Plane Merchant

Chapter 974

Chapter 974
The angry Zhinao scared the Psionics, and then the work efficiency immediately increased by [-]%. When he returned to the Psionics and faced the Taoist in the protective shield, the Zhinao didn't taunt him unexpectedly, but he didn't. It doesn't mean that Taoists can't speak.

"Look at you, this is a failure! Of course you can't fight that woman with your brain, but she is a woman who almost became a saint. They are holding back, maybe she will succeed, even with the existence of the six reincarnations, she survived successfully, not only that, but also created the fighting nation of the Zerg, it is a bit difficult for you to fight."

It sounds like emotion, but in fact, it is said that Zhinao is not as good as the woman Houtu. The Zhinao who was already very angry suddenly became angry. With a thought, the needle tube in the shield invaded the Taoist's body again, and the energy was once again captured. Pulling it away, the Taoist immediately lost the strength to speak.

And after Duanlang left on the other side, Dao Fenghuang became his spokesperson in the dark star field, which is exactly what she wanted to seek refuge in Duanlang, becoming a human race and then blending into it, and finally gained control of the dark star field , and then slowly transfer the Zerg, transform the entire intelligent Zerg, let them all become another humanoid creature, only in this way can the Zerg survive forever.

She did a good job, at least as far as the queen of the intelligent Zerg is concerned, she was the first queen who successfully penetrated into the human body and achieved a high status, and she was also the only one. Everything was developing very well. She is also planning to use the Zerg gene in her hand to resuscitate the Zerg, and then open the space channel to lead her people to settle in the dark star field. Although it is very dangerous here, everything will be solved with her.

It's just that the arrival of the Zerg Mother disrupted all her deployments, and the other two also sensed the familiar coercion. It was the breath of the Mother Queen. The Zerg has descended. Unlike the intelligent Zerg, these are completely controlled by the Queen. The Zerg are uncivilized savages, full of violent factors in their bodies, and full of desire to kill.

"What should I do? You've sensed it too!" The big-headed worm found Dao Fenghuang and said, he was watching movies in his laboratory... to observe the ways and means of human survival and reproduction, but the familiar coercion in the sky told him, The Empress has arrived.

This frightened the big-headed worm. Others don't know what the empress means. He knows very well that every planet that the empress descends on will end in destruction. It seems that this person doesn't know how to develop together. There is a domineering arrogance.

"What are you panicking? It's still far away from us. I think it's that guy's fault. Terminator, you go and kill it!" Terminator is the new name of the muscle worm. Since watching Arnold's Terminator, the muscle worm has become conscious. To train myself to develop in this area, including tight leather jackets and wood-like faces, of course Gatling is indispensable.

"No problem!" Without talking too much, the Terminator in the movie doesn't talk much.

"I hope she didn't land on the central star, otherwise, it will be miserable!" The central star is the planet where the worm's nest is located, but Dao Fenghuang guessed right that the empress is not on the central star, she is following Dijiang When the breath comes, naturally he doesn't care about the life and death of Xiaoluo. It is a piece of cake for Di Jiang to cross the universe with his body. Traveling between planets is not difficult for him.

The dark star field is too dangerous. The worm nest is a fortress to watch him all the time. Although he wants to kill the worm nest, there are too many secret methods of the witch clan. He is in a hurry. What kind of mark, so Di Jiang who left in a hurry only wanted to find a safe place to recuperate.

And the Empress who came after him also followed his breath. She had to find Di Jiang. She, who once incarnated in the six realms of reincarnation and made her body disappear, had to find Di Jiang, and then use their flesh and blood to revive her body. , It feels bad to have only one heart left.

When the Zerg Terminator brought his Gatling to the central star, he found that there were indeed many Zergs. These Zergs were produced after hundreds of millions of years of development. Naturally, they were not produced by the Zerg Nest, but Not sure why there isn't a single intelligent Zerg.

With a relatively simple mind, he didn't think too much, anyway, he came here to destroy the insect nest that might reveal their existence.

Although it has a human appearance, once the Zerg's aura unfolds, the surrounding bugs will retreat immediately. This is the suppression of the low-level Zerg by the high-level Zerg, and it is also an effective means for them to control and kill the Zerg.

After coming to the worm nest and seeing the worm nest that was working hard to produce, the Terminator said to himself: "Guys, take a good rest, I don't need you here!"

After speaking, a high-explosive bomb was thrown in the past, and the insect nest, confused by the Zerg breath on his body, thought that someone was coming to feed it. How could it refuse the feeding of advanced Zerg, so it swallowed it without hesitation, although the taste It's kind of weird, kind of like a metallic taste, but it's not indigestible, it just takes longer, and the taste is not very good.

After dropping the high-explosive bomb and watching the worm nest devour it, he turned and left, took out the controller in his hand, and pressed the red button. There was no huge roar, nor hot light and shadow.

The insect nest only felt that its stomach pouch suddenly burned, and then the whole body began to swell continuously. The pain of tearing the body finally made the insect nest unbearable, but it couldn't cry out because it had no mouth.

When the body swelled to the limit and could no longer suppress the huge power generated by the high-explosive bomb, the whole body finally burst into blood and burst, and a torrential rain of flesh and blood fell near the laboratory.

The Terminator kept in mind the dogma that this man never looked back at the explosion, and left the scene indifferently and domineeringly. The high-explosive bomb contained not only explosives, but also genetic agents for killing Zerg. It really doesn't necessarily kill the nest.

When the Terminator left and led the Zerg army to chase after Dijiang but found nothing, the queen mother finally came to the central star. She wanted to check the memory of the bug nest, but what greeted her was blood and broken bugs all over the ground. nest.

Apparently someone had done something big to wipe out the last trace of her in her absence.

The face that emerged from the heart showed an emotion called anger. I couldn't help opening my mouth, and a sharp piercing scream appeared. All the bugs on the planet knelt on the ground. They knew that the Queen Mother was angry. .

(End of this chapter)

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