Plane Merchant

Chapter 873

Chapter 873
"Traitor, you traitor, I didn't expect you to be so ruthless, I must..." He couldn't say the following words, and Li Youran directly locked his mouth.

"Okay, I promise you too! Now tell me the way to open the ladder, but you'd better tell me the truth, otherwise I will let you know what it means to live without seeking death." Li Youran said threateningly.

This is not a threat to Changmei, but a real thing. As long as he is still in this universe, he cannot escape Li Youran's surveillance. If Li Youran wants to kill him, he will find the dead scum There are none left.

"Come here and I'll tell you!" Chang Mei didn't say much, and told Li Youran the method, and then with Li Youran's weird face, he flew into the sky, and with Li Youran's nod, he left, without Hit by thunderclouds.

Seeing his gradually receding figure, the mechanical emperor beside him finally spoke.

"Won't the master kill him? If you let him go away like this, there will be endless troubles!" Even the Mechanic Emperor knows that cutting the grass does not remove the root, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates.

"Of course I won't kill him. If Qi Lingyun is killed, he will definitely be unhappy. He likes to take revenge on himself. Go and make his path not so peaceful. By the way, remember to lead him to the place where Qi Lingyun is. No Without these two swords, he became a blood demon and now he can't even use the Taiqing Immortal Technique, without these two, Changmei is just a tiger without minions, how can he fight Qi Lingyun."

Li Youran smiled and asked the Mechanic Emperor to make arrangements. He promised not to kill, of course he would not kill, but he and Qi Lingyun are not superiors or subordinates, but friends. Bar.

When the Mechanic Emperor heard this, he immediately went out to do some errands happily. It wasn't until this time that the God of Glory realized that this ancient god's subordinate was actually Li Youran's subordinate. They were spies.

"What are you looking at, there's nothing to see! When I clean him up, it's your turn!" After glancing at the God of Radiance, Li Youran walked towards the entangled body of eternity and Thanos.

"What should I call you? Eternal? Thanos? Or Star Eater? Aren't you all in the same group? Why did you eat Star Eater?"

Li Youran doesn't understand. Among the five creation gods of Marvel, the Devourer, Death, Eternity, Infinity, and Annihilation, these five gods should belong to one country in a sense. Why is it that Eternity eats the Devourer? ?Judging from the name, this is clearly the opposite!

"Hehe, I didn't eat the Devourer. It should be said that the Devourer voluntarily gave up his life and was willing to integrate his power into my body. I just didn't expect that with such a powerful force, I still can't defeat you!" Eternal is very helpless, but he understands that Li Youran's power is stronger than him and the Devourer combined, so he no longer intends to resist.

"Give up automatically? I don't believe that someone is so stupid!" Li Youran certainly didn't believe it. From the comics, it can be seen that in order to maintain what he has, the Devourer is the existence of devouring the planet.

"He was getting hungry faster and faster, gradually eating more and more, the starry sky was eaten by him, and there was nothing left, but the energy needed was still not enough. At this time, he thought of the infinite gems, the power of the infinite gems. The powerful divine power can make him no longer hungry, but the gems are not something he can find, so he has no choice but to cooperate with me, and thank you for your means!"

The two are like friends, chatting without saying a word, and Rom beside him has already begun to order people to clean up the battlefield. The enthronement ceremony needs to continue, and the rebellion has been swept away. Today's galaxy universe is finally completed A barrel, how dare those other sporadic small forces compete with the Cree empire, they all bow their heads and surrender.

"Thank you for what I did. I didn't benefit you. In fact, if you don't satisfy me this time, I will definitely let you die!" Li Youran said relaxedly, but it was only Li Youran who was relaxed. The other two panicked.

"What do you want from me?" After a moment of silence, Yongheng said, after all, he doesn't want to die, Li Youran can easily catch him, and Alice's head-killing gun is not a vegetarian Yes, in fact, after the real body died last time, he was deprived of the ability to use time, otherwise he would not use the ability of the star devourer to devour supernatural powers. He has his own time spells, do he need other spells? !

Li Youran frowned and walked in front of him after hearing what Eternal said, "Don't pretend to be crazy, you know what I'm talking about, those good things you brought from the Marvel world, and those infinite gems !"

"Understood, I can give it to you, but you must ensure our safety!" He didn't want to be like Chang Mei, who ran to a remote area and was killed by his enemies.

As soon as the information was mentioned, the Mechanic Emperor came. There was no trace of battle on his body. Changmei forced his men to the planet where Qi Lingyun was. Qi Lingyun was a little uncomfortable with the desolate scene, but someone told him that he could meet He came after that monk!
"I didn't expect that we would meet here!" This is Changmei's wry smile.

