Plane Merchant

Chapter 937 Leave

Chapter 937 Leave
When the day lighted up again, the people in Fengyun World thought it was just a dream, but the emperor's abdication gave them another blow. The news was so shocking that everyone was caught off guard, not only the common people, but also civil and military officials. the same.

After the shock, there is panic. The emperor has abdicated. Who will take over?The emperor didn't say anything, but the ambitious people like me murmured in their hearts. Since the emperor didn't specify, does that mean that everyone has a chance?What if it is yourself?

Although the sects of the rivers and lakes have disappeared, there are always people who miss the glory of the past in their hearts. The emperor's abdication also marks the end of the era of great unification. If the new emperor does not have the means and strength to break the waves, it may be difficult to convince the public. There will always be someone who takes advantage of the situation.

When everyone was in different minds, there was also a quarrel in the palace. Duan Shuai didn't understand what kind of poison his son had been poisoned, why should he give up the throne to pursue some ethereal divine way, god?Hasn't he been killed by his own son, who would believe it?

Until now, Duanshuai thinks that his son killed that ancient god, and that his son is more powerful than a god!If so, what is the divine way?The throne, although Duanjia is a well-known family in the world, but in the final analysis, it is a grassland, and to the people in the court, it is just a warrior.

But after Duanlang became the emperor, everything changed, Duanjia became the top family, the royal family!This term has made Duan Shuai proud more than once, but now his son wants to bury it all with his own hands, how can Duan Shuai accept this?

"Is there really nothing to discuss?" Duan Shuai was struggling for the last time.

"You already know the changes in the world. You are an innate master yourself. You should be clear that this is no longer our original world. Don't lie to yourself about the indistinct divine way. I already have a god-seed in my body. Sooner or later Leave this world, but don't worry, this place is still under my jurisdiction.

Someone will take over all of this later, you will be the spokesperson in this world, they call this position the chairman, as long as you don't make people angry, you are no different from the emperor, I know you are dedicated to revitalizing the ruined family, this is a Chance! "

Duan Lang’s words made Duan Shuai speechless. Although the name of the same occupation as the emperor is different, it is very tempting to think about it. He himself lives in the palace in normal times. Everyone calls him the Supreme Emperor. He looks very powerful, but the Supreme Emperor has the power of the emperor?
Taishanghuang sounds higher than the emperor, but in fact he is the abdicated emperor!Since he has abdicated, what rights do he have? What's more, he has never been an emperor, and he is completely in the honor of his son. Now that he has his own opportunity, it is impossible to say that he is not tempted.

"That...that's so embarrassing, how about I go with you!" Duan Shuai said insincerely, the embarrassment on his face was extremely obvious, but Duan Lang didn't mean to look down on his father. Lifespan enhanced several times.

After Duanlang established that he wanted his father to be the chairman, the dragon energy of the world gathered around Duanshuai. The promotion of the world changed the rules of the whole world, and the life span of ordinary people directly changed from more than 100 years to more than 150 years. .

The lifespan of warriors is longer, and the lifespan of those who are successful in cultivation is gradually extended. When they reach the innate realm, their lifespan will be increased by [-]. If they can break through, they can break through this world and enter Li Youran's nebula world, where they can travel in any world.

Of course, at that time, Li Youran's Heavenly Court will have some more capable men.

Hearing Duanshuai's words, Duanlang just smiled indifferently and did not answer. This reaction made Duanshuai feel ashamed. His son saw through his thoughts, what kind of embarrassment this is.

"I'll listen to whatever you arrange! I'll go first!" Duan Shuai covered his face and broke down!
Seeing that his father had left, he knew that half of his arrangements had been completed. As for whether Li Youran's subordinates could do a good job of receiving them, he had no doubts about this.

"Feng, you come with me, this world can't display your talent at all! You will have more opportunities in the upper realm!" Duanlang looked at Nie Feng beside him and said, Nie Feng and Mingyue have finally achieved a positive result with Mingyue in the past few years. What he noticed was that a woman named Meng broke into his world.

This changed his emotional world. Recently, Mingyue felt the change in him, and he already had a sense of crisis. After Duanlang's invitation, he subconsciously wanted to refuse, but Mingyue beside him thought it was a good opportunity.

"Your Majesty, what should I do if Feng goes alone?" Mingyue asked Duanlang, your meaning is obvious, either take me with you or Nie Feng will not go.

Duanlang thought for a while, it seemed that the master didn't say that he couldn't bring his family, so he nodded and said: "Of course, how could I do the thing of breaking up the mandarin ducks? !"

Duanlang was afraid that too many people would cause Li Youran's dislike, but he shattered Nie Feng's last hope. He glanced at Duanlang resentfully, and almost pointed his nose and scolded: "You're selling your teammate's goods, and I will risk your life for you!" , In the end, you actually broke my good deed, and you haven't broken up the mandarin ducks yet? You just broke up a couple."

"Okay, okay! We promise, husband, what do you say! Or do you want to bring other women!" Of course Mingyue's resentment was feigned, but women are born to act and Mingyue is no exception.

"Okay, I promise it!" Nie Feng dared to speak at this time, Mingyue was pregnant, otherwise how could that woman named Meng have the opportunity to sneak in?

"Hmph, now you can't follow me!" Mingyue smiled secretly proud of her decision, and finally she was able to please that little vixen. Dream is a vixen.

Speaking of it, it is all because Duanlang entrusted Nie Feng with a heavy responsibility after becoming the emperor. The big men in the rivers and lakes can't climb the high branches of Duanlang, what should we do?Curve to save the country, Nie Feng has become the target of everyone. At a certain reception, the daughter of the Second Sword Emperor has taken a fancy to Nie Feng who is chic.

Then of course it's a good show of women chasing men. Although Nie Feng is married, but being chased by beautiful women, especially women who are the same as the beloved woman, is a man who can't refuse. The second swordsman is happy to see it. .

This is a pain for Nie Feng. As an upright gentleman, he certainly knows that this is wrong, but he is attracted by the second dream in his heart. Probably this is a common problem of men, eating from a bowl, but looking at other people. In one bowl, even if the dishes are the same.

"Let's say goodbye to Second Dream tomorrow. I hope to see you again in the future... Hey, this damn gentleness." I silently thought about the tenderness of Second Dream. The second dream is really hard to choose.

(End of this chapter)

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