Plane Merchant

Chapter 871

Chapter 871
Rom was the first to discover this loophole. He found that when using crossbones to fight, he used his own power. When using lightning, he had no other abilities, and when using Sebastian Shaw's abilities, he did not use other Yes, there are all indications that he can only use one power at a time.
After Uncle Wolf heard it, he ran over desperately. This time, no matter what, he had to cut off two taels of meat. He rushed into the battle circle and waved his sharp claws frantically. All the creatures who rushed to rescue were cut into pieces Count blocks.

Eternal's body is recovering quickly. Obviously, he has used another ability, but he didn't expect a little flaw in his ability to be seen through so quickly. Although it doesn't matter, the feeling of being seen through makes him feel very uncomfortable. accurate.

This time without the fighting skills of crossbones, Uncle Wolf's honed fighting skills finally came in handy. After leaving more than a dozen wounds on Eternal's huge body, he flew into the sky under the control of Magneto, hiding opened his pursuit,
Phoenix Girl, Fantastic Four, Scott and the others rushed to take cover, and several kinds of energy attacked, even Eternity had to avoid the edge temporarily. Another shortcoming of the ability is that after using it, they actually have cooling time..

Although it was very short, at this time he could not use the ability to absorb, so he could only choose the ability of the White Queen, and his whole body turned into diamonds to resist.

The energy attack returned in vain. Uncle Wolf in the sky also adjusted his posture at this time, and fell from the sky. The person who knows you best may not be a friend or an opponent. The two have always been enemies before. But working together seems to be intimate.

There was no communication with each other, and it turned out that there was a cooperation, and the diamonds all over his body could not stop the power of the Adamantium alloy claws. Uncle Wolf, who fell down, grabbed the eternal head with his claws with huge kinetic energy. It's a pity that it was avoided by vigilance, but the shoulder suffered, everything slanted, most of the body was cut off.

"Finally... dead!" Uncle Wolf squatted on the ground, panting heavily.

The others also breathed a sigh of relief. If the fight continues, they don't know what the result will be, but just as they breathed a sigh of relief, a huge figure rose to fight. Don't forget that the God of Radiance is still there. He can not only give Resurrection, treatment is also a good hand.

A ray of white light came down, and most of his body was scratched. Eternity, who was about to die, came back to life. The wound healed with the other half, but the arm still fell off. The treatment is not limb regeneration after all.

"Sorry, I can only do so much, unless you are dead, maybe I can help you come back to life, and then recreate it." The God of Light said to the following, and then looked at Alice warily, he could feel Alice Seth was growing impatient.

"Thank you, although it's a little troublesome, but it's nothing to me." After Eternity finished speaking, others saw another ability, the regeneration of severed limbs from Dr. Lizard, and another one grew from his arm. With the hand, although it looks very fresh, it will soon be no different from the other hand.

"Damn it. How do we fight?" After seeing this situation, they were already numb. If the power of those villains was on him, then they probably wouldn't have to fight.

"If you can't fight, let me do it!" The Valkyrie in the sky finally made a move at this time. Eternity has always been her prey. Since the group of people in front of them have no means, it's their turn.

Just when she was about to throw her javelin, a person suddenly appeared beside her, and it was the Guanghui God who had been confronting her all along.

"Your opponent is me! Don't meddle in other people's affairs!" The God of Radiance stabbed at Alice fiercely with a long sword in his hand.

The speed has definitely exceeded the speed of sound and may even reach the speed of light, but it is too slow for Alice. She stabs out the javelin in her hand without hesitation, and the tip of the spear collides with the tip of the sword, a contest between divine power and divine power.

In the next moment, the God of Radiance was completely defeated, and flew out at a faster speed than when he came. She put away her javelin and Alice sneered and said, "With this little ability, I thought you were so amazing. Let me kill you first and then kill him." !"

"I didn't want to use it at first, but you really pissed me off! I'm going to eat you all..." The original huge body grew up again, and a person with a completely different image broke out of Thanos' body out.

If the goddess of death is here, she will definitely exclaim, isn't this Galactus?

It's a pity that the people I know are not there, so everyone still doesn't know how terrible this is.

"Eternal, you should think about letting me out, if possible, I will never let you go!" The first thing Galactus came out was to warn Eternal.

Why eternity can devour and fuse various abilities, obviously Galactus is the reason.

"Stop talking nonsense, I can't make it through today, everyone has to die, let's kill it first!" At this time, Eternity no longer wants any infinite gems, and life is still more important than life.

