Plane Merchant

Chapter 887

Chapter 887

"It's not that God King can't send troops, but we can't send troops easily. As the saying goes, we should send troops to conquer an empire because of such a trivial matter. Although it can show our prestige, it will also easily give people the impression of being arrogant and domineering. It will cause a lot of inconvenience to our future actions. I remember that the God King attaches great importance to the transaction volume. This may make people feel scruples about us and refuse to trade with us. It is not worth the gain! Please think twice! "

The old man said a lot, basically saying that it is best not to do anything if you can. It would be bad if we scare people so that no one will do business with us in the future, and it will also cause difficulties for future economic invasion.

After hearing this, Li Youran also felt that it made sense, but he must not just let it go if his subordinates were robbed, otherwise what prestige would he have?

"Then what do you say, is it possible that we don't care?" Li Youran thought for a while and said.

"Actually, the Lord God King can send an envoy to show our majesty and negotiate with them to return the things!" The old man and the god said, but Li Youran looked at him like he was looking at an idiot.

In the end, the old man couldn't stand Li Youran's gaze anymore, coughed awkwardly and said, "What can you say directly, sir!"

"Do you think they will be willing to return the things?" Li Youran's question touched the heart of the old man. The reason why he spoke boldly was to attract Li Youran's attention, so that he could be simple in the emperor's heart.

"Actually, my lord, this is just a means. The purpose is not to ask them to pay back things, but to ask them not to pay back! As long as they don't pay back or pay less, we will have opportunities and excuses. When the time comes, we will not only avenge them, but also pay them back." It has been taken care of, and no one can say that we use power to overwhelm others, so that others will not dare to do more with us in the future!"

After the old man finished speaking, Li Youran nodded in satisfaction and said, "Very well, then who will handle this matter!"

As soon as Li Youran finished speaking, someone came out, and it was Field again. Obviously, the war he had just won could not be fought, but he still wanted to go and find faults. When he came out, he even gave the old man a look. They all need to be beaten. If it weren't for this old man, would it be unnecessary?
Li Youran glanced at Field and shook his head. Anyone can go, but he can't. This girl is a war madman. If he goes without talking, he will just go big. He can slaughter the city by himself. He is the Lord of the Nether. !
Field came out and was rejected by Li Youran without even saying a word. This made everyone see hope, and they all eagerly wanted to ask for a job, but an old knight stood up at the end of the line, "My lord, let me go!" Bar!"

After the sound sounded, everyone looked at the last position. How could anyone dare to speak?Especially the position where he stood and the badge on his chest, which was the badge of a knight. This was clearly the lowest nobleman in the city that never sleeps.

That's right, they are the nobles at the lowest level, but even the nobles at the lowest level are not qualified to come to the hall to discuss matters, so despite frowning, no one speaks, and only people with status can enter the hall.

"Knight you want to go?" Just when other people were wondering who this person was, Li Youran's voice sounded, and everyone couldn't help shivering. This knight turned out to be Lord Shenwang knew him, and he was able to call him by his name accurately, which is not ordinary.

You must know that Li Youran has a great family and career, and many people in the hall failed to let Li Youran remember his name. As a result, the person standing at the end of the hall turned out to be someone Li Youran knew.

The people standing with Knight Ellington all looked up at him. They didn't know that there was such a great god in their team. It was definitely a great honor to be remembered by the King of God.

A person like this is absolutely not to be humiliated, think about offending a seemingly insignificant person, and this person is remembered by the high-ranking God King one day, whoops!That so-and-so has been with us for so long, hardworking, I want to reward him, and then he will be promoted to three levels in a row, then those who offend him will be in bad luck, and no one will need to do it himself!Anyone who wants to curry favor with him can directly make your family disappear.

"Yes, my lord, since Ellington followed you, he hasn't made any achievements, but he still enjoys all the glory and wealth, but Ellington knows that his ability is limited, and he can't share the worries for adults, so he has been silent, and today finally has Ellington There is nothing that can be done, so Ellington wants to go out for an adult!"

Look, look, what they said was impassioned!What does it mean to enjoy all the glory and wealth without making an inch of merit? It means that people have followed the Lord God King from the beginning, so even if their abilities are limited and they have no credit at all, they still get to their current position.

