Plane Merchant

Chapter 855 End and Evacuation

Chapter 855 End and Evacuation

The fleet was advancing slowly. After receiving the order from the commander, all combat units were mobilized. It seemed that the commander couldn't wait any longer, so all combatants were ready immediately.

The ejection port on the big ship is like the exit of a honeycomb, and all the individual combat robots rushed out. Compared with the huge and bulky battleship, this individual combat armor is more convenient and concealed.

Soon the enemy's actions were discovered by the professor, and he told everyone to prepare them, because they were about to face not only the attack of the battleship, but also the threat from the mechs.

"Leave these to me, you go deal with those big guys!" Hulk said to Scott and Jean Gray who were standing beside him after receiving the ammunition sent from behind.

"Can you do it alone? It seems that there are a lot of them!" Scott said looking into the distance.

"What can you do if you have more, hurry up, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect so many people, hurry up and get rid of all the warships, and then come back to help me, I hope their plan will work, otherwise, we may not be able to escape of."

The Hulk looked into the distance, where the cosmic fortress was located. Of course the Hulk said they were Magneto and Uncle Wolf.

The two sneaked into the fortress, passed through several levels in a thrilling way, and finally entered the inside of the fortress under the protection of Magneto's ability, but they didn't know that their every move was under the nose of the enemy under.

"The ability is pretty good. It is a bit similar to the innate ability blended by the genes of sporadic imperial families, but it is more diversified, and the power used is much greater. Bring these two people here and catch them. We There are very good research materials!" The commander already regarded the two as test subjects on the test bench.

"Understood, sir! Go and lure the two of them here!" The captain of the guard gave an order to the people behind him.

"It's here, wait, it's dangerous for me to go inside, I think the plan is very wrong, I suggest we give up, leave here immediately, maybe we can go back." Uncle Wolf shook his nose twice Say.
Under the deliberate guidance of the Xandar people, Uncle Wolf quickly found the command room of the fortress, but his wild intuition told him that there was danger inside and he must not go in. Uncle Wolf was still very confident in his intuition, so he stopped Magneto from telling him made his own discovery.

"Nonsense, there is no danger here or there. If there is no danger, we will not use it. The plan cannot be changed. We need to rush in immediately and hold the commander hostage. Only in this way can we quickly calm down the battle. Energy is limited, the number of enemies is too large, you have to take risks, go in!"

Although he knows that there is danger inside, but he has already come here, it is impossible for Magneto to give up, and he feels that he has the ability to protect himself.

Uncle Wolf and Magneto looked at each other in a stalemate, and finally Uncle Wolf gave in, because if he didn't agree, Magneto would probably manipulate his body to plan.

Aggrieved, Uncle Wolf popped out the alloy blade claws and crossed the automatic door to draw an X shape, and then saw the automatic door shattered into four pieces and fell down.

"Don't move, that's right, put down the gun in your hand, otherwise I'm not sure if I can control the thing in front of you." As soon as Magneto entered the control room, all the metal products in the control room floated.

Several Xandars tried to pull out the guns and swords in their hands, but they all found that the things in their hands were missing, all floating in the air, and the sharp end or muzzle of the gun was aimed at them.

"First of all, I would like to introduce myself. I am Max from Earth. Of course, some people call me Magneto. I think you all know why I am here. Yes, we are here to negotiate, but you don't seem to be very friendly. !” Magneto swaggered and appeared in the command center of the Xandars.

"Guards, go up and arrest these two people, it's too presumptuous, who gave them the guts." A general in armor shouted, they were all beaten here, it was a shame to their guards.

"Don't be impatient, I put them in!" The commander waved his hand to stop him. It is probably useless for the guards to come. This man's ability is too powerful, especially in this place full of metal.

"What?" The Xandar who didn't know what happened was confused. Is the commander crazy?

Uncle Wolf was also shocked. His intuition was correct. He had been in danger of being watched since he arrived at this fortress, but he didn't know where the feeling of monitoring came from. Now it seems that their actions It has long been known.

"No matter what your reason for coming is, now that you are guilty of breaking into the flagship of our Xandar Alliance army without any notification, I advise you to plead guilty obediently and wait for the trial of the Supreme Court, otherwise, we will not Do not mind the use of force!"

The commander looked at Magneto calmly and said, not paying attention to the metal floating inside the battleship.

"Listen, I didn't come here to discuss with you, retreat immediately, otherwise I will kill you immediately! I will do what I say!" Magneto's character is not good, if it is on the earth, the commander is probably dead now up.

"Hehe, with these? You can give it a try!" The commander said with a smile, pointing to the floating objects around him.

"That's right, just rely on these, let's do it!" It seemed that the negotiation could not be reached, Magneto decisively shouted to do it.

All the stationary metal gathered together and turned into long metal chains, and then everyone was trapped, and they were flying towards the commander, but when they approached him, everything stopped He came down and was fixed in place without moving.

"Do you think you are the only one who knows how to use magnetic fields? You are wrong. We Xandars have generally used magnetic fields as early as 300 years ago, but yours is special. Although it cannot be imitated, it is very simple to restrain it. Just disturb the magnetic field. That's it, let's grab the two of them."

The commander clapped his hands, the magnetic field in the entire command room was disturbed, Magneto's ability was declared invalid, the magnetic field was changing almost every second, it was impossible to control the magnetic field here.

He can't help it, but it doesn't mean that other people can't. Uncle Wolf's strong hand-to-hand combat strength and abnormal physique that can be quickly cured as long as it is not burned to ashes finally have a place to use.

