Plane Merchant

Chapter 891 Consequences

Chapter 891 Consequences
The news cannot be concealed anyway. At the moment of Ellington's death, Li Youran immediately felt the breaking of the line of belief. Li Youran has already confirmed that something happened to Ellington.

Everyone felt the anger from the city that never sleeps. The original bright sun in the sky disappeared, replaced by dark clouds, and the thunder and lightning flashed inside from time to time, telling everyone that the god king was very unhappy.

Who is Ellington?Maybe people who don't know it will think it's just a knight, a knight in the edge of the city that never sleeps, but as long as the early stage characters know that this person was once Li Youran's first subordinate, he is more powerful than Morton, Heywood, Field and others It's all early.

But this is not the most important thing. A knight who is relatively not outstanding in force is nothing special to many people, but they don't know who Ellington has helped.

In Li Youran's castle, when Ellington's bad news came from another world, Elena, who was taking care of the child, was very sad, a kind old man like a father... when she was pretending to be a maid Regardless of the difference in status, if she wants to be adopted as a righteous daughter, if she is really an ordinary girl, this is simply a good thing to reach the sky in one step.

It is also because of Ellington's various help that Elena has the opportunity to attract Li Youran's attention and become the hostess of this world. It can be said that without Ellington, Elena would not even have anything to do with Li Youran , maybe she will leave Li Youran's kitchen after a short adventure, and the short memory in the city that never sleeps will only become a short memory of her long life.

Not only Elena, but many other people have actually been taken care of by him. Those newly promoted nobles have been taken care of more or less by him. When the news of Ellington's death spread, Li Youran was furious. A wine glass was broken, and people from other families rushed to fight. They knew that Li Youran would never let it go.

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation, but one person was terrified. Yes, he was the new Secretary of the Treasury. He came up with the idea. Although it was Ellington’s own request, since he came up with the idea, judging from the results , it is obvious that no matter who goes, as long as they are not super strong, they are basically dead.

You must know that Li Youran didn't intend to give any chance from the beginning, and he was going to launch a crusade immediately. Field even came out of his own underworld to prepare to march, but all this was saved by him with words, just caring about showing his strength Wisdom, but forgot the two sides of the matter, so that it led to this tragedy.

If he guessed correctly, Lord God King will have someone come to call him soon. Just as he thought of this, someone rang the doorbell at the door. He wanted to tell the housekeeper not to open the door...but it was too late.

"Who, come here!" the butler shouted impatiently. Since his master became the Minister of Finance, there has been an endless stream of people visiting. At first the butler was very happy, but gradually he began to see people. If the status is too low, he will disdain it.

The door opened, but the face of the man in military uniform was extremely cold, and the housekeeper didn't say hello, he threw a piece of parchment in his face and said, "The king of gods ordered you to come to the hall for questioning. "

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left in an extremely impolite manner. This kind of treatment has never been done since his master became the Minister of Finance. How can he bear it when he feels that he is a person of status.

"Hmph, why is a little soldier so arrogant, wait until I report to the master, and I will make you lose this job!" After speaking, he went in to report with a haughty expression, and the moment he saw his master, the arrogance on his face turned into humility.

"Master, someone sent it just now. It is said that the Lord God King invited you to go to the palace to discuss something!" The steward himself added a few words, and the meaning was much different. Just looking at his master's face was much better. .

He knows that the master is still happy now, how can he be unhappy, after all, the Lord God King used the word please, and he was discussing something, it seems that he may be blamed, but it will not be in great danger, since this is the case Of course he was happy.

Seeing that he was happy, the steward also put away his cautiousness, and turned to think of the soldier's rude behavior and said indignantly: "Master, you don't even know that those soldiers have no manners at all. Anyway, you are also the Minister of Finance, you didn’t even say hello, you just threw the order in my face, and you left without even saying sorry. But I am also your housekeeper anyway, although I don't have much face as a servant, but this person doesn't care about your face at all, this must be sent by the master's opponent."

After the steward finished speaking, he was very proud of his wit. After he said this, even if the master didn't want to save his own face, he would wonder if he was his enemy. No matter what the situation was, that soldier would be in trouble.

