind you that he once broke through Asgard, the kingdom of God. Although it seems that the Rainbow Bridge should be destroyed by me, none of us knows whether the Rainbow Bridge is good or bad. If he has a fully functional If it is the Rainbow Bridge, even if the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is realized by us, it is very likely that he will be directly teleported from that world."

Tiwan is not as optimistic as Tony. In fact, only he knows the cruelty of Thanos. After all, from memory, Thanos is the one who destroyed the entire universe.

"In other words, we can't be sure whether he has the Rainbow Bridge. I think the people of Asgard must have some means to prevent it from being stolen and used for such an important artifact. Time travel! After we go to the real world first, the things in his hands will be invalid, and we will win without fighting!"

Tony felt that since things had come to this point, he might as well take a risk, since nothing could be worse than this.

"I think Tony is right. No matter what, we should try, and the real world you mentioned, if I understand correctly, the owner should be a very powerful person.

And Thanos is also a very self-proud person. If Thanos enters in his current posture, he will definitely retaliate. If we enter it, we may have a chance to kill Thanos after they match up. "

The professor closed his eyes and considered for a long time, and finally expressed his opinion. The team members behind him naturally supported his decision unconditionally, and Magneto also thought it was a good idea.

"Look, everyone agrees, why don't you want to? Or is there something wrong with you, as we guessed?" Tony pointed at Tiwan.

"Well, since you guys are willing to rush to die, why don't I dare, anyway, I'll just surrender when the time comes!" Tiwan muttered in his heart, but he didn't show it. Who is he about to face? In Tiwan's view, this person is [-] times more terrifying than Thanos.
Even in the face of Thanos Tiwan, who has gathered all the avatars of the Marvel universe, he is unwilling to face Li Youran, but fortunately now he also has the ability to save his life and the hole card, even if it is a big deal in the end, he can always keep it if he donates the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and Ether Particles. own fate.

(End of this chapter)

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