Plane Merchant

Chapter 879 Full Moon Banquet

Chapter 879 Full Moon Banquet
Although he is only a security officer, no one underestimates him. Although the role of a security officer is small, it depends on who the family is. If it is a security officer from an ordinary noble family, it is naturally ignored, but Li Youran The sheriff of the family is not an ordinary person. Oftentimes, he does not represent the sheriff, but the face of Li Youran's family.

Not to mention the Construction Bureau. John, who has been contracting various construction projects all year round, has now become the most popular person in the outside world. No matter where he goes, he will be welcomed by people. He brings not only construction, but also many The employment opportunities and various incidental industries, welcomed and sent all the year round, also turned a guy who was very happy with a stutter into a rich man now.

That's right, he is a rich man. Although he doesn't have such a high title, his status is definitely not low. At least he is an old man in front of Li Youran. Even if he has more money, Li Youran won't care, as long as he doesn't bully good people.

Whether it's Karl or John, they all know Li Youran's bottom line, I can tolerate your greed for money, and you can tolerate power, but I don't allow you to oppress kindness behind my back.

So these two people abide by this iron law very much, and do their own things well. As for the others, it is natural how they get better.

So those who failed to enter the castle did not have any dissatisfaction. On the contrary, they felt extremely honored. When they came to celebrate, they were actually ready to be turned away. Only then can they get the treatment of entering the castle. They are already very satisfied to be entertained by someone like Karl.

"Hey, everyone, what do you think of this place? I mean when are you going to leave?" There are such a group of guests in the castle. Their behavior is obviously different from those of the nobles from other worlds. Tony is a little uncomfortable with the new clothes. To be honest, this nobleman's clothes don't match his temperament very well.

"Do you want to leave here? Sorry, I feel that this place is not bad. If possible, I will not leave again. There are things I like and are interested in here, and you really feel that you will be safe when you go back. Live a fixed life? To be honest, I don't want to live that kind of life.

The god stick is obviously more adapted to this kind of life than Tony, and within a few days of coming here, he has successfully hooked up with Professor Jin. After seeing Professor Jin's alchemy laboratory, the god stick is even more reluctant to leave Yes, here is the life he dreamed of, technology, mysterious magic, and various other abilities, there are too many for him to study.

His wife also likes this place very much. If she wants to go to the city, she can go to the earth or to the Sporadic Empire, or to the Cree Empire. Everywhere is full of modern atmosphere. As for fantasy adventures, the city that never sleeps itself is a magical world. The base camp, plus the wasteland world and Faerun's empire are all good places to go. Where can I find such a good place?
Rockman, who has always been the mascot of the Fantastic Four, has also found his good partner. The big man Field is very good with his taste. Groot and the modified biological rocket from the galaxy world are very good partners. At least they don't laugh at his size and weight.

As for Pyro... this guy who loves to show off can't show off at all here, whether it's a guy from the Knight Academy or the proud son of the Magic Alchemy Academy, it's the biggest blow to him. A kind of flying strike, or simply summoning a flying mount or a broom, all kinds of magic to beat him is not discussed.

He has only been to the academy once, and he has never been there. Ben was drunk for the first time. You must know that this kid is the one who laughs at him the most. Burning Man's sister is also very happy, and his brother is finally deflated , perhaps this helps his growth.

A team is so happy, why would they want to leave here, Tony rolled his eyes, he realized that he asked the wrong person, and he was also a little moved by this world, but there are people he cares about in that world , so he can't stay here.

"Okay, I'll go talk to someone else." Tony shook his head and took a glass of wine and left the circle of God.

"He doesn't look very happy? Why is today a big day!" Professor Jin rarely walked out of the laboratory. The middle-aged Professor Jin didn't seem to change his fate as a physics nerd. It seems that he doesn't intend to change, even outside There are so many noble ladies bearing his middle-aged big diamond.

"Who knows, but let's talk about our own affairs..." It doesn't matter what Tony thinks, as long as his family and friends are here, as for the others , is not something he should consider.

Tony swam all the way down and asked many people, they were all from the Marvel universe, but without exception they all chose to stay here, or the galaxy universe or the earth universe, anywhere.

