Plane Merchant

Chapter 851 2 in 1

Chapter 851 Two in One
There is no need to ask about the situation outside, because everyone has already seen the densely lit space lights outside through the window, or it may be that the light from the energy beam of the muzzle is not necessarily, anyway, now they already know that Tiwan's complexion is bad the reason.

"Did you already know that this would happen! Why didn't you tell us before you came?" Tony was impatient, and immediately questioned him after seeing the situation outside. Don't even think about what's left under such an attack, the giant!If even the body is burned to ashes, how good is the recovery power?

Or there are still a few people who can survive, such as Uncle Wolf!But the few people in it definitely don't include him, an "ordinary person" who equips ordinary humans with technology and achieves the title of superhero.

"I asked you a long time ago, didn't I? I asked you at the door, and you all agreed, but I didn't expect it to be so soon. I originally wanted to go to the life court to seek asylum, but now it doesn't seem right It's possible!"

Hearing Tiwan's answer, Tony was speechless, they did nodded without speaking, but that was also a promise
Tiwan also smiled wryly. He knew he would be hunted down. After all, what he and Thanos did was a rebellion. Although he repented later, the time-space smuggling between him and Thanos actually happened.

And when I came here, I saw that the altar of eternity had been destroyed. It is conceivable how important the altar is to the gods, especially the belief in this world has been ruled by the god of time and space. It is probably the last altar of eternity. .

The last altar was destroyed, so its owner was clearly in danger, and even the gods were killed. What luck is there for him, a little mouse who smuggled with the help of the gods?
"I remember you said, did you run out from here?" Tony suddenly asked Tiwan.

"That's right, I ran out from here. Now I'm afraid they already know it's me. I didn't expect such a big battle. Of course, it may have something to do with that eternity. I hope it won't be too bad." Wan answered Tony's question, and he didn't think otherwise.

But Tony couldn't think about it anymore. When life and death were at stake, besides the people he knew and cared about, who else?Sorry he is Iron Man, but not God.
"Hey, guys, I think we may need some unconventional methods now, what do you think?" With a wave of Tony's hand, the armor automatically attached to the surface of his body, and Tony's voice was slightly metallic when he was dressed, of course There is also the big guy Anti-Hulk armed.

"Oh, I don't like this big guy, move it away! And Tony, do you know what you're doing? We don't know each other well here." Bruce Banner glanced at the anti-Hulk armed with disgust.

This guy was designed for him, although now he has been able to control the transformation, and what happened just now, the soul of the Hulk full of negative energy has disappeared, which means that the current Hulk is Bruce Banner, and Not that horrible monster.

But no matter what, no one likes to use weapons against themselves.

"Sorry buddy, I ignored your feelings, but I have no choice! What do you think?" Tony apologized without looking back, and then asked for other people's opinions.

"We don't have any opinions, you can decide, but are you sure it will really work? Can my whole body communicate successfully? If it fails, we will have trouble escaping without Tiwan." Magneto and the professor After exchanging opinions, Magneto spoke.

"Of course, if you have better ideas, I can listen to you too!" Tony said before pointing his palm cannon at Tiwan.

"Put your hands on your head, I know you have the ability to drive objects with your thoughts, but this is nothing to me. It's a mouthful for me who has integrated multiple universes. Anyway, my mental power is enough to resist you. The idea of ​​Hulk, and the Hulk armor, well, there is no need to deal with Hulk now, so it has changed its name!"

"I'm disappointed, do you really want to do this?" Tiwan stood up calmly, and didn't put his hands on his head as Tony said.

As a result, the palm cannon hit the seat next to Tiwan without hesitation. Looking at the melted alloy seat, Tiwan's expression was ugly.

"I'm not kidding. Although it seems a bit ungrateful, we don't know any of these people, and we have never met each other. That is to say, they are here to find you. As long as we hand you over, we can naturally get away."

"Hey! What are you doing? Tony listen, move your barrel, Mr. Tiwan is our benefactor, and we are fighting Thanos together, aren't we?"

Captain America finally came to his senses. In fact, he had been confused about the conversation between Tony and the others just now. Now that he saw the action, he immediately understood that this was to trade Tiwan alone for their safety!This is not an act of justice, and the captain felt that he had to stop it.

"No, let him do what he wants. We have no way to be suppressed now. This is a strange universe. We don't know whether what he said is true or not. Maybe it was true before, but who knows? Besides, there are so many of us here. People, we can't let all of us die for him alone?
We are superheroes, but how many of us can survive in the vast universe?Maybe Bruce Banner and Logan can do it, but are you sure about the other captains? "It was Magneto who came out to stop the captain.

"But we can't do that either." The captain still couldn't accept exchanging someone else's life for his own.

"Then you find a way! Otherwise, you go to negotiate with those fleets? Maybe they will let us go because of your identity as Captain America!" Tolu said mockingly.
Poisonous Tony is well-deserved of his reputation. Of course, he has always disliked the captain's justice. Even if it is not the first time they have cooperated, the settings in the comics seem to be able to continue in reality.

"Just go! I don't believe that intelligent life will have no way to communicate!" The captain didn't know if his blood was surging, but he directly agreed to Tony's provocation.