One sentence expresses his desire to make meritorious service, and also points out his qualifications. The old people in the same period all know Ellington, and most of them are already in high positions, so there is no need to grab the credit of the old brother for a trivial matter. .

As for those juniors, hehe, do you dare?The family is from a senior, maybe there are relatives and friends who are in high positions, dare to snatch it?Are you afraid of wearing small shoes for you in the future?

So after Ellington said he wanted to go in the hall, no one was talking.

"Okay, since you are willing to go, let you go! After all, Ellington is not our territory, it is another plane of gods and ancient gods, so be careful when you go, and get out in time if you can't do anything , do you understand?"

In fact, Li Youran preferred to go to someone as powerful as Morton or Heywood, but Ellington's heart of fist also moved him very much. After all, he was an old subordinate at the beginning. It wasn't Morton who was a half-elf, nor Heywood who signed the soul contract, but Knight Ellington!
As early as when he opened the bakery, Knight Ellington put the logo of Li Youran's family on his body. The Lord Maple Leaf at that time even had the idea of ​​killing him because of this. Now such an old courtier wants to make meritorious service. What do you use? reason to stop?

But Li Youran did not expect that this trip would become the last picture of Ellington as a human being.

When Ellington passed through the teleportation array and came to the plane of the ancient gods, he immediately set off to the border of the Stuhr Empire.

The businessman was robbed in the capital of the Stuhr Empire. It is hard to imagine that the capital of a country has become so chaotic. Ellington led his men into the capital of the Stuhr Empire under the banner of the Time and Space God Cult.

When entering the city gate, he was blocked by guards.

"Who are you? What do you do when you enter the king?" Looking at Ellington's military attire and the strong soldiers behind him, these guards don't think they are out for an outing, and the farmers who come and go don't need to check, but these people must Strictly scrutinized.

"We are businessmen from the Sect of Time and Space. We came this time because our businessman was robbed last time, and the person who robbed him was a nobleman. As a member of the nobles, our Sect of Time and Space is very angry. This time we are here I want to talk about compensation for this matter!"

As a knight, Ellington has his own way of doing things. Since he is here to demonstrate, he does not intend to negotiate in a low-key manner, so who cares about the time and space gods?Since he was charged with the task of provocation, he simply put on the face of Lao Tzu as number one in the world.

The guard's face changed immediately after hearing Ellington's words. If he said other things, the guard might not care. This teacher and that teacher have a relationship with him, but when it comes to robbery, he has to care. up.

Because he is one of them, and that so-called nobleman is none other than the prince of their empire. As a strange prince, he doesn't like to buy things. On the contrary, he likes to pretend to be a robber and robbery is one of his hobbies.

As a person who is determined to climb up, he is unwilling to be a small captain who guards the city gate. After knowing the special hobby of the prince, he really likes it, and it really works. After the robbery, there is already news. Said that he would be promoted to the prince's castle as an errand.

He was happy at first, but suddenly the owner came to the door, and he seemed quite powerful, which made him worried immediately. After the incident, the prince will definitely be fine, but he may not be sure. Look at this knight It is not right to let it go.

After thinking about it like this, the guard immediately turned his heart away. Anyway, he has done everything, so he just keeps doing nothing....

"My lord envoy, I'm still waiting here. I'll go in and report it. This is the rule, so please don't embarrass me." The captain of the guard smiled apologetically. Ellington didn't suspect him, but just said calmly Nod.

Then the captain ran into the city in a panic. Of course, the place he went would not be the palace, where he was supposed to go, but if he went there and told the matter, in order to give the other party an explanation, he would definitely be punished. Hand it over to others, and the matter involves the prince, I'm afraid he won't be handed over to the other party alive.

He didn't want to die, he wanted to live, so he made a decision that put the empire in a state of doom.

Unexpectedly, after seeing the prince playing with the stolen goods in the prince's castle, he turned his eyes and thought of the explanation.

He tore all his clothes and trousers, then picked up a stone and hit his head hard twice, ran in with a limp and shouted: "It's not good, Your Royal Highness, something happened, he called what····."

Under his cries, the matter was distorted to another situation, and then Ellington, who was provoking his teacher, turned into a vicious church knight, and the Time and Space God Sect also became an evil sect that opposed the Ancient God Sect. In a sense, what he said was true.

(End of this chapter)

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