Plane Merchant

Chapter 993

Chapter 993

"Noble? Do you think you are the same as those bugs?" Duanlang said with a contemptuous smile. He has been in the rivers and lakes for many years, and Duanlang is familiar with it. In the eyes of powerful people, they are not people from the same world as ordinary people. Smart Zerg He was not at the same level as the Zerg race in terms of appearance or intelligence. He didn't believe that someone would be willing to think that a group of beasts who only knew how to kill were his own race when their intelligence was too much.

Although the face of the person in front of him is well controlled, Duanlang can still see a trace of displeasure on his face, as long as he feels it, it's fine, and Duanlang doesn't talk too much. If he talks too much, others will understand. Sometimes a seed is the most deadly.

Duanlang has always relied on his brain for food, strength is only his means of assistance, even if he is caught by someone's weakness, he will look for the opponent's loophole at any time and place, and once he has the opportunity, he will send out his own deadly attack. one strike.

"Don't say such meaningless words, the empress is waiting for you inside, go in by yourself!" I don't know if it was because of Duanlang and what he said, the wise Zerg hurriedly left after showing him the way. Duanlang smiled indifferently, arranged his clothes and entered the tallest building in the city.

It’s a strange feeling. These Zergs are basically not too big. Occasionally there are huge Zergs but they don’t need such a large building. What a waste of material and energy to build such a building.

It is simply a house for giants!Duanlang feels that the building he entered is like an ant entering a human room. It feels like he can’t see the side at a glance. Of course, not being able to see the side doesn’t mean he can’t see the huge heart. It’s hard to imagine this What creature has such a huge heart.

"Sure enough, if you keep your word, you dare to come alone. Should I say you are brave, or should I say you are stupid!" A female voice came out from the heart in the center of the building.

"Stop talking nonsense, it's easy to kill Fenghuang and me with your strength. Since you have asked me to come here, you have to ask, tell me, what conditions do you have before you are willing to let Fenghuang go!" The existence that killed him didn't care.

"You are very smart, but I... hate smart people." A woman's face appeared in his heart, his eyes fixed on Duanlang, and after saying this, Duanlang felt that he was being suppressed by a mountain , the dragon god transformed into use without hesitation, but even with the strength of the dragon body, it couldn't stop the increasing pressure.

Looking at Duanlang who was half kneeling on the ground vomiting blood, the face on his heart seemed to lose his anger, and he finally closed his eyes. The pressure was gone so that Duanlang had no time to react, and almost fell to the ground directly. The body also collapsed in bursts.

He didn't realize how lucky he was until now. If it wasn't for the God of Radiance, the Mechanic Emperor, and the Fire Lin Sword to share the firepower for him, he might have died that day.

As soon as he thought about the Fire Lin Sword, he saw the fiery red long sword flying out from behind Duanlang, surrounding Duanlang like a young animal with its teeth and claws guarding its parents.

"It's this guy with the blood of the demon clan again, anyway, if it weren't for the sake of your usefulness, you would all have to die today!" The appearance of the Fire Lin Sword still made her a little cautious, and her own strength had not recovered. With only one heart, the power of the Zerg might not be able to stop the two from joining forces. If she hadn't held the sword Phoenix in her hand, she might not have dared to do so.

"Speaking and talking, it's just asking for something from me, so tell me what's the matter!" Duan Lang said after wiping off the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Forget it, I won't argue with you, anyway, you just have to do what I say, whatever you say, I want you to help me find someone!" Although the empress was secretly annoyed by Duanlang's attitude, Being held hostage by herself is still so arrogant, but as Duanlang said, she really has something to ask for. If someone's neck is hardened and their heart is bent and they disagree, when will she find Di Jiang?

"Yes, return the Phoenix to me first!" Duanlang agreed without hesitation, but the conditions he proposed would naturally not be agreed.

"It's impossible. I won't give her to you until I see the clue or the person I'm looking for. Don't worry, she's my child anyway. I won't harm her. Of course, if If you make any small moves, I don't think she will have a good time."

The empress's body is obvious, Duanlang needs to find Dijiang's whereabouts, or bring someone in exchange, otherwise, she will not give Daofenghuang to Duanlang.

"If you don't believe me, how can I trust you! I'm afraid we won't be able to reach an agreement!" Duan Lang said calmly, now is the time to negotiate terms, so naturally we can't act emotionally.

"You have no choice, either do what I say, or we talk about Beng, I will kill her and you, let you make a couple underground... Oh no, I'm afraid you won't be able to reach the underground, let alone now Without the underground, even if there is any place, I will take care of it, hahahaha!"

The empress laughed heartily. This kind of feeling of using her own advantages to suppress others and make others feel aggrieved but unable to fight back is really refreshing. Isn't she like this back then, otherwise how could there be only one person left? heart.

Looking at the sword phoenix suspended in the sky by the empress, she was already unconscious at this time, and the wounds all over her body proved what kind of abuse she had suffered. Duanlang wished to stab the empress to death, but this Obviously impossible.

"Okay, I promise you, but you must take good care of her, and you must not abuse her. If you really do this, at worst, I will fight to the death and die here, and then you will wait for my lord's army to wipe out your Zerg Come on, believe me, you have seen my strength, my lord is only at the lowest level!"

Duanlang agreed, but still said very strongly that he would not be threatened too much. If the empress pushed him into a hurry, he would rather die than drag her into the water together, and she would not be able to survive if revenge was aroused. .

It seems to be thinking about something, but in fact, the empress is calling Dao Fenghuang's memory. According to what Dao Fenghuang understands, the giant of time and space gods appeared in the empress's mind. He Duanlang is not the lowest level character.

However, the huge power and profound background of the Time and Space God Sect also made the Empress a little hesitant. The most important thing for her now is to find Di Jiang, then get their ancestral witch body, and then go back to the Psychic Race to get it. Take Pangu's eye and Pangu's soul, and then he can condense Pangu's real body. At that time, all the time and space gods of the time and space gods will be turned into fly ash.

(End of this chapter)

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