Plane Merchant

Chapter 932 The Battle of the Power of Space

Chapter 932 The Battle of the Power of Space

Li Youran didn't know that he had killed a seemingly insignificant person, but what he was greeted with was the hatred of the universe court. The chief judge originally had some scruples because he didn't know who the person came, but after seeing Li Youran , A warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart.

It was a warning from his talent, reminding him that the person in front of him was dangerous and would have a great impact on his talent. This was the second time in a long time, and the first time he encountered a guy with a talent for devouring.

He was killed before he grew up, but unfortunately he couldn't extract that devouring talent from his body, otherwise, his space talent would definitely evolve into a talent with black hole ability.

When Li Youran led people to stand in front of the gate of the universe court, all the people in the conference room came out, a total of twelve people, except for the chief judge, everyone looked at him with a half-smile.

"Is this the universe court?" Li Youran said without any fear, in his eyes, as long as he wants to leave, no one here can keep him.

"You dare to come here and kill someone without running away, you really have a lot of guts!" The chief judge said with a gloomy face.

"You mean that thing is a person?" Li Youran looked at the chief judge unexpectedly and said, although he didn't understand who this person was, but he was the only one who spoke out among so many people, and he should go to the more powerful person among them up.

"Bastard!" The chief judge almost spit out blood. The withered dragon is indeed not a human being. Half of the blood of the dragon is human, but the blood of the dragon is too strong, so it completely conceals the characteristics of being a human.

"Boy who killed my man, dare to come here, I will fulfill you today!" The reason for wanting to kill Li Youran was not just because of the Withering Dragon. Of course, he didn't see it before, but after seeing it, he had another idea. Talent is a rare thing, it must be a very powerful talent that can scare one's space talent, if that's the case, then take it out and refine it, so that you can be even more powerful?

At that time, any manor owner or cosmic court will crawl under his feet. It is true that although he is the presiding judge, he is not satisfied. You can't control anyone, you need to discuss if you have something, and at that time, no one will obey anyone.

As the chief judge, he believes that his rights have not been fully demonstrated, and in his opinion, this is a manifestation of insufficient power. If his power is strong enough, and everyone is not his opponent, then naturally will respect his opinion.

After thinking so much, the chief judge's hand has already appeared in front of Li Youran's eyes, and Li Youran's eyes froze instantly. This is a space fluctuation, and this person is a strong man with the power of space!
Alice once said that the temple on her body would be the prey chased by the powerhouses of space. If she wanted to avoid being hunted, she could only become stronger and change herself from a prey to a hunter. Now it seems that this Man clearly knew that killing himself would be good for him.

The power of space immediately surrounded the body, and there was a strange fluctuation, and then Li Youran's figure was seen rippling under the fluctuation, but the hand of the chief judge passed through unexpectedly, and the blow was missed .

This change stunned all the people in the universe court. The reason why he is the chief judge and not others is because no one has ever dodged his attacks. They either resisted him or were beaten by his constant attacks. He was dead, but now he was able to use some means to dodge his attack.

After the fluctuation stopped, the chief judge turned around solemnly and said, "The power of space?"

It turned out that at that moment Li Youran actually broke through the space and let his body be in the shadow of the space. As for why he can be seen by people in this space while avoiding being attacked, this is what the chief judge doesn't understand .

His spatial talent was actually forcibly instilled, so many things were incomprehensible, but even so, it was fused with that adventure and became extremely sharp.

Meeting Li Youran this time made him feel overjoyed. It turned out that he possessed the power of space. If he devoured his talent, he would be able to improve his talent of space power. Other talents are even greater.

The inheritance obtained from the mysterious land is a kind of inheritance that can be fused with other talents, but it does not belong to the engulfment. Fusion is used for one's own use, and engulfment, no matter how much energy and talent you devour, it can only be a devouring talent.

"It seems that you understand, and so do you, so let's see if your strength is stronger or mine is stronger!" Li Youran disappeared into place before she finished speaking.

The chief judge understood that this was Li Youran's tactic, made him panic, and then took the opportunity to attack him, how could he let him get what he wanted? The power of space gushed out, and it actually directly solidified the surrounding space, forming a closed space , under such circumstances, he believed that it was impossible for Li Youran to attack him.

But unexpectedly, Li Youran easily penetrated his space barrier, a hand appeared behind his back, and punched hard on the back of his heart.

"Pfft..." A mouthful of golden blood finally spewed out from the chief judge's mouth. After vomiting blood, the chief judge's space barrier collapsed, and he looked at Li Youran, who was in disbelief, and said, "How is that possible? How could you break through my space barrier, it's impossible, even if you are also the controller of the power of space, you can't be stronger than me!"

Of course, the disbelieving presiding judge has reason to doubt. From his point of view, Li Youran is clearly only a young man in his twenties, and it is impossible for him to be those old monsters who have not died for tens of thousands of years. But such a young man It's not scientific at all that people are stronger than him, a guy who has lived for thousands of years.

"The beauty of space is all in one mind. How can you understand it so one-sidedly? From your point of view, your own space barrier is impeccable, but from my point of view, there are loopholes everywhere. It is easy for me to break through. It depends on you." With such strength, I'm afraid I can't take revenge!"

Li Youran almost wrote sarcasm on his face. The disdain on his face made other people not used to it. This is the cosmic court. How could people dare to be so arrogant after beating here? watch?

Naturally, Li Youran would not have thought that his unintentional actions would cause other people to share their hatred.

(End of this chapter)

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