Plane Merchant

Chapter 858 Infinity Stones

Chapter 858 Infinity Stones
Listening to the conversation between the two, both Steve and Tiwan felt that they should be involved in a big plan. There is a reason why such a large fleet was hijacked by their little people. Yes, they still think the fleet is vulnerable.

After hearing Li Youran calling his name, Tiwan immediately cheered up. You must know that he is facing a supreme existence, not a simple leader of a power, but a person who can turn the illusory plane into reality. supreme person.

Even if he had the idea of ​​overthrowing Li Youran before, he realized that his idea was extremely stupid after he got to Li Youran's side. On the way he came, he met a lot of strong people, and these strong people casually took them out A team of superheroes who can kill him and finally pull up.

Even though he has absorbed multiple avatars from the Marvel Universe, he is still pitifully weak in front of these people, the Dragon King Apophis.Golden Skull Orc Ancestral Spirit Heywood, Fire Skull Stormrage, each of them can easily deal with them, not to mention the few strong men who have gone to other worlds to guard.

"Supreme controller, hello, I am Tiwan, and I obey your call!" Even if you are arrogant, you should be more cautious after seeing Li Youran, so as not to offend him, and death will be in vain when the time comes.

Li Youran nodded to him and said: "You are very good, you can escape my search, and you can smuggle to other worlds and even smuggle people from other worlds to this world. Have courage, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

Speaking of Li Youran's eyes staring fiercely at the back, Tiwan felt like he was in a hell of flames, his whole soul was being burned, but he couldn't even move or scream, but fortunately, it felt like it was coming and going quickly Soon, the whole person seemed to be salvaged from the water after waking up.

Steve beside him looked at him strangely. Just now, he saw the scene where Tiwan's whole body was sweating profusely. It was simply spring water flowing out suddenly. A person who was still plump just now turned out to be like Haggard, chapped lips.

"Thank you for the forgiveness of the Supreme God." Only Tiwan understood what happened. The means of the gods were indeed mysterious. Just a look made him look like this. It is probably a matter of looking to kill himself. , It’s ridiculous that I still want to fight, but I don’t know that it’s just a joke in the eyes of others.

"It's just a little punishment. You should know why. Drinking this cup of tea will be good for you." Li Youran personally brought a cup of tea to Diwan and said.

Rom looked at Tiwan enviously. Just now Tiwan's state has obviously been punished. Under the circumstances that everyone didn't feel it, the cup of tea in front of him is a proof of acceptance, a rebirth of Tiwan. Start.

Diwan took the cup of tea tremblingly, and drank it without hesitation. At this time, let alone tea, even poison must be drunk. He knew that as long as he drank this cup of tea, everything he did from then on All will be erased, and he will become a member of Li Youran from now on. Although he may not be the core, he can still save his life.

After drinking the clear tea, it was not as bad as imagined, and the tea was absorbed immediately after drinking, and the body that had just become dry due to loss of water suddenly glowed with powerful vitality.

Surrounded by greenery, Tiwan almost groaned, but the feeling that every cell was singing was so wonderful. Steve and Rom around him looked at Tiwan in surprise, if the original Tiwan still has some gray hair and slightly saggy skin to prove his words as an elderly person, and now Tiwan is a standard young man.

"Pseudo-immortality doesn't work in this world. Although I don't know who has fixed the time for you, it will only make you a container for his rebirth. It will not make you eternal, just let you out That’s it, how do you feel now?”

Li Youran glanced at the shocked Tiwan, and was very satisfied with the result he had caused. In fact, as soon as Tiwan appeared, he felt a kind of fluctuation of the law of time on Tiwan's body. He also wants to use tricks in front of him, which is simply an insult to his IQ.

I removed it casually, and punished Tiwan by the way. In fact, just a cup of tea can solve it. There is no need for Tiwan to suffer so much, but who made this guy refuse his summoning? It is right to suffer a little bit.

"Thank you master for your concern, I feel much better!" Tiwan also said that the master knelt down like Rom.

"Okay, you haven't answered my question yet, who will give you a constant time?" Li Youran is more interested in this. In fact, he already has his own guess and just needs to confirm it.