Tony put away his hippie smile, looked at Captain America very seriously and said, "Listen, I'm not fighting with you now, I'm taking responsibility for all of our lives, look outside, what a huge fleet of battleships?
Look at those lights, if each light represents a battleship, just a swarm attack!We'll all turn into cosmic dust, for your damn justice!Do you still want to try speaking aliens?Stop making trouble, okay?We're not out in the world of manga right now!Damn I'm a cartoon character, who ever asked me if I would like to do it! "
In the end, it turned into a roar, and all the heroes who watched Tony in a mad state were silent. Deep down in their hearts, they didn't really believe what Tiwan said, even if all the circumstances all the time showed that Tiwan No lie, they've even seen themselves in other MCUs.

But all the time they just thought that it was a parallel space. Until this moment when they became a real existence, they couldn’t explain the unknown feeling, but they just knew that they had become a real person at this moment, a person with flesh and blood and soul. Only then did they really realize that they were really comic characters before, and such a change was indeed somewhat cruel to them.

"Forget it, Steve, what he said to you is really no need to ruin your life for a stranger! I will go to see them myself, don't worry I will let them let you go, sorry to put you Pulled here from my own world, but it’s already a fait accompli and I can’t help it, I hope you have a good time here.”

Maybe Tiwan had resentment before, he saved them from the comic world and turned them into a real life, but what did he get?
You want to send yourself out in exchange for what is yours?This made Tiwan very upset, just like the farmer who was bitten by the snake after he rescued the snake, wishing that everyone would be killed at that moment.

But after hearing Tony's vent, Tiwan suddenly came to his senses, did he really feel kind to them?

Because of my own wishful thinking, I dragged these people from my original universe to my own battleship, and then I took them to shuttle to various Marvel universes to devour their own bodies, in name to increase their strength to fight against annihilation. Pa.

But I never seem to have thought about their feelings. Perhaps for them, doing chivalry in their own world every day may be the best life. Everyone in front of them has their own stories and lives, but it is because of themselves , they will appear here.

Imagine if you were yourself, what would you do?Why did I escape to other universes? Isn't it because my life was completely disrupted and I wanted revenge!What is the difference between doing this by yourself and that space-time god Li Youran?
Now that he couldn't hate him anymore, Tiwan gave up fighting. Anyway, he couldn't beat so many people by himself, so it's better to think about it.

Seeing Tiwan who proposed to surrender himself, the captain glanced at the other teammates, and found that they were either too guilty to look directly into his eyes, or they were looking at each other calmly!No one has the right to ask others to give up their lives for themselves.

"Let me go with you! I don't worry about you alone!" Steve took his shield and sorted out his equipment. He didn't use guns and the like, but this time it was too dangerous to go. After thinking about it, I brought some with me, plus some strange props from Tiwan's men and collection, so I was well prepared.

"Our messenger of justice really makes me feel so guilty! Don't think that I will give up." Seeing that Steve insisted on leaving, Tony said sourly.

"I never push anyone, Tony you are very smart, your armor design is more powerful than any weapon I have seen, but you don't have a brave heart, or you have, but it is not open to everyone , I’m different, I have my mission, my heart tells me how to do it, everyone has their own life, we can’t force anyone, all we can do is follow our own heart, take care!”

Steve patted the armor on Tony's body, and Tiwan and others boarded a small rescue capsule. The people outside were not worried that the rescue capsule would suddenly run away. Chance.

He holds the Rubik's Cube and ether particles in his hand, which he used to exchange his life. It's not that he never thought of activating it, but where can he go?After wandering in space for so many years, he is tired and wants to go home to rest. Where is home?Here, the galaxy world is his home.

"Leader Rom, the opponent has a rescue capsule, should we shoot him down!" A subordinate said to Rom in his hand.

"Don't you have eyes? This place is surrounded by me and Xandar's army. Where is he going? But you can't let the people of Xandar Alliance get the credit for this time, you send a fast ship to pick him up The rescue pod, and let others stop the Xandars, this time the credit is mine."

The gene from the accuser Roland made Rom extremely domineering. Apart from his unquestionable loyalty to Li Youran, he had to fight for everything else, thanks to something that would allow him to have a more important position in front of his master. , how can you hand over to others?
"It's the leader!" The subordinates went out to give orders.

Inside the main battleship of the Xandar Alliance Army, several commanders were discussing how to distribute the credit, but the Cree battleship group around them suddenly moved, and without exception, the battleships were placed across the battleships of the Xandar Alliance. In front, so that they have no way to move.

"What the hell are these Cree people doing?" The Xandar people are a little confused, so they don't think the Cree people will attack them. You must know that this world is under the jurisdiction of the Time and Space God Sect, and the Cree people are also diehard believers of the Time and Space God Sect. .

There is a rule in the doctrine that it is not allowed to attack forces of the same faith without authorization, but the commander who is not a fool soon understood Roma's intentions.

"They want to monopolize the credit. Damn it, send someone to intercept that rescue capsule."

It's a pity that it was too late by the time they realized it, the Cree's fast ship had already approached the rescue cabin.

"This time is a big move! I have to brag about it when I go back. Brother, can we often have such actions in the future?" A young man with black eyes and black hair chatted to the Cree soldiers beside him. He could tell he was excited.

"You are lucky. Such a big action has not happened for a long time. I heard that this action is an order issued by the temple itself. Send us here, and just wait for promotion in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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