Plane Merchant

Chapter 982

Chapter 982
"Children, you need to know that space magic is a very sacred magic. It is the untold secret of the Time and Space God Sect. It is a great blessing for you to have the talent to practice, understand?"

"The king of gods came to the world. He saw the misery in the world and couldn't help shedding tears. He took pity on the world and built a castle in this wilderness. Children, the place where you are now is the place where the god of time and space descended into the world. The place where time is, the city that never sleeps is the name of that castle, you should be proud, for this castle, and for you to live here.

You must know that even the nobles of other countries dream of settling in the city that never sleeps. Unfortunately, the population has been restricted now. Unless you have special talents or extremely high talents, some of you have entered the city that never sleeps. Cherish the hard-won opportunities, work hard for the God King of Time and Space, and fight for your own glory. "A teacher wearing a time-space divine robe is teaching the introduction to space magic in the open space of the school. First of all, of course, it is brainwashing... It should be said that the introduction of space-time magic is here again.

"Understood, teacher!" All the children looked forward to it. They were thinking about what kind of blessing the God King of Time and Space has given them to have such a talent that can change their lives.

"Very good, then, let's learn the first magic of space magic. This is a basic spell called Dimensional Space, a very practical one... Your Royal Highness, what are you doing now!!!"

The teacher who was still teaching suddenly found a crack appeared beside him. This is a crack in space. If the person who controls this spell can't control it a little bit, he will be finished. Let's look at a little loli in the grove , Isn't this Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess? Why are you hiding? The big man next to you has completely exposed your identity.

"Hmph, boring! Hey, what's that?" Originally, he wanted to tease, but of course it was more to show off his superb spells, but he was discovered and was about to leave, but found a person appeared in the crack he opened.

"What an interesting person, he can survive in the cracks in space. Carl took him home with me." Carl naturally followed suit. Anyway, this person looks like an ordinary person. As for why he can appear from the cracks in space , and is still alive, there are so many wonders in the world, he can't think of so many things with his mind.

It is not uncommon to be played by the eldest princess. She is a demigod, famous for her talent, space magic at her fingertips, and extremely powerful. She can be called a reserve of Valkyrie. God knows how this little guy will grow in the future.

For the princess's playmate qualifications, several nobles have already fought, and even two countries have become mortal enemies for this. You must know that Chang Sui, who becomes the eldest princess, means having the opportunity to touch the greatness of the godhead. If you are lucky enough and the eldest princess rewards a godhead as soon as she is happy, then that person's family will basically ascend to heaven.

When the Taoist woke up, he found himself lying on a blanket made of velvet, and the soft mattress under him told him that he had escaped the control of the guy who had gone completely crazy, but... ··.

"Ah! How could this be? The power has disappeared! It seems that the price of incarnation outside the body is still too high, but fortunately it has come out, so I don't have to worry about the problem of cultivation." Sensing his weak body, the Taoist didn't care. To die in the turbulent flow of space is already extremely lucky, what more could one wish for.

At this moment, the door of the room opened, and a maid wearing a maid outfit came in with a basin of water. After seeing him wake up, the water in his hand was accidentally knocked over, and she shouted happily He said: "He's awake, come quickly and tell Her Royal Highness the eldest princess that the strange man she picked up has woken up."

The corner of Taoist's mouth twitched in the room, is it strange that he woke up?And what is picked up?You are going to pick one up and let me see, what else is a weirdo? Don’t you look weird?

As he said, he got out of bed, and the clothes on his body had been changed into another style. Obviously, someone changed it for him, which made him very unhappy. Also unacceptable.

But looking at the slender mirror in front of him, he observed himself carefully, and then sighed: "This crystal mirror is so clear, it's just that the owner of this house is really extravagant, and he used such a large piece of natural crystal to grind it into a mirror for use." , Violently dispatch the heavenly objects, violently dispatch the heavenly objects."

Obviously, with no cultivation, he didn't realize that this was not a crystal mirror. After a while, a lot of people came. Come to be responsible for dressing up the other party, so as not to frighten the eldest princess.

The other people came to investigate the danger. Naturally, there would be no danger in the castle, but the guy who was saved by Her Royal Highness was the biggest risk factor, so they actually came to guard against him.

"Hey, you guys... um..." Before he could finish speaking, the servants interrupted his mouth with a towel to prevent him from making a sound. His whole body was groomed from top to bottom.

"I heard that the person I rescued has woken up, how is it okay!" Before the princess came in, the voice came first, so the servants immediately sped up their movements, and finished cleaning up the Taoist with almost brutal movements. Work.

"Go back to Your Highness, the princess, people have woken up, and now the cleaning has been completed, please review." A steward said, and then made a gesture of invitation, and the princess entered it.

"Okay, you all go out first!" The eldest princess waved after entering.

"His Royal Highness, this... this is not good, what if this person is in danger." The butler was in a dilemma. He had to listen to Her Royal Highness's words, but safety also had to be considered, so no one dared to agree for a while.

"Is there any danger? I'm afraid? You are here and I really feel in the way. Get out quickly." The princess said with disdain, and some people lowered their heads in shame. They are the guards of the princess. , To a certain extent, Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess does not need guards, but Elena is worried, and the little guy who is afraid that his mother will be angry almost reluctantly brings guards.

"Who are you, why did you survive the turbulence in space, and how did you end up in my house?" the eldest princess asked, blinking her cute big eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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