"Yes master, I was eternalized by one of the five gods of the galaxy world, and Thanos was also constant with me. He went to the Marvel universe with me, but after he got there, he seemed It was getting crazy, and then I left him, and then found the heroes of the Marvel Universe, and they joined forces to fight Thanos, but they failed every time."

Tiwan told the whole story, and Li Youran confirmed his thoughts while listening.

"I understand. It seems that he chose Thanos. You are lucky. I guess either Thanos' body is more suitable than yours, or Thanos has something that attracts him. If he dares to touch that thing, then But it's fun."

Li Youran smiled, then clapped her hands happily and said, no matter what, Li Youran is happy, and so are Tiwan and Rom. The only one who can't figure it out is Steve.

"Okay, I've said so much, shouldn't it be time for you to express something?" Li Youran suddenly looked at Tiwan and said, with a serious expression, and Tiwan couldn't help but feel a little bit in his heart, thinking that he might have done something wrong again Something offended the master, but he didn't seem to do anything?
It is estimated that Tiwan is not used to such a situation, but Rom on one side can see it clearly. There is still a smile in the master's eyes, which means that Tiwan has not angered the master, so he can naturally help him.

"Idiot, take out the Infinity Stone, it belongs to the master, what do you do with it?" Rom reminded from the side, Tiwan finally remembered what was the most important thing for him to come here.

It was originally used to save life, but now life was suddenly saved, so I subconsciously forgot about it.

"Master, please forgive me. These are two infinity gems. These are ether particles. This is the cosmic cube. The ether particles are originally in this world. The cosmic cube was brought by me from the Marvel universe. Unfortunately, the other gems are not there. There is no way to find the whereabouts, otherwise it would all be found by the master, and the Infinity Gauntlet is also here!"

Tiwan took out three things, which are ether particles, cosmic cube and infinite gloves
Holding two infinity gems, Li Youran sighed and said: "A power gem, a space gem and a reality gem, I already have three infinity gems, and with the infinity gloves, I already have four of the seven pieces." One piece, but the other three pieces don’t know when they will be available!”

After hearing Li Youran's exclamation, Tiwan immediately said: "Master, I doubt that other Infinity Gems will be obtained by Thanos. He has been killing you wantonly in the Marvel Universe. I don't know why. It stands to reason that he will always Chasing and killing us, but sometimes he would leave inexplicably, and we were able to escape many times, and there are so many treasures on him, I am afraid that even without the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, he will still pass through the space barrier and come to the galaxy universe."

"Of course he's back, but I don't know if it's Thanos or Eternity!" Li Youran sneered and said something that everyone didn't understand.

Seeing their puzzled eyes, Li Youran smiled and said: "It's good to explain it to you, so that you won't be caught off guard when Thanos returns. The eternity of this world has been killed. Don't ask who killed it. Just need to know that he is dead.

After the time is fixed on you and Thanos, there will be an eternal imprint on your body. The eternity that controls time can be resurrected at any time, provided that there is a container. Obviously, you and Thanos are his choices. In the end, Thanos because of With something I give, eternity is drawn past.

As the god who controls the time in the Marvel universe, he certainly knows a lot of things that others don't know. The reason why he left is naturally because there are other important things that need to be taken, which are much more important than you. After all, you can get them at any time in your hands , if the opportunity is missed, it is really missed, even if it is the master of time, don't even think about violating it.

Just wait, he will come back and appear in the galaxy world with what we need, because we have what he wants, he will come to us! "

"I roughly understand, because after the master materializes the galaxy world, any thing that appears in the Marvel universe will be materialized as long as it appears in the galaxy universe, and it is unique. Only the first thing that appears in the galaxy universe Only Marvel Universe items will be real, nothing else will be recognized, so these three gems will be the target of Thanos."

Tiwan is worthy of being the longest-lived person, and he immediately understood the trick, but he still finds it incredible that he and Thanos have been calculated by eternity without knowing it. If there is no Thanos, I have probably been swallowed by eternity.

"That's right, it's okay that it's Thanos who came here. If it's Eternal, I'll let him know what it means to regret it!" Li Youran has absolute confidence in dealing with these two guys. As long as they dare to come, he will let him They feel good.

(End of this chapter)

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