Chapter 123
"Brother Fan, I got it. That guy has the habit of running in the morning every morning. We have stepped on it better, but that guy is very afraid of death. Every time he comes out, he is accompanied by more than a dozen bodyguards. It's so easy!" Liang Kun's subordinate Ah Qiang said, but just after he finished speaking, Liang Kun raised his hand and slapped him on the head.

"Damn! What are you talking about! Who is Brother Fan who cares about those dozens of bodyguards? Doesn't Brother Fan!" Liangkun said in a rather doggy manner.

"Hehe! That's right, tell me the location, and I'll settle it quickly, and I'll go back to sleep!" Qin Fan said indifferently.

"When Brother Fan is showing his might, how can the little brother not follow! Ah Qiang drives, let's guide Brother Fan!" Liang Kun said courteously.

The reason this guy treats Qin Fan like this is because someone made trouble when he went to the nightclub last night. Qin Fan tore off the arm of a bastard, and immediately calmed down all the people present. The young and Dangerous boys who were fighting with weapons came to a halt, and they were all frightened and dumbfounded on the spot. Since then, Liangkun's attitude towards Qin Fan has become more attentive.

Qin Fan doesn't care about Liang Kun's attitude towards him at all. Although Liang Kun is cruel and unreasonable in the original book, it seems that no one cares whether an ant is affectionate or not. For Qin Fan, Liang Kun It will not be much more lethal than an ant, even if this guy is calculating Qin Fan, it doesn't matter, the big deal is that he can just shoot him to death when he doesn't like it.

Sitting in the car, a few people soon came to the so-called fat dog's morning jogging place. On a small road in the middle of the mountain, they saw a group of more than a dozen people jogging, surrounded by people wearing sports shorts. The guy was followed by a dog.

"Damn it! That fat dog is really a fucking dog?" Liang Kun couldn't help cursing, seeing that there was a dog among the group of people in the distance.

"It's not Brother Kun! Fat Dog is that fat guy. I heard that the doctor told him that he had high blood pressure, so he was asked to run every morning. This old boy has persisted for more than a month!" A Qiang said, pointing to the group of people.

"Grass!" Rolling his eyes, Liang Kun looked disdainful.

"Okay! I'll go over and have a look, you guys are waiting for me here, soon!" Qin Fan opened the car door and jumped off, and then jogged like a few people walked over.

And the movement on Qin Fan's side has obviously attracted the attention of Fat Dog's group over there. While Qin Fan was running over there, the group of people also stopped, and a guy who looked like a bodyguard even took out a mobile phone. The phone is calling someone, but neither Qin Fan nor Liang Kun and others care about it. Even if the other party is about to call someone, they have already run back to Hong Kong when they arrived. After what happened last night For this matter, Liangkun still believed in Qin Fan's combat effectiveness, but just when several people thought that this matter was over, two trucks on the mountainside drove out from the mountain road one after the other and directly killed him. The roads on both sides were blocked, and then more than 100 people came out from the back of the mountain, all of them with guys, but they seemed to be in ambush a long time ago, but the sudden change made the car Liang Kun and the two of them were taken aback.

"Brother Fan! Come back quickly, there is an ambush!" It is true that Liang Kun is a treacherous person, but you must know that he will become the leader of Hong Xing in the future. If Liang Kun is really a sophomore, there will not be so many people Supporting him, regardless of whether it is true or false, when this is obviously a life-and-death moment, his first reaction is not to run away, but to call Qin Fan, which is enough to make Qin Fan look at him with admiration, but Qin Fan guesses that Liang Kun is also Seeing that the roads on both sides were blocked, he didn't have the confidence to escape alone, so he wanted to call himself a super thug.

Looking at the crowds gradually gathering on both sides, Qin Fan curled his lips and went directly to the railing on the side of the road, pinched the railing with both hands and pulled it hard, but Qin Fan tore off a small section of the railing, and then held the railing with one hand. Qin Fan, who was obviously distorted on the railing, did not retreat but rushed towards the team that looked like there were hundreds of people.

"I'm... so fierce?" Liang Kun and the two who were hiding in the car were dumbfounded. They had seen fierce ones. Hong Xing was already famous for being able to beat people hard. However, one person has more than 100 hits... let alone met, I have never heard of it.

Originally, the distance between the two sides was not too far. It took almost a few breaths for the first group of people to encounter Qin Fan. They were all gangsters, and they didn't know the art of war at all. When they met, they just said, cut!But soon the people behind discovered that not everyone in this world can chop!
I saw that Qin Fan rounded the two-meter-long railing like a humanoid meat grinder. Although the cast iron railing didn't have a cutting edge, it almost hit the bone when Qin Fan swung it up. The tendons were broken, it was almost a face-to-face meeting. Not only did none of the group of gangsters touch Qin Fan's body, on the contrary, the group of gangsters seemed to be all paper. Wherever Qin Fan passed, there was a lot of wailing, and there was no one. Those who can stand still, let alone slash Qin Fan with the weapons in their hands, they have never touched Qin Fan.

It may be because Qin Fan was only one person rushing over, so this group of gangsters were afraid that they would not be able to kill Qin Fan if they rushed too slowly. They were all standing very densely. When the time arrived, among the more than 100 people, six to seventy people had already fallen to the ground and could not afford to mourn. The rest of the people either ran slowly, or turned around and fled quickly when they saw the opportunity. Qin Fan did not chase after this. , Throwing the railing in his hand and killing a few, he ran straight to the fat dog and charged over.

It may be because things happened too fast and too shocking, Fat Dog stood not far from the beginning and did not even run away, but when he saw Qin Fan rushing towards him, he was already caught Qin Fan kicked and fell to the ground. As for his bodyguards, they dispersed in a hurry, jokingly killed more than 100 people and ran around. With this combat power, Second Master Guan is only so alive. There are bodyguards in front of the god of killing, if they don't run away, they will be really brave!

Liang Kun and the two sitting in the car were completely stupid at this time. The reason why Liang Kun made friends with Qin Fan like this and even did not hesitate to please each other was because he liked Qin Fan's skills. To put it bluntly, he wanted to use Qin Fan Fan, in his opinion, Qin Fan is a dog that can bite people. As long as he uses it well, he can help him kill the enemy, but at this moment he finds that Qin Fan is not a dog, not even a tiger. A lion, but a living tyrannosaurus rex, let this tyrannosaurus rex help him kill the enemy, and if he is not full, he might turn around and swallow himself. At this moment, Liangkun really I'm a little scared!

(End of this chapter)

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