Plane Merchant

Chapter 961 Join

Chapter 961 Join
"It's a beautiful picture, but what does this have to do with us?" All the manor owners know what it is. The starry sky map is a tiny microcosm of a galaxy in the universe. Li Youran can magnify it infinitely, which means This universe is already in Li Youran's pocket.

"The universe is infinitely vast. I believe that even with your abilities, you have not found its boundaries. In this infinitely vast universe, it is undoubtedly more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack if you want to find planets with intelligent life. , I believe that not everyone has the ability to bring a large number of people to conquer and transform!"

After Li Youran finished speaking and looked at the manor owner below, he had to say that what Li Youran said was very reasonable. The other planes they are in, it should be said that the universe of each plane is indeed infinitely broad, except for Li Youran's materialization. The galaxy world that came out and the Fengyun world that was promoted because of the broken waves.

These two universes are still growing, Li Youran can feel where the limit of this world is, but even these two worlds promoted from the illusory world are in a state of expansion all the time.

The last time Li Youran looked at the border of the Milky Way world, he already felt that there were a few more galaxies. With Li Youran's control over the space, he can naturally know whether these are new ones or existing ones before.

"That's right, we really can't do anything about it. Maybe it's okay for one person, but the world cannot be conquered by one person. If it is destroyed, who likes to do thankless things? Or do you have any good suggestions?"

The other manor owners didn't speak. Even though what Li Youran said was right, the manor owner seemed to be useless, which made them feel uncomfortable. At this moment, only Chen Chen nodded in agreement, and the others finally came to their senses. Since Li Youran can ask a question, it proves that he has a solution, otherwise is it a slap in the face?

Li Youran nodded to Chen Chen. The embarrassing situation just now has been relieved. If it weren't for the prince Chen Chen sitting in charge, Li Youran would definitely be hated by the narrow-minded manor owner who silently wrote just now, and it is even possible to make a move on the spot. Although Li Youran not afraid.

But if there was a real fight, then Li Youran's plan would almost come to naught.

"Since I brought it up, there is naturally a solution. On this point, I have to say that the Cosmic Tribunal has come to the front of you, let's see how they do it? Not every world needs to be conquered. Sometimes we just You need to use your brain, and the world's resources will serve you."

Li Youran's words seemed to wake them up, and finally someone said: "You mean the subspace trading field, but we don't need it. For trading, we can complete all this in the system, which is faster and safer."

"But that's just the means of the manor owner, isn't it! What about ordinary strong people? They don't have the manor owner system, and the trading market is the best choice. Everyone, if you didn't go to the trading market in the past, you didn't want to be taxed by the universe court. But what if the trading market doesn't collect taxes now? Think about it, you don't have much advantage over those ordinary powerhouses?"

"Our advantage?" Some manor owners were puzzled.

Others' eyes lit up, as if they had thought of something, but they just kept silent. Of course, Li Youran would not let them down, looking at their eyes full of curiosity and said: "Don't forget, your manor, inside Those unique properties, which are not available in other worlds, and those items with their own characteristics, you...that's right, you, what is your manor rich in, don't be shy, just tell me!"

Li Youran casually pointed to a manor owner and said that the manor owner was a bearded man. When he stood up, he found that his height seemed to be only about 1.3 meters, but his body was extremely muscular. At first glance, he knew that he was a man who didn't use his brain very much. people.

Sure enough, before he spoke, he scratched the back of his head and laughed twice, "Well, I fell asleep just now, can you say it again?"

The other manor owners with serious expressions were immediately laughed at by this idiot. This is a major event related to the future development of the manor owner. How dare you sleep on such an important occasion?What an embarrassment to the nobles of the universe.

After Li Youran smiled and repeated the previous words, the dwarf manor owner immediately said with a serious expression: "My manor can only grow some grains, but there are inexhaustible mines in it. I use these ores to refine various metals." , and then made into armor or weapons, in fact, it is quite popular in the system.”

The dwarf manor owner seemed to be seldom proud of his craft, but Li Youran's question left him speechless.

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation, then there is another question, how is your sales? Or can you afford or find what you need?" Li Youran asked again.

As a result, the dwarf's complacent expression collapsed in an instant, and he said in a very small voice: "The very small. If it weren't for the support of my own clan, maybe there would be no funding for research."

Seeing the ridicule in other people's eyes, the dwarf manor owner lost his temper. It's not his fault that the business is poor. It's obvious that those people are ignorant, but any sword he makes has the qualification to become a legend.

"Well, I can understand your anger. It's really not a happy thing if my good works are not appreciated by others. If I have a place where you can sell all your things, and don't ask you for a penny tax money, are you willing to go, where you can buy anything you want!" Li Youran said seriously.

"Anything?" Hearing Li Youran say this, he couldn't be careless.

"Of course!" At this time, what Li Youran thought of was his Infinity Gauntlet. He hadn't used it since he got it. He remembered that the Infinity Gauntlet had the ability to create things. As for the consumption, the power of trading would make up for it. everything.

"Of course I'm going!" the dwarf said without hesitation. If there is such a good thing, whoever doesn't go is a fool.

Some people are still hesitating, after all, worldly treasures and money are not what they are after, but Li Youran's light words immediately made others go crazy.

"I forgot to tell you, these powerhouses use gold coins of faith, a currency completely compressed by the power of faith, it is definitely a good thing to increase the power of faith, the impurity of the wish power inside has been removed, No side effects at all."

As soon as the idiom came down, the manor owners were shocked, and then expressed their willingness to join to Li Youran, the power of faith as a trading currency?Anyone who does not join is a fool.

(End of this chapter)

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