The mecha guards who rushed in from the side door suddenly wanted to catch him. How could Uncle Wolf be a bully? The alloy blade claws shot out and grabbed the machine in front of him. With sparks flying around, the invincible Ed Man Metal won the victory, although huge sparks were generated during the process, and the stagnation in his hands also made him feel the hardness of these mechas.

I tried to control the metal, and found that except for the commander who couldn't get it anywhere, it had no effect on other places.

The power of Edman's alloy claws finally made Uncle Wolf completely knock down the guards after wearing many colors on his body, and the two approached Commander Xandar step by step.

"You'd better not make a move, otherwise the previous people won't be able to come back!" The commander said calmly, Steve and Tiwan, who went to throw themselves into the trap by themselves, were the last cards.

"We just want to leave here. Unless you move your fleet away, you can only be buried with us today!" Magneto said fiercely. Uncle Wolf didn't stop him from knowing that this person must know the seriousness of the matter. Otherwise, they really might not be able to leave.

"I know, but I don't have the right to let the fleet leave here, and our army is only half here, and the other half is not under my command, so your calculations are in vain." The commander looked at the two people in front of him with a smile. People say that they are not worried about their own safety at all.

"Aren't you the commander? Why don't you have any rights? Who else is there?" Uncle Wolf is in a hurry now, don't spend a long time doing it for nothing, it will be troublesome, forget it if you can't help, don't put yourself Got stuck.

"It's true that I am the commander, but this order comes from the Supreme Temple. I am only executing the order. If the army under my command does not complete the capture task, it will not leave. As for the others, I think you will see them soon Arrived. "
As soon as he finished speaking, a human head appeared on the big screen. Magneto and Uncle Wolf were stunned when they saw it, and then looked at the screen happily.

"Look, look, these two poor little ones, what's going on, no one to help you? Come on over to Tony, I'm having a big pool party!"

That's right, what appeared on the screen was Tony's head. Tony, who controlled his Iron Legion and appeared on the battlefield, made everyone fully realize what technology is power. Under the operation, the precision fit is completed.

Fighting with individual mechas sent all the mechas to the depths of the universe to make dust. When attacking the battleship, I used Jarvis to invade their network system on a whim. It turned out that although their network technology is very advanced , but it is not an intelligent system, or artificial intelligence, but a relatively advanced computer.

Without Jarvis' flexible use, let alone his human soul, Jarvis, who quickly gained control of the battleship, gave everyone a big surprise. By the time the Xandars discovered it, it was too late, and the control of the battleship had already In the hands of others, they were all trapped in the room and could not get out.

"You guy, I knew you would come. I didn't misread you. How are you doing now? Get us back!" Uncle Wolf looked at Tony happily and said.

"What's the matter, of course I can easily catch them, don't worry, half of the control of their warships has already been in my hands, and the rest generally seem to be a collection of creatures and machines, which Jarvis can't control. But enough, how about you? Is this your Excellency Commander? Hello, Commander! We are leaving now, so please issue an order!"

Tony spoke to the commander, but obviously it didn't work.

"Don't even think about it, I will never give orders!" The commander didn't expect that things would change like this. His fleet was seized by someone, and he was also controlled by others. These two guys came here and shot themselves in the foot.

"Why do you want him to give the order? Didn't you get the control? Just separate the fleet!" Magneto said impatiently, he was in a bad mood because the plan failed, and he couldn't understand the result Tony scoffed.

That's right, it was ridicule. In his opinion, the smile on Tony's face now was mocking his incompetence.

"I just seized control, but the retreat requires the commander to issue an order. This is the highest decree, and even Jarvis cannot bypass this decree, so we need the cooperation of the commander, but obviously, If he doesn't want to, what do you say?"

"Do you need him to say it himself? Or is there a password or something?" Uncle Wolf asked with a frown.

"He needs to say it himself. The voiceprint password is very special, and it must be spoken in ancient Xandar. Obviously, we don't know this foreign language. It makes me very embarrassed. I am a super genius and I am stumped by foreign languages."

Tony's words drew two supercilious eyes, it's all like this, and I still don't forget to show superiority.

"I think I can only let him come!" Uncle Wolf said, Magneto nodded and remained silent. Tony was about to ask what he suddenly thought of, so he stopped talking.

Uncle Wolf closed his eyes and called out to the professor in his heart, and got a quick response.

"What's going on with you, our loss of personnel is nothing, thanks to Tony's timely arrival, his Iron Man Legion is really useful, we have now controlled the initiative of the fleet, how are you talking with the commander? "

As soon as the professor came to ask, he was not having a good life on the other side. Scott was exhausted, and Jean Gray was also depressed. Although the Hulk is a perpetual motion machine, but the javelin is disgusting. Now he sees Anything metal tubular would be frenzied, and if it wasn't for Tony's Iron Legion, they'd probably be exhausted.

"We have found the commander, but Tony said that if you want to evacuate, you need the commander's voiceprint password and you also need to speak ancient Shandar. This is something you are good at, and we don't know it."

"Okay, I understand, it's the person in front of me, let me try!" The professor understood what he should do, and entered the commander's mind through his own telepathy. In order to better integrate into it, Uncle Wolf knocked the commander unconscious out of face. Without any resistance, he felt much more relaxed.

After searching for a long time, I finally found the voiceprint code and at the same time controlled the commander's body. I saw him walk to the console and read a paragraph of language with a strange tone.

"Okay, it's unlocked, it's time for us to leave now, everyone cheer for me!" Tony said with a laugh after receiving the reminder that Jarvis successfully issued the evacuation order.

(End of this chapter)

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