Plane Merchant

Chapter 916 Broken Heaven

Chapter 916 Broken Heaven

From where did Qi Lingyun know that going up to the sky ladder comes with a mind-training effect, but now it seems that there is no such thing at all. In fact, their strength has already exceeded the range of the sky-ladder, so of course there will be no so-called heart-training effect.

"Is this the Nantianmen? Why does it look so dilapidated?" Li Youran stood in front of a few pillars. The Nantianmen looked bleak with only a few wreckage left, but the foundations of the pillars were still there. It can be seen what kind of atmosphere Nantianmen was back then.

Qi Lingyun sniffed the air here with an intoxicated expression, and stroked the wreckage of the pillar with his hand, with an ecstasy like that!
"Sure enough, it's the fairyland. The aura is the strongest in the world I've ever experienced. And with this wreckage, I can even feel the faint power of immortality and the fluctuation of the formation inside. That's right, this is the heaven. And it should be Nantianmen."

In the end, Qi Lingyun defined this as Nantianmen, but Li Youran looked at a broken handkerchief beside his feet, with half of the Chinese characters on it, and Qi Lingyun glanced at it and said, "I don't need your analysis to know it! Now here you are, this is also something from the fairy family!"

After speaking, he threw the fragments away, and after catching them, Qi Lingyun held them in his hands without disdain.

"It's really strange, why is there so much aura here, but no ghosts? Even if it has been dilapidated for so many years, it should have a new life!" Li Youran said while observing.

The Golden Crow, which was put in a bag by Li Youran, woke up at this moment, and just heard his words, curled his lips in disdain and said: "I know you are a layman from what you said, what kind of place is this? The ancient heavens, everything Is it the place where Taoist immortals and ancient gods live, where spirits and monsters can come in? All the treasures of heaven, material and earth, unless permitted, will not be killed when they produce wisdom. After all, eating treasures of heaven, material and earth is no problem , let you eat spirits who can speak human language and do human affairs, can you eat it?"

Li Youran imagined the scene of swallowing a human face, shouting for help, don't eat my fresh fruit, and suddenly shivered!It's really a bit heavy.

"You're right... Hey, you woke up, see if you remember anything? By the way, you said that this is the place where the gods live, but I heard that there should be a human world here, isn't it? Is the world really the earth?"

Li Youran saw a fist-sized luminous pearl on the side of the road like a street lamp, and wanted to touch it curiously. Of course, it might be taken down, and she was ready to do it while talking to Jinwu.

"Don't touch that bead. There are restrictions on it to prevent thieves. Although the power is small, it will trigger the defense formation here, which is very troublesome! Go this way, and the other side is a dead end. It's for enjoying lotus flowers." Jin Wu was suddenly curious. Li Youran from Ye Mingzhu said.

Li Youran shyly withdrew her hand, he was going to take a look at it, after all Ye Mingzhu with big fists is still rare and it must be very popular to bring home to his wife.

"Don't be silly, Earth? That's just a small part that was separated from that year. It's not surprising to call it leftovers. It's just that the inheritance is relatively complete compared to other fragments. That's why there are so many legends, and there were indeed many in those days. Humans ascended from the earth, so they have more connections with the earth, but this does not mean that the earth is the earth fairy world to which the fairy world belongs!"

"Earth Immortal Realm?" Li Youran asked suspiciously.

"Of course it's the Earth Immortal Realm, and it can also be said to be the prehistoric world. Do you think that three or two kittens ascending from the earth can support the sky of the Immortal World? Don't dream, if the Immortal World hadn't been supported by the Earth Immortal World It is dilapidated. Back then, the world of immortals had a population of billions of trillions, and there were countless perverted geniuses. The real gods are not as good as golden gods walking all over the place. From time to time, one or two quasi-sage masters will come out!

The earth was just an extremely poor world at that time, but at least it came from the same source and could communicate with each other after all. Unlike some great worlds that were closed at all, more people became immortals after the aura of the earth fairy world entered the earth. That's why I have never cut off communication with the earth.

But I don't know what happened after that. It seems that the Earth Immortal Realm has also lost contact with the Heavenly Court. On the contrary, this treasure that can directly go to the Heavenly Court is actually on Earth. . "

Jin Wu said that after the grand event of the year, he immediately regained his energy, and he talked like a storyteller, but Li Youran's face turned green. The fairyland is the city!
Then it is estimated that something happened and the road leading to the Earth Immortal Realm was cut off like this, and then gradually there was no aura sent by the Earth Immortal Realm, and the earth's aura was exhausted, and the cultivation of immortals was not rising in the development of science and technology.

But these are not what Li Youran wants to know, he came here to hunt for treasures, but there are ruins everywhere, how to find them?
"Qi Lingyun, didn't you say there is danger here? Why don't you feel it!" Li Youran said to Qi Lingyun.

"I also feel very strange. From my memory, Changmei suffered a lot in the past, why not now!" Qi Lingyun was also very puzzled, he firmly believed in the memory of Changmei Yuanshen.

"Hmph... what do you think of me? Is it possible that I will lead you into danger!" Jin Wu was not happy, he opened the passage in the right way, and after entering, he seemed to know instinctively that it was safe. Yes, it can't be touched there, so they haven't been hurt all the time.

"By the way... since you came in, you seem to have been preventing me from touching some things, as well as giving directions. Don't you remember, tell me where the treasures here are?"

Li Youran's mind is full of treasures now, and she doesn't have any reservations of gods. She can't be too deeply influenced by the myths and legends she heard when she was a child. Basically, heaven is synonymous with wealth and magic weapons. Who doesn't want good things?
"Che... You have the most precious treasure in your hand, but it's really incomprehensible to go looking for those trash." Jin Wu rolled his eyes and muttered in a low voice.

"What did you say? Tell me quickly!" Li Youran didn't hear Jin Wu's words, and said urgently.

"There will be no treasure here, and the magic weapon you want is the same, except for those standard magic weapons that do not recognize the master, but they are for low-level heavenly soldiers. It is estimated that they have been reduced to ashes after such a long time. As for other powerful magic weapons After the master passes away, he must either bury himself with him or blew himself up, or hide and wait for the new master. No matter what the situation is, it’s all about chance, and you can’t get it now... come with me.” Jin Wu said, suddenly flew up and walked towards a Flying in the direction, he felt something calling him there.

(End of this chapter)

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