While Tony was still looking for his ally, Steve, who had been observing him for a long time, came to his side. He was still in military uniform and hadn't changed his clothes. Of course, Li Youran would not force him to change.

"You look confused? Do you want to tell me something?" Steve was ready to be a soul mentor as soon as he came out, but it was obvious that he found the wrong person.

"That's right, I'm thinking about those noble girls who just greeted me, who will date me today, and if I do something, will someone come to me the next day and ask me to take responsibility, or they will rush Come out with a squad of knights to teach me a lesson and hang me up to dry?"

Tony, who was full of nonsense, succeeded in angering Steve, and Steve, who was constipated, left Tony's side. Did he take the wrong medicine?Want to comfort him?What a ghost.

"Look at it, you all have a good time with the girls, I'm the only one who misses my little pepper, which shows what kind of playboy, I'm the only one who is the most dedicated, you are all a group Hypocrite." After gulping down the wine, Tony was very depressed, he missed his girlfriend.

"You want to stay? Of course, why don't I agree? You are welcome to join this big family. Of course, you need to abide by my rules first, but I will talk about these later. This is the seed of time and space. After it is used up, you will be a family." Don't worry, it's absolutely non-toxic and pollution-free!" Li Youran watched as the professor and Magneto took out their Space-Time Seed.

It is definitely a surprise to get allegiance. Although he wants to keep them, he will not be disappointed if he can't. What makes me happy is that before he said that Magneto and the professor came to him first, Said the meaning of wanting to stay here, not only to stay, they also hope to bring out all the mutants in the Marvel universe.

Of course it is impossible to bring them all out, but it is still possible to consider bringing out Li Youran selectively. Looking at the silver-white seeds in Li Youran's hands, the two of them did not hesitate at all. They have also felt Li Youran's power. If he insists on them doing something for him, they have no possibility of refusing.

Now this silver seed is obviously a test for them. Those who really want to stay will not refuse for the sake of service, and those who don't want to work?Why do people let you stay here?This is people's territory.

Seeing the two swallow the seed of time and space without hesitation, Li Youran smiled, watching the two complete their first evolution, Magneto's aging face returned to when he was 20 years old, and the professor recovered At the same time, they stood up from the wheelchair when they were young. The body of their youth returned, and they could feel that their strength had not improved a little.

If they were a lake before, then they should be regarded as the Mediterranean Sea now, stronger than ever. If it wasn't for a real god in front of them, they would probably think that they were gods without hesitation.

"Okay, both of you, let's go outside and enjoy a wonderful banquet. I'll let the little princess come out to meet everyone in a while." The words were not broken, they were all for the little princess, which obviously hit Li Youran's G-spot, and you can tell how happy he is by looking at his unclosed mouth.

After both of them had left, Li Youran said: "Okay, the others have already left, so you should come out too, as soon as you come in, you will smell your scent, what are you hiding!"

"What do you mean? What do you mean by smelling? I'm a human being!" Chen Chen said very dissatisfied, and then came out anyway.

"Congratulations, you have the same fate as Shi, hahaha!" Chen Chen and Li Youran happily hugged each other. They have the same status, and they also have a tacit understanding. The fate of women is similar, so they can talk very well. Now there is one thing in common again, that is, they all have a daughter.

"Are you gloating? Then you will be disappointed. I am very satisfied with my daughter, the satisfaction I have never had before!" Thinking of my daughter Li Youran, I couldn't help but smile on my lips. know his happiness.

"Okay, I know you are very happy, take my goddaughter out and let me have a look, I brought a gift, and Xiyan really wants to see her sister... By the way, did you choose a name?" Chen Chen really wanted to see See what Li Youran's daughter looks like.

"I thank you on behalf of my daughter, the name... Alas! My dad took it away, saying that he wanted to read a book and marry a good name, and he is reading the Analects of Confucius right now!" Li Youran sighed. Say.

"The Analects of Confucius? Are you sure that thing can be named?" Chen Chen was a little puzzled, and Li Youran was even more helpless. He didn't know if it would work, it was all the old man's idea.

"Okay, let's get out, everyone can't wait!" Chen Chen urged, it was obvious that the banquet was about to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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