But after the butler finished speaking, he found that the master, who was very happy just now, actually sat down on the chair with a livid face, not showing any face?Just throw the order on your face?Leave after talking?said before

These few phenomena are not like the treatment given to a ministerial figure. Looking at his housekeeper, he said viciously: "What is that person's original words, don't add more details, just tell me clearly."

The butler who was frightened by his master immediately stammered and repeated the soldier's words. After hearing the soldier's original words, the Minister of Finance finally knew the truth of the matter. Almost, this matter requires one person to bear the responsibility. It is not ordinary people who die, but veterans. Maybe even a finance minister is not enough to kill.

It's not like he didn't think about running away when things got to this point, but what kind of place is this?The city that never sleeps is known as the most rigorous defense mechanism on the mainland. Even if he escapes here, the world is so big, where can he hide?Who dares to let him hide?
The ubiquitous soft girl queen will let him die without a place to bury him. You must know that the childless Ellington loves two people the most. One is the current Queen of Night, Elena, and the other is the one who rules the entire virtual world. The world is also the soft sister queen of the goddess of magic.

The two women seemed to cherish Ellington's love and care. Now... they tidied up their clothes, and since they couldn't find a way to survive, they should be more relaxed.

Looking at the master who went out, the butler was at a loss. Judging from his master's reaction, it seemed that he should not talk about revenge. If he didn't leave quickly, his life might be in danger. He rolled his eyes and didn't notify anyone. After tidying up his own belongings, he took some from his master's small coffers, not because he didn't want to take more, but because he couldn't take so much.

The butler quietly left in the dark. It is obviously impossible for the Minister of Finance to know about his butler's behavior.

The Minister of Finance who entered the hall enjoyed the same treatment as his butler, but the executor became Li Youran, and Li Youran threw the report from another world at the Minister of Finance who had just entered and hadn't stood still.

"This is a report from another world. It's what you said before the soldiers. What a good person who caused my elders to live and die in a foreign land. What do you have to say now!" No one can resist Li Youran's anger, and his subordinates will only follow him The same hatred, as for persuasion?Are you kidding, who dares?
"This subordinate has nothing to say. The matter started because of me, and it must end because of me. I just hope that the Lord God King can let my family go!" Leisurely didn't kill him, but what about those people who made good friends with Ellington.

Every look is going to eat people, if the look in the eyes along the way can kill, he has already been hacked into pieces, even if he survives today, someone will make his life worse than death immediately after he goes out, in that case, he should at least plead guilty Judging from his own attitude, Li Youran will not embarrass his family.

"Hehe, you think you'll be fine if you die? Let me tell you, this matter won't end so easily. Someone has to pay the price, but not you. Although you are at fault, I am not a person who shirks responsibility. Since I If your plan is allowed, you will not be made fully responsible, but you are always at fault, so you should step down yourself, and from now on, Archimonde will be the Minister of Finance, so you can go."

A soft sentence, let's go, took away the last backbone of the former Ministry of Finance. At this moment, all the power and status he had fought for all his life could be wiped out with just a single word from Li Youran. I can resign myself to leave.

The others all looked at him fiercely. Li Youran didn't deal with him, but Li Youran would not stop others from dealing with him. Although he was responsible for Ellington's death, he was still unhappy in his heart. He let him go, but Li Youran knew that someone would vent his anger on his behalf.

They are all smart people, since Li Youran can think of it, will a person who can be the Minister of Finance not think of it?
Walking up the walls of the city that never sleeps, he did what he thought was necessary.

"Report..., my lord, the Minister of Finance..." Li Youran, who was still discussing matters when he was young, received a report from soldiers patrolling the city.

"What's wrong with him?" Li Youran looked at the subordinates around him who were also listening and said.

"He fell into the city. Judging from his physical signs, he should have jumped off by himself. The body has been sent back to his home. Chief Carl's deputy asked whether to open a case for investigation."

After listening to the soldier's report, Li Youran waved his hands with a headache and said, "The deceased is dead, there is no need to trace him, let's treat him as a martyr in the service of the country, and bury him according to the earl's standard funeral, and provide for his family. No one will be embarrassed by this in the future." His family, do you understand!"

(End of this chapter)

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