"I didn't expect that sometimes the heavens are still open!" This was Qi Lingyun's voice.

The two seemed to have a natural enmity, but it was a pity that Changmei was a seriously injured person at this time, but Qi Lingyun was no longer the simple and proud person before, even if he lost face, as long as he could be killed.

They are all people who cultivate blood nerves, one has a weapon and the other has no weapon, and the other has just consumed a lot of blood and the other is waiting for work.

I won't talk about what happened, after all, it's not good to bully people and say it confidently, but Qi Lingyun cut off Chang Mei's head with his own hands, and placed it outside the city to worship.

After listening to all the small news, Li Youran finally came back to life. Qi Lingyun won. It was very easy to win, but it was also very miserable. The easy thing is to hit someone with one blow. The tragic thing is that the final self-destruction is so powerful that he Also suffered a lot of injuries.

"Take him to recuperate, and bring him back to Earth after he recovers. Just say I said it, and I won't give him a third chance to disobey my order!"

Eternity finally took out all the things, and Li Youran was also overwhelmed by this eternal diligence. The infinite gems finally came to Li Youran's hands. Fortunately, this is in Li Youran's temple, otherwise, At this time, it's time for Tianlei to add himself.

"You're robbing other people's treasure house, right? Let's see what's there? Are these... illusory godheads? Why didn't they become reality? It's really strange." Watching the news from inside the temple from time to time Exclaimed, everyone knows that Li Youran's goal has been achieved.

"It's all of these, and all I have is this!" Eternal obviously has no other choice, even going out to grab it now, there is no good target, and there are no surveillance satellites in the dozens of star fields around.

"It's not bad. A few infinity gems have been produced. I don't think the rest matters." Li Youran nodded. He was very satisfied, and the next step was to watch his performance.

"Thanos, are you willing to be my servant!" Li Youran finally sensed Thanos' thoughts through the inner connection, and it turned out to be protected in the original time-space seed.

I have been worried all the time, if this continues, everyone will have no way out.

The thoughts of Eternity and Star Devourer are a little surprised, who would be willing to be a servant?

But sometimes things are just so unfortunate. As early as when eternity wanted to devour death, Thanos deliberately merged with the Seed of Time and Space. It has been merging, and slowly becoming more and more compatible.

Now Li Youran's inquiry immediately caused the Seed of Time and Space to respond, and Thanos, who was highly integrated with the Seed of Time and Space, agreed immediately.

Eternity and Star Devourer finally tasted the bitter fruit of possessing others and wanting to use others as a container for their own rebirth. The moment Thanos agreed, the Seed of Time and Space immediately released its own silver liquid to wrap Thanos' entire body .

All the mutations occurred in it. The two original creation gods were crushed alive by the seed of time and space, and turned into the energy for the evolution of Thanos. They swallowed too many abilities to transform Thanos' genes. It was extremely confusing.

Eternity is suppressed with the ability of the star devourer, but it also makes the abilities conflict with each other, so you can only use one at a time, and you can't use it again immediately after you use it up, you have to use another one, but in time and space Under this kind of transformation, the eternal and star-eater's godhead between illusion and reality has finally been supplemented.

All the abilities have been sorted out again, and all overlapping abilities have been turned into enhanced versions. The conflicts between various abilities have also been weakened to a minimum. Thanos, who has mastered the power of devouring, finally became a god.

After fading the silver liquid from the Seed of Time and Space, Thanos knelt down at Li Youran's feet, not for anything else, just for this to regain his freedom and get a new life.

"Get up, and guard the galaxy world for me in the future. By the way, you are also a god now. I think death will not reject you. I am optimistic about you!" Li Youran said jokingly, but Thanos In front of his eyes, it seems that the opportunity really exists.

Thanos left with the task of guarding and the determination to pursue the goddess of death, leaving only one shining god.

"There are also two choices, one is to eat this willing person and become my subordinate, and then go to work for me with the mechanical emperor, and the other, if you think about it, I don't need to explain it!" Li Youran took out a seed of time and space and said arrive.

"I choose first!" Guanghui God also said with great joy.

It's as if he wasn't the one who scolded the long-browed traitor before, but Li Youran was not surprised, the God of Radiance had fought against him before, if the Ancient God didn't know it was him, it would prove that the God of Guanghui had concealed something from him. Concealment is not a single heart, and it can be used naturally.

(End of this chapter)

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