But he wanted to leave, but some people didn't want him to leave. The Mechanic Emperor kept wandering. Not only did he not attack, but he dragged his feet from time to time, but no one had discovered him yet.

Changmei couldn't hold on any longer, and was so disgusted by the fire man and the god stick. As soon as the blood god came out, the fire man would burn it and burn it, and the god stick beat it time after time with the weapon he made With guerrilla strikes, his body was almost twisted into twists, and the sharpness of the flying sword couldn't pierce the shield on his body.

Finally he got angry, stared at Guanghui God and shouted: "Whether or not your subordinates make a move, or if you don't make a move, everyone will die here!"

Seeing it, the Guanghui God knew that he couldn't drag it any longer, and finally called out the word "do it." The people he brought who were similar to ancient warriors finally did it.

I don't know if I don't do it, but after I move it, I realize that this is the most difficult group of people to deal with. All attacks will have no effect on them, and the last thing is to make their bodies shake, and then just talk to the people who have nothing to do. The same charge.

They rushed like tigers into a herd of sheep, there was no shouting, no excitement, no emotions, some only endless silence, every time they made a move, they went all out, and soon the heroes discovered that their attacks were all useless, until now There is not even a trace of the armor on the person's body.

"What are these guys? And what are the materials of the armor on them, if you give it to me..." Tony was still thinking about his armor at this time.

How these guys will deal with this is the voice of everyone at this moment. Even Galactus and Eternal can't help but be surprised when they see each other's power. Thinking of the cooperative relationship between themselves and them, if they succeed, they intend to If he repents, then he is really embarrassed.

"It's useless. This is an alchemy puppet made from the corpses of strong men in the ancient ruins. I'm not afraid of your attacks at all, so just accept death obediently!" Seeing that the overall situation was settled, God Guanghui saw that with the support of this team, He won.

The Mechanic Emperor is silent, how can he be rescued?The Marvel heroes are also silent, they can't beat them, Changmei is silent, the armor styles of these people are so familiar, and why do I always feel like I have seen these people before?

Eternal silence, the partners are so stubborn, how can they fight for their own interests?At this time, seeing that the victory is hopeful, he remembered the distribution of the infinite gems, but he no longer expressed too much hope.

"Machine Emperor, release the portal quickly. I don't want anything anymore. I want to leave here now." After thinking about it for a while, Eternal decided to leave. If there are no things, you can look for them again. If you don't have people, you will have nothing. Cannot be reincarnated again.

"This...I'm afraid it won't work!" The Mechanic Emperor said after thinking for a while.

"Why!" Everlasting asked, Chang Mei also raised his eyebrows, understanding the meaning of this sentence, could it be that the ancient gods are going to do something to the people here?When thinking about the actions of the Mechanic Emperor, Changmei immediately became vigilant, maybe he will confess here today, but he didn't expect to die in the hands of the enemy, but in the hands of the allies.

At this time, Chang Mei remembered that he, Eternity and Ancient God were allies, and they were plotting against each other before.

"Because, I won't let you leave. It's a pity that everyone gathered together and left now!"
The Mechanic Emperor didn't speak, but just looked at Changmei quietly. At this time, a familiar Changmei voice came from the sky. This voice was once his nightmare, and even hearing it now makes him terrified.

Li Youran finally appeared. After teleporting out of the temple, he imprisoned everyone with a wave of his hand, including Eternity who had transformed into a planet-devourer.

In fact, Li Youran couldn't sit still after seeing the God of Glory enter with a group of ancient warriors. Others don't know, how can he not know?The corpses of the zodiac signs are still in his temple, just like these puppets.

Now he is more and more sure that the ancient gods must have obtained the treasures of the ancient heaven, even if not all, but at least part of them, otherwise these gods can be refined by the current gods.

As soon as he appeared, Rom was happy, and came to him with two gems, half-kneeling and handing over the gems, and then took the infinite gems off the hammer. Of course, he used the universe spirit ball to collect them. burnt to death.

"Master, fortunately, the gems are not lost!" Rom proudly handed back the infinite gems.

"The other few are due to the incompetence of the subordinates!" Speaking of this, Rom looked very frustrated. Not only did he fail to defeat others this time, but he lost his army.

"You've done a good job, leave it to me!" Li Youran smiled and took the Infinity Gem, looking at Eternity who had been imprisoned and turned back into the prototype of Thanos.

(End of this